Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 869 Challenge
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Chapter 869 Challenge

Cassius was shocked when he said hello to Maximilian, and thought to himself, “Why is Mr. Lee here?

Could it be that this matter is also related to Mr. Lee?”

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. If this had something to do with Mr. Lee,

then it's a big problem. He was speechless at the moment. This world was too small. Was everyone

blind? To mess with Mr. Lee?

Coincidentally, West also happened to see Cassius, and he naively thought that Cassius was greeting

him. He couldn't help but be overjoyed in his heart.

He knew that Boss Davies would not give up on him, and he hurriedly ran over. He was not really Boss

Davies's right-hand man yet, he was still in the observation period.

As for Cassius, West naturally had to him, not to mention that he had stayed with Boss Davies for a

very long time, so he was sort of a patriarch. In all aspects, West had no position to be on a par with


“Cassius, why are you here? I knew that Boss Davies would not give up on me.” West ran past with a

smile on his face, still complacent in his heart.

When Cassius heard this, he glanced at West with an odd look, completely unable to understand

where West’s courage came from to say such words.

Cassius laughed lightly, “You think too highly of yourself.”

Before he saw Mr. Lee, he was indeed willing to give this favor, but when he saw Mr. Lee, he then

concluded that things must have connected with Mr. Lee.

Messing with Mr. Lee was like messing with Boss Davies. Cassius had thought about it that he would

teach West a lesson no matter what.

West was completely baffled after heard that, saying with a puzzled face, “Cassius, I don't quite

understand what you mean.”

Cassius said without expression, “Enough, stop talking nonsense! Whoever you provoked, go

immediately to apologize to him.”

“Cassius, you’re not joking with me, aren’t you? I’m the right-hand man of Boss Davies, I’m on behalf of

Boss Davies. If I apologize to him, Boss Davies will look down on me.”

West naively thought that Cassius was joking with him, he didn’t expect that Cassius was not joking

with him, but was serious.novelbin

Cassius coldly looked at West, and said angrily, “Don’t play shit with me. I know you, just apologize


West was also stunned by Cassius's sudden loud voice, and he could see that Cassius was not simply

scaring him. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Maximilian, confused about why Cassius

wanted him to apologize to Maximilian.

But now, he had to apologize. He finally said to Maximilian, “Mr. Lee, I’m sorry.”

Maximilian nodded and said to Cassius, “I never thought I'd see you again.”

“Again?” West was more curious. From the way Maximilian spoke to Cassius, it seemed that Cassius

and Maximilian had a very good relationship.

West then realized that he was making a wise choice to apologize to Maximilian.

Cassius then turned his head to look at West and said, “Mr. Lee is a friend of Boss Davies. You should

be flattered to apologize to him.”

“Oh, Cassius, you should tell me earlier.” West was shocked on the spot when he heard it. He was

stunned for a few seconds before he slapped his head, and was completely convinced in the end.

Maximilian had such a good relationship with Boss Davies, how dare he disobey? If Cassius hadn't told

him, he would have thought that Maximilian and Cassius were simply friends and that Cassius was just

taking it out for Maximilian.

In the end, he realized that he had underestimated Maximilian's background.

West took a deep breath and suddenly felt that Maximilian was incomparably scary. Maximilian's power

scared him, it would be strange if he was not afraid of Maximilian.

Maximilian said indifferently to West, “Stop it, am I not clear enough what you have in mind?”

West didn’t get angry, but giggled, “Mr. Lee, you’re right.”

After the big guy who was grabbed by Maximilian saw this scene, his whole person was dumbfounded.

He thought that his cousin could save him with the help of Boss Davies's power, but how could he

know that Maximilian's background was actually much bigger than his cousin's?

When he looked at Maximilian, he instantly admired Maximilian in his heart. Maximilian's strength was

far above him and was simply not something that ordinary people could compare to.

The big guy began to feel desperate, even if he regretted it in his heart, it was useless, because he was

targeted by Maximilian since the beginning.

West turned around and said to the big guy with a stern face, “You actually get complacent and did so

many bad things, and now you also provoked Mr. Lee, you led yourself to this.”

The big guy could not help but complain in his heart, “I am not a good guy, are you?”

Maximilian thought Jude should be worried about him, so he did not stay long. He then led the big guy

directly to the hotel to find Jude. But when he pushed open the door, Jude was not inside.

But the lunch box was empty, so he was relieved. Perhaps Jude had finished eating and left.

He subconsciously gave Jude a call, and Jude sounded very happy on the phone. She hurriedly urged

Claud to bring the big guy over.

Claud did not have any hesitation, decisively took the big guy to the police station. The big guy was

now desperate. Maximilian was so powerful, he can’t fight him nor run away, but can only be tied up.

Jude’s face became gloomy instantly as soon as she saw the big guy. She then punched the big guy

on his lower abdomen, the big guy then let out a wail of pain but did not dare to raise his head to look

directly at Jude.

After the big guy was imprisoned, she then gratefully glanced at Maximilian, said, “Thank you for

bringing him here.”

Maximilian waved his hand and said, “Ah, it’s nothing.”

After hearing this, Jude glanced at Maximilian gratefully. She knew Maximilian would bring the big guy

back, she just didn't expect Maximilian to bring him back so quickly.

Maximilian then asked with a smile, “Is there anything else I can do now?”

“It just so happens that there is another one, a theft case. Someone stole the museum's famous

painting, which is worth millions of dollars, and there is still no clue, would you like to join in?” Jude said


After all, Maximilian was not a member of the police department, and this matter was not his obligation,

so she must be sincere, and can’t force him at all.

Maximilian thought that he also had nothing to do, plus this case was so challenging, so he

immediately agreed to do so.

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