Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1653: You’re Not a Local
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Chapter 1653: You're Not a Local

Chapter 1653: You're Not a Local

Joyce walked into the emergency room, where people were bustling back and forth.

She stood there for a moment and reached out to grab a doctor who was coming out of the emergency


She asked, "Excuse me, is the elderly man who was brought in stable?"

"How is my grandfather doing?" came a deep voice from behind almost at the same time.

Joyce was taken aback and instinctively turned her head.

The man who had just gotten out of the luxury car turned out to be the grandson of the old man. The

old man seemed either wealthy or influential, and the grandson was just as ostentatious.

It was the first time the man got a close look at Joyce's appearance; he had only seen her back before.

He was shocked by her beauty. Her eyes were like obsidian, with subtly arched eyebrows that gave her

a sharp and heroic look. The corners of her eyes and lips were also full of charm, combining all the

beautiful qualities in one person.

Not only was she beautiful, but she was also kind-hearted, helping a stranger in need.

The man took off his sunglasses, not hiding his amazed gaze.

Joyce glanced at him and was also slightly surprised when he took off his sunglasses. This man had

rare phoenix eyes, which were in perfect proportion to his handsome face. No wonder he dyed his hair

silver; it gave him a foxy charm.

In short, he was very attractive, the type that most women would flock to.

Having seen many handsome men, Joyce merely glanced at him without much interest.

At this moment, the doctor answered them, "He is no longer in danger. The rescue was timely. Wait for

about an hour, and he will wake up, then you can go in and see him."

Upon hearing that the old man was safe, Joyce turned to leave.

However, the man suddenly reached out an arm to stop her.

"Miss, wait. I heard from the paramedic that you saved my grandfather."

"It was just lending a hand," Joyce responded indifferently.

"How could that be? Sudden cardiac arrest only has a few minutes of rescue time. If it weren't for you,

my grandfather's life would have been in danger. I want to thank you properly." The man reached outnovelbin

his hand to Joyce.

"I'm Reuben Tanaka. May I know your name? Could you give me your phone number?" The man's lips

curved into a smile, his gaze captivating, as if emitting an electric charge. It was the first time he had

taken the initiative to ask a woman's name.

Little did he know that Joyce had no intention of giving him face.

She didn't shake hands and coldly refused, "I would save anyone. You don't need to thank me. You

don't need to know who I am because we won't meet again."

Reuben's face immediately fell, his pride shattered.

At that moment, the female bodyguard beside him couldn't help but speak in dissatisfaction, "How can

you talk to His... to the Young Master like this?"

"Yoshino, you shouldn't be unreasonable to someone who saved our lives," Reuben reprimanded.

"Yes," Grizela Yoshino respectfully nodded, her face full of respect.

Their actions and demeanor made Joyce look at them a few more times.

From their attire to their attitude, they were different from the people of Pascaylia. She had a feeling

that they were not from Pascaylia but from Rohomes. It was strange why there were always people

from Rohomes appearing in Pascaylia recently.

It was inevitable to suspect that something was happening or about to happen behind the scenes.

Reuben stopped Joyce again, "It's okay if you don't tell me your name, but I still have to thank you.

Saving a life is such a significant thing."

"If you're looking for repayment, then there was no need to save a life in the first place," Joyce replied

coolly, linking her arm and glancing at her watch. "I have to go now. Please don't block me. If you have

the time, you should pay more attention to your grandfather. The child who wants to support his parents

will not wait for them. Spend more time with the elderly."

Reuben smiled, "You've given me advice, and I will remember it. But the doctor just said that we have

to wait for about an hour before we can go in. I can't see my grandfather now. You don't want to tell me

your name, and you don't want to give me your phone number. You don't even accept my gratitude.

How can I feel at ease?"

He pointed outside the door, "At least let me invite you for a cup of coffee. This request isn't too much,


There was a TOSTA coffee shop next to the hospital.

Joyce raised an eyebrow, thought for a moment, and didn't refuse again.


They arrived at the coffee shop.

Reuben asked, "What kind of coffee do you drink?"

"Iced latte," Joyce replied as she sat down by the window.

"I'll have an iced Americano," Reuben said to Grizela.

"Yes, Young Master," Grizela turned and went to order the coffee.

Joyce glanced at Grizela's straight figure and then looked at Reuben's silver hair.

In a cool tone, she asked, "You're not locals, are you?"

Reuben was a little surprised, "Oh, is it that obvious?"

He was indeed from Rohomes, but he also had half Pascaylia blood. His mother was from Pascaylia,

so his grandfather was also in Pascaylia.

Joyce smiled without saying anything, but it wasn't obvious. She was just more sensitive.

"You have a keen observation," Reuben praised. "What do you do for a living?"

"Don't inquire about things that are none of your business," Joyce replied, her lips curling without


"Okay," Reuben shrugged, looking helpless.

At that moment, Grizela brought the coffee and placed it in front of them.

Joyce picked up her latte and inserted a straw into it. In front of Reuben, she drank it in one gulp.

Reuben was stunned by the speed.

Then she placed the empty cup on the table, stood up, and said, "Thank you for the coffee. I have

something to do and need to leave."

After speaking, she didn't look back, turned around, and left.

She left Reuben sitting there, shocked and unable to recover for a while.

She had given him face by coming out for a cup of coffee, but she had no intention of talking to him.

She drank the coffee in one gulp, not even leaving him any time. She simply walked away, leaving him

with no excuse to stop her. Her actions were truly decisive!

Grizela stomped her foot in anger, "Your Highness, she's so rude to treat you like this."

It should be noted that Reuben was the prince of Rohomes, the most likely successor to the next

emperor. From childhood to adulthood, he was admired by thousands of people. When had he ever

received such treatment or been given such a cold shoulder?

Reuben leaned on his chin, looking thoughtful as he watched Joyce's figure disappear into the


Interesting, it was truly fascinating.

He murmured to himself, "She must not be an ordinary person. Her temperament is outstanding.

Yoshino, go and find out who she is. I want to know her name, address, background, and all the

information related to her."

"Yes," Grizela respectfully nodded.

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