Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 788 Awesome
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Chapter 788 Awesome

Maximilian smiled. "That's not your concern. I'll figure it out."

"Maximilian, you're such a bragger. You can never buy a car with your and Carmen's money

combined," Sinclair mocked.

People burst into ridicule when they saw Maximilian walking to the concept car. They thought he

wanted to take a selfie and pretend it was his, too.

The next moment, they were so shocked that Maximilian touched the car.

The middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper standing next to the concept car was nervous

now. He drove the car here to deliver it to the buyer. Maximilian just touched it. Should anything thing

happened to the car, he didn't even know what to say to Mr. Kadir.

"What are you doing? How dare you touch it? A single scratch on it will bankrupt you!"

"I'm Maximilian," he raised his head and said.

The middle-aged man paused for a second. Then his anger was scared away. His face changed from

shocking to suprised. He realized he just scolded Mr. Kadir's VIP.

He was a little panicked and wanted to apologize.

"Don't say a word." Maximilian stopped him calmly.

The man quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Chandler had told him to hold more respect for

Maximilian than for himself. The man remembered it. Now he dared not to say a word.

"Stay away from Maximilian, everyone, or we may get involved in this if the owner of the car comes

over," Sinclair said and looked at Maximilian like a freak. He kept spreading conspiracy theories.

Carmen whispered, "I know you like this car, but we'll be in trouble if the owner sees us."

"Maximilian, you've got a lot of nerve. Do you know how much this concept car is? If the owner gets

back. He will kill you," Sinclair sneered.

Those who could afford a concept car were definitely no ordinary people. Even Sinclair wouldn't dare to

mess up with them. He was so surprised that Maximilian is so bold. He was touching the car again and


"Not bad," Maximilian nodded. He seemed to be satisfied with this car.

The car is black all over, like the ride of Batman. It looks domineering. It already had a plate, which

meant that it can be driven on the road immediately.

Just by then, Maximilian's telephone rang. It was from the car garage, saying that his car had been

fixed. Maximilian send the location to them and asked them to drive the car over.

Sinclair scoffed, "You're in no fear simply because you don't have anything to lose, do you?"

Everyone thought that Maximilian had something wrong with his brain. Touching a car like that might

lead to destructive consequences.

"Come in, Serena," Sinclair said as he opened the scissors door of the sports car and sneered,

"Maximilian, I can let you touch my car if you bark like my dog. How's that?"

While he was smug, Maximilian walked to the middle-aged man and held out his hand.

In everybody's shocking stare, the middle-aged man sincerely handed the car key to Maximilian. Then

Maximilian hopped in the car in front of everyone.

"Is it me or he just got the key to the car?"

"Why is he allowed in?"

"Maybe this car is here for a presentation. Everyone can have a try."

They realized that this could be a concept car for clients to try for free, or Maximilian would've already

been kicked out, give how poor he was.

Some of them wanted to have a try, too; however, the middle-aged man blocked their way.

Sinclair and the others were so confused. They wondered why Maximilian could get in, but they were

blocked outside.

"We'd like to have a try, too," Sinclair rubbed his hands and said.

The middle-aged man said coldly, "You think this is for everyone? No, only the owner can get in."

Sinclair looked extremely embarrassed. He thought the man was fooling them around, but later his face

drastically changed.

They looked at Maximilian, shocked. The man just said that only the owner could get in, and Maximilian

was already in their, which meant...

Maximilian was the owner of this concept car.

They almost dropped their jaw upon thinking about that. What happened before and tonight started to

flood back into their minds. They wondered if the poor guy, Maximilian, had really backed from the


"Please drive this car to my place and park it over here," Maximilian showed the man a map on his

phone. He didn't like the car because it was too showy, so he decided to park it in his garage first.

The middle-aged man was surprised, but then he did what he was told to do.

Seeing how obedient the man was to Maximilian, other people were more convinced that Maximilian

was the owner.

Sinclair still didn't think so. He was still trying to spread his conspiracy theory, "I think he rented this car

to show off. Maybe he had hire the man to act with him."

Other people paused and found what he said reasonable, although they knew Sinclair envied

Maximilian for the car, too. If this was really his car, why would he decide to take a cab instead of

driving home?

Sinclair curled his lips and said, "Maximilian, I thought you've really achieved something, but it seemednovelbin

you are still a loser as before. How much did you spend on renting the car and hiring that actor?"

Maximilian chose not to answer. Other people thought he was silent because Sinclair had stricken

exactly the right note.

"What is this for? I dare you to buy a new one!" Sinclair grinned a smile from ear to ear.

The onlookers kissed up to Sinclair and said, "Sinclair is always the winner. He had the actual power

and he does even have to pretend, unlike that guy in the car. He tried to pretend to be rich, but we can

all see him through easily and clearly."

Serena immediately cast a disdain look at Maximilian and said, "I'm so disappointed, Maximilian.

Obviously, you're no better than ordinary now, but you tried too hard to pretend to be."

"Sir, your car is coming," the manager of the garage ran over and waved to Maximilian.

Other people subconsciously looked over, and their eyes were attracted by the black Bugatti Veyron.

Sinclair gasped because this one is worth ten times more than his Ferraris. He looked around and

wondered which "sir" was so rich.

There weren't many Bugatti Veyron drivers in this city. Maybe it was less than 20. Sinclair was sure it

belonged to a big shot.

None of them had realized the potential relations between Maximilian and the car, they were still

looking for the "sir".

Maximilian walked over and took over the car key. Other people's jaw dropped when they saw that

same scene happened for the second time today.

Sinclair frowned and wondered what exactly Maximilian was doing. The car came in series, and it

would cost a fortune even if they were rented. He wondered why Maximilian wanted to do this.

"I'll go to the hospital with you to see your mom," Maximilian smiled and said.

As shocked as Carmen was, he recovered immediately when thinking that his mother was still in the

hospital. He moved to the copilot without thinking much.

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