Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 789 Don’t Lecture Me
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Chapter 789 Don't Lecture Me

"What's going on?" Everyone was confused and had no idea what Maximilian was going for.

"He definitely rented it. It won't take more than a few thousand yuan," Sinclair stressed again.

Other people's lips twitched. A few thousand yuan was still too much just for renting a car in order to

show off.

Maximilian was ready to go as soon as Carmen told him the location of this hospital.

"What is he doing? Is he really driving the car away?" Sinclair and others exclaimed in shock.

Sinclair walked up to the car salesman and tried to bribe him. "Did he rent this car from you?"

"No." The man took the bribe and told him the truth.

Sinclair frowned and said, "Tell me the truth, you've taken my bribe."

"I'm telling the truth, this car has been registered with his personal information and has his name on it,"

the man answered impatiently.

He thought there must be something wrong with this guy's brain, or he wouldn't be asking such a dumb


Everyone gasped. The waitress might be an actor hired by Maximilian, but this one seemed too

concrete to be fake.

When Serena saw that luxurious car, she was sure that Maximilian was richer than Sinclair, so she

immediately left Sinclair and walked over to Maximilian's car.

"Maximilian, can I take a ride?" Serena asked coquettishly.

"All the seats have been taken." Maximilian stopped him calmly.

Carmen seemed a bit shy. He said, "I'm leaving now."

He felt that he had been getting in the middle of the two, so he decided to unfasten his seat belt.

Serena was delighted and thought she finally had a chance to get to know Maximilian.

Maximilian stopped Carmen and said to Serena, "You're too vain. I would never want a woman like you

in my car. Now get out of my way and don't touch my car."

Everyone was surprised. The guy just rejected Serena, a woman they thought no man would reject.

Carmen respected Maximilian even more because of what he just said. The man was so decisive.

Those words sounded so domineering when coming out of his mouth.

Many people hated Serena for she was always so vain. When they saw she was rejected by

Maximilian, they burst into laughter.

Serena put on a disappointed and ugly face. Being refused was not something that she was used to.

She felt as if she had been stricken by thunder and couldn't recover for a long time.

Serena looked at Maximilian's car leaving and seemed so reluctant to give up. She regretted it so

much. If she had known that Maximilian was so rich, she would try everything she could to get close to


But she still had a chance, she hurriedly ran to Sinclair and said, "sweetie, you're the best."

Ever since Serena ran over to hook up with Sinclair, Sinclair had looked gloomy. He felt Serena was

cheating on him.

He looked cold and stared at Serena coldly

"Please don't be mad at me, Sinclair. I was going to get in his car and humiliated him." Serena

answered. She was trying to argue for herself, so she made an excuse even if everybody had seen

what she do.

Sinclair naturally wouldn't believe it. He looked at her in a disgusted face, and then he slapped her in

the face, "Get lost. I can have another woman like you in a minute! Other people can have you

whenever they want!"

After he said that, other people suddenly seemed interested. They had coveted this good-shaped

woman for long. She might be a toy, but at least one of that prettiest one for them.

Serena got up with remorse and blamed herself for her stupidity. She had lost the chance to get close

to Sinclair and Maximilian.

Carmen sat in the car and touched the interior of the Bugatti Veyron out of curiosity.

"Did you rent this? It must be expensive," Carmen couldn't help asking.

Maximilian laughed, "Take a guess."

Carmen said with a wry smile, "You don't have to pay that much for this. It's a waste. Just ignore what

they say."

Maximilian smiled and decided not to tell Camen about who he really was at this moment. He still

wanted to keep that normal friendship with him, and he was afraid Carmen would be concerned if he

knew the truth.

Carmen hurriedly walked to the counter to pay the medical bills as soon as Maximilian drove him to the


"Are you with patient No. 74? We've already moved her out of the ward," the nurse said slowly and


"What? I thought you said you wouldn't do that as long as I pay the bills before 8 a.m., why did you

move her out so early?" Carmen asked in anger. He was so upset when he heard that.novelbin

"You haven't paid for the bills for so long, and you've been occupying the ward. We have every reason

to move her out," the nurse replied. She was startled by his fierce tone at first, but her answer

remained cold.

Carmen was far from being convinced by the answer. He continued, "I need to speak to your

supervisor. You have forced a patient out of the hospital."

Just by then, a man in a white coat walked out and snorted, "Who's making that noise?"

The nurse explained hurriedly, "Director, he was yelling because No. 74 patient has been moved out."

The director immediately understood it. He coughed and said, "We've already cleared the ward. You

know how small the hospital is compared to the large number of patients."

"My mother is seriously ill, we can't wait any longer," Carmen was very worried. It hadn't been easy for

him to get that much money. He never knew the hospital would move his mother out of the ward.

The director couldn't care less. He said, "We've already given the ward to somebody else. There's

nothing I can do about it."

A well-dressed young man smiled and shook hands with the director. He said, "Sir, thank you for

making room for us. My son's recovering from cold."

Carmen heard their conversation. He could tell the two knew each other, and the director privately gave

the room to him. What made Carmen angrier was that the man's son was in the ward just because of a

cold. His mother was seriously ill and was moved out of the room. That was ridiculous.

"Sir, did you hear me? My mother is seriously ill and what his son had was just a cold, you should know

what the priority is."

"Are you lecturing me?" the doctor gave Carmen a cold look and said.

The doctor had already taken the bribe from the child's father. If he moved the child out of the ward

now, he would have to return the money, or what was even worse, he might make the rich young father


The rich young man sneered, "Look at you. I don't think you can't afford that treatment even if you have

the ward. Why don't you give up?"

"You know nothing! I've already had the money."

"Well, anyway, the ward has been taken. You should either transfer to another hospital or wait for

another available ward." the director was very partial. He had obviously chosen the rich young guy's


The rich young man grinned a show-off smile without any sympathy in it. His bribery was really worth it.

Seeing the indifferent answer of the two, Carmen clenched his fist and trembled with anger

Maximilian found this so hard to watch. This was pure bullying.

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