Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 868 Crisis Sense
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Chapter 868 Crisis Sense

West now began to be afraid, Maximilian was so strong, giving him a sense of crisis. He wondered if he

was wrong and should leave the matter alone in the first place.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it in his heart. But Maximilian beat up his men, if

he sat back and did nothing, how can he be their leader in the future?

And he was the future right-hand man of Boss Davies, if he was such a coward, Boss Davies would

probably think that he humiliated Boss Davies’s name.

After thinking about it, he decided that no matter what, he couldn't lose. It was about his reputation in

the circle.

If he were to be polite to Maximilian now, Boss Davies would not only reprimand him but would be

happy to let Maximilian be the direct replacement for Houghton.

In less than a moment, West's men were all beaten to the ground by Maximilian, barely even able to

fight back.

West's men kept wailing. After hearing the wailing of his men, he was in a bad mood.

“Kid, you better kneel and kowtow to me immediately, so I will spare your life, or I will teach you a good

lesson.” West threatened.

Maximilian scratched his ear as if he did not hear anything, “I don't quite understand what you mean.”

West was immediately angry to the extreme. How could he not get it that Maximilian was mocking him?

So he said coldly, “Fair enough, you should know that I am the future right-hand man of Boss Davies.”

“Future right-hand man, not yet.” Maximilian mocked.novelbin

West could not help but be annoyed. He was the future right-hand man of Boss Davies, and also got a

certain reputation in H City, but Maximilian actually provoked him, what an idiot? It was clear that

Maximilian did not put him in the eye.

“Boss, you have to avenge us, you can't let him get away from this.” Those who were beaten down by

Maximilian complained to West, hoping that West could take revenge for them.

On the contrary, they preferred to see the scene of Maximilian being beaten to death, and once

Maximilian was beaten to death, their grievances of being beaten would be much lessened.

West laughed coldly, “Shut up, I will avenge you guys.”

West's men got excited. They knew their boss was going to get angry, and they knew how powerful

their boss was.

It looked like their boss was going to stand up for them, and they can't help but look forward to it as if

they saw the way Maximilian was beaten to death.

West took off his tie while warming up for a while, smiled, and said, “I was able to become one of Boss

Davies's men, not by my mouth, but by my real skills.”

“Then show me your real kung fu!” Maximilian slowly said.

When West heard this, he almost exploded with anger. Maximilian was so arrogant even though he's

on the verge of death. His eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he punched out decisively.

He had studied Sanda for a few years before, and then hang out in the streets. He had developed a

ruthless stance.

His strikes were dominant and ruthless, even if he didn’t hit anyone, it's enough to scare others.

Those men who got bruised immediately clapped their hands and bragged, “Go boss, cripple this son

of a bitch!”

After West heard his men cheering for him, his face emerged with a touch of smugness. In his opinion,

there was no difference between Maximilian and a dead man.

Maximilian was stunned for a moment but also understood that West's kung fu was not simple. He can't

help but secretly praise. West was worthy of being Connor's right-hand man, he really got something.

West stroke more ruthlessly than once, almost making it impossible to dodge. Maximilian did not dodge

again but chose to fight him head on.

West and Maximilian's fists clashed together at the same time when the air erupted in a wave of air,

and someone's wrist suddenly resounded with the sound of cracking bones.

Everyone on site subconsciously concluded that Maximilian's arm must be broken. They were

incredibly confident in West because once they saw West break a brick with just one punch.

In terms of the fist, West's fist was stronger than Maximilian's.

But then they were shocked. Maximilian had no other expression, while their boss was desperately

clutching his arm, looked very painful.

West clenched his teeth in pain and almost did not hold back his shout. He looked at Maximilian and

did not expect Maximilian’s strength to be so strong.

When he looked at Maximilian, there was no contempt in his eyes, but instead horror.

He was incomparably fearful of Maximilian as if he had seen the devil.

Those men were still very loyal, subconsciously ran to West and asked him in concern, “Boss, are you

all right?”

When West heard this, he cursed in no good way, “Did I look like okay to you?”

He almost exploded with anger. How could these idiots still ask such idiotic questions at this time?

The men were stunned for a few seconds before they realized they had said something wrong, and

they hastily apologized, “Boss, it’s all our fault.”

“Fuck off, don't give me any more nonsense here.” West gave them an angry look, while he looked

Maximilian up and down. He was extremely upset because he felt he was humiliated, and determined

to teach Maximilian a lesson.

“It seems that if I do not show some real skills, you still think I am joking.” It was at this time that West

decided to ask Boss Davies for help.

When Connor received the call, he laughed coldly, “As my right-hand man, you can't even handle one

person? Then why the hell should I keep you?”

After hearing Connor's rebuke, cold sweat oozed from West’s forehead. He thought he was screwed

this time and lost his position.

After hanging up the phone, Connor turned his head to look at Cassius, who was standing behind him

and said, “He is useless, so I’m gonna leave this matter to you. I trust you.”

When Cassius heard this, he immediately nodded and began to set off towards the destination.

“You’re so screwed. Boss Davies will send someone to beat you up.” West thought he couldn’t say

anything about this, but he still could bluff.

Maximilian waited for some time and was ready to get up and leave when Cassius happened to say

hello to him.

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