Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1652: Encounter with Sudden Cardiac Arrest
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Chapter 1652: Encounter with Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Chapter 1652: Encounter with Sudden Cardiac Arrest

On the other side.

After hanging up Luther's phone call, Joyce began to deal with the affairs of QR Intelligent Design

Company. She had already arranged most of the work, and Luther had also sent some people to help

her, making the arrangement very efficient.

She still needed to get some special materials, so she planned to go out and purchase them herself.

At noon, she drove to the Semiconductor Material Exhibition Center and ordered some rare

professional items she needed, and then she drove to the city center.

In her memory, there was a pastry shop here with delicious cream puffs that weren't too sweet or

greasy, and she used to love them. She planned to buy two boxes to bring home for Anderson to eat.

Sure enough, the shop was still there, and it hadn't changed at all in four years. She packed the creamnovelbin

puffs and walked out the door.

Suddenly, a crowd of people one meter ahead caused a commotion.

Someone shouted, "Oh no, the old man has collapsed!"

Following everyone's gaze, Joyce saw an old man lying on the ground, with his eyes tightly closed and

his face turning purple. The old man was wearing a well-made, stiff suit, which was exquisite in

craftsmanship and obviously not an ordinary person.

The white temples reminded Joyce of her grandfather. When her grandfather left the world with regret,

she didn't even get a chance to recognize her own grandfather. It was always a regret.

Seeing the old man in front of her suddenly falling ill, Joyce separated from the crowd and walked


"Everyone, let me take a look. I can provide emergency treatment. You call for an ambulance right


As she spoke, she had already knelt down, one knee on the ground.

She patted the old man's shoulders and called out in his ear, "Grandpa, wake up, wake up."

However, there was no response.

She also touched the old man's carotid artery, and found that his pulse was barely detectable.

She became tense, it was a sudden cardiac arrest.

Without hesitation, she quickly began chest compressions, trying to revive the old man's heart.

Someone next to her asked, "How is it, can he be saved?"

Joyce replied while performing chest compressions, "In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, the best

chance of survival is within five minutes. If it is delayed, the brain will be damaged. If it persists for a

long time, it will lead to brain death, which is irreversible. Call for an ambulance quickly and ask them to

bring a defibrillator!"


The enthusiastic bystander quickly dialed the ambulance's number.

Fortunately, the incident happened in the city center, not far from the National Hospital. The ambulance

arrived in four minutes.

A paramedic got off the ambulance, holding a defibrillator in his hand.

Joyce gave way to the paramedic, who attached the electrodes to the old man's chest and prepared to

use the defibrillator.

Finally, the old man's heartbeat was restored.

Joyce was sweating profusely, she stood up and was about to leave.

But the paramedic asked, "Excuse me, can you come with us to the hospital? You seem very

professional in emergency treatment. The hospital is quite busy today, and I'm the only one here. I'm

afraid that if there is another emergency later, there won't be enough manpower. The hospital is very

close, and it won't take you more than half an hour."

Joyce thought about it. She wasn't busy today, and it was still early.

She agreed, "Okay."

The paramedic lifted the old man onto the ambulance, and the bystanders helped.

Joyce followed them onto the ambulance.

As the ambulance door closed, it took off with a roar.

Inside the ambulance, the paramedic put an oxygen mask on the old man and found his phone in his

pocket. He searched for the nearest contact and made a call.

After the call was connected, the paramedic asked, "Hello, are you a relative of the owner of this


"Oh, I see. He suddenly had a heart attack and is now being sent to the National Hospital in an

ambulance. Please come to the emergency department of the hospital."

"Don't worry, there was a kind-hearted bystander who did cardiopulmonary resuscitation for your

grandfather on the spot. She was very professional, and the golden rescue time is only 4-6 minutes.

Thanks to her, your grandfather survived until we arrived, and his life is not in danger now."

"She's still on the ambulance with us. She will go to the emergency room with us. Don't worry, your

grandfather is stable now."

After speaking, the paramedic hung up.

Joyce looked at the old man's slightly improved complexion and felt relieved. It turned out that the

person who answered the phone just now was the old man's grandson. Somehow, shewas reminded of

the old Heath.

Soon, the ambulance arrived at the National Hospital.

After getting off the ambulance, four or five doctors and nurses came out of the hospital and lifted the

old man onto the stretcher and took him into the emergency room.

Joyce watched as the old man received treatment and breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, a luxury car screeched to a sudden stop in front of the emergency entrance with a loud

"ga" sound.

This car seemed to be specially customized, and Joyce was knowledgeable about cars. She could tell

that it was made of special metal materials, had a paint job that was almost impossible to find on the

market, military-grade bulletproof glass, and extraordinary tires. Every detail exuded luxury and


She couldn't help but wonder, when did Khebury get such a character?

Just then, a man and a woman got out of the car.

The woman was driving and wearing a black professional suit with sunglasses and a Bluetooth headset

on her ears. She looked like a professional bodyguard.

Joyce was stunned for a moment, a female bodyguard?

The man's hair was curled and dyed a dazzling silver. He was wearing an expensive light gray suit and

a tie with blue diamonds. His tie clip was inlaid with blue diamonds and shone brightly in the sunlight.

His chin was sharp and his lips were thin like a blade.

Joyce didn't look at him for long. She walked into the emergency center, thinking of taking another look

at the old man before leaving.

The man approached the ambulance and politely asked, "I was the person who answered the phone

just now. Are you the one who made the call?"

The paramedic nodded, "Yes."

"Oh, can you tell me where the kind-hearted person who saved my grandfather is? I want to thank her

in person."

The paramedic pointed to Joyce's back and said, "It's her. She's very professional, and your

grandfather is lucky to have her. If she didn't know emergency treatment, by the time we arrived, the

golden rescue time would have passed, and not even the gods could have saved him."

The man looked at Joyce's graceful figure and asked, "A woman?"

"Yes. What's wrong with a woman? Can't a woman know emergency treatment? She's very skilled."

The paramedic said, "I'm sorry, I have to leave now to pick up the next patient. Your grandfather has

been taken inside. You can go see him."

After speaking, the paramedic quickly left.

As the ambulance drove away, the man stood in the sunlight and looked at Joyce's back, somewhat

curious about who she was.

He would definitely have to get to know her better.

At this moment, the female bodyguard who came with him walked up to his side.

"Your Highness, we should go inside now."

The man turned his head and instructed, "Be careful about how you address me outside. Don't call me

Your Highness, call me Young Master."

"Yes." The female bodyguard nodded.

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