Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 870 You Are So Bold
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Chapter 870 You Are So Bold

When Jude saw that Maximilian agreed to her, she was immediately happy in her heart. This was a

great thing for her.

“Great, then come with me, I'll show you the museum and look for clues together.” At this time, Jude

jumped up happily, without any shyness at all, pulled Maximilian's hand, and began to walk out.

It was only after Jude noticed the strange and teasing gazes of her colleagues that she understood

what was going on, and she subconsciously lowered her head and blushed instantly.

Maximilian smiled, did not care about others’ eyes, and boldly took Jude's hand and said with a smile,

“Let's go, I don't know the way.”

Jude rolled her eyes and thought that Maximilian's tracking skills were so good, how did he not know

the way? But it occurred to her that since things were so awkward, she might as well just keep on being


Everyone in the room was casting envious eyes, and if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they

wouldn't have believed it.

Many male colleagues pursued Jude and their hearts were broken. Jude was their dream goddess, but

now, their dream goddess held hands with another man, and they just can’t accept it.

Jude did not bother so much, for her, she never cared about anyone else.

Maximilian likewise, and at this time, a group of male colleagues suddenly stopped Maximilian. He

slightly stunned, looked up and said, “What’s up?”

Those male colleagues, in order to keep their goddess from being snatched away by Maximilian,

subconsciously concocted an excuse and said, “Did you coerce her?”

When Maximilian heard it, he was extremely speechless. If these people wanted to pick up a fight, they

could just say it. It’s really unnecessary to find such a childish excuse, “You can see that the two of us

are serious, right?” Maximilian asked. When Jude heard it, her face got even redder and she couldn't

help but pinch Maximilian.

Maximilian sucked back a breath of cold air because of pain. It was just a joke, why did she take it so


Those male colleagues were all envious of Maximilian in their hearts, especially after they heard that

Maximilian and Jude were getting serious about each other, and their envy instantly turned into


They all wondered that they were also good guys with rich families, why would Jude choose

Maximilian? It made them a little confused.

“Kid, I'm warning you, stay away from Jude right now, or don't blame us for being rude.” Those men

coldly threatened.

Many people had threatened Maximilian, but those who threatened him had no good end.

Weren’t they too confident in themselves to threaten him?

Maximilian said calmly, “What if I don't?”

His feelings for Jude were very subtle. Before he figured this out, he would hang out with Jude all the

time. These people's words were very harsh, and he could not bear it any longer of course.

The male colleagues' expressions changed and they directly started to attack Maximilian, trying to push

Maximilian away. When one of her male colleagues was ready to push Maximilian away, he froze,

because, at this moment, Maximilian didn’t move at all, like he was not affected by anything.

The male colleague froze on the spot, he looked at Maximilian with an odd face, and could not imagine

that Maximilian actually stood so steady. Just as he continued to push harder, Maximilian looked down

at him and with a slight shock, the male colleague had shaken away.

That male colleague was shocked at Maximilian's strength, and after he took a few steps back, he

didn't stand still and sat down directly on the ground, his buttocks were in extreme pain.

Many of the female colleagues saw this and couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker.

That male colleague was incomparably embarrassed and was not satisfied with this result at all. If it

were not for Maximilian, he would not have lost the opportunity to chase Jude.

After the other male colleagues saw their companions being pushed away, they were angered in their

hearts and subconsciously had to make a move against Maximilian.

“Stop.” And at this time, a young man's voice suddenly sounded.

Those male colleagues subconsciously turned their heads, and when they saw that it was the captain

who came, they hurriedly stopped. But it was because they all knew that the captain was the one who

pursued Jude most fiercely.

Now that the captain was here, it meant that Maximilian was finished. They all looked at Maximilian

with a pitying gaze, as if they saw Maximilian being beaten up badly.

“Let them go.”

“What? Captain, why?” Everyone was puzzled. Their captain liked Jude the most, why was he not

angry, and even letting them go?

They were all confused, and they naively thought that the captain would change his mind in the next


But until Maximilian and Jude walked away, they knew that the captain was not joking, they couldn’t

help but ask, “Captain, why did you let them go?”

“Do you think I'm willing to do that? That man is not someone I can mess with.”

After they heard the words, they all scratched their heads, not quite understanding what the captain

meant. They concluded that the captain must have seen Maximilian's capability and that was why he

had such a high opinion of Maximilian.

Maximilian and Jude took a cab to the museum, this museum was one of the first-class museums in Hnovelbin

City. There were many antique relics inside, and most of them were of great value.

No wonder this museum had tens of millions of business cards. With the configuration of the museum,

famous paintings worth a hundred million dollars can be put here without a problem.

At this time, the museum curator saw Jude. He hurriedly trotted over and curiously asked, “Hello officer,

did you get the famous painting back?”

Jude shook her head, that museum curator’s smile then suddenly disappeared, and coldly said, “You

can't be kidding me, right? Do you know how important that famous painting is to my museum? And

you actually said you didn't get it back?”

Jude said with a frown, “I know it is very important, but don't worry, within a few days, I will find it.”

That museum curator snorted coldly, “They say that the police are the most reliable, but it turns out to

be not true. The museum mainly relies on that one famous painting to make a profit, and if that one

famous painting is not recovered, the museum will lose many visitors.”

Jude did not answer, just thought the curator was a little too unreasonable.

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