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Chapter 1651 Microorganisms

Chapter 1651 Microorganisms

Luther drove all the way to the secret laboratory located in the suburbs, a Biochemical Institute under

the jurisdiction of the R&S Group. It was publicly claimed to be a place for cultivating microorganisms,

such as beer yeast and the like. It's worth noting that the R&S Group controlled nearly 80% of the

national alcohol production and sales.

In reality, this laboratory had a special function. Some undisclosed special experiments were conducted

here in secret. This time, Luther invited the Donald team, and the insiders believed that his purpose

was to develop new alcoholic beverage products.

After arriving, Luther met with the team leaders, Orik Hubbard and Jocelyn Parsons. They were a

married couple, both highly knowledgeable geniuses engaged in research in the field of biomedicine


Orik smiled and approached, respectfully saying, "Mr. Warner, Dr. Jacobs has already briefed me on

your situation. Your blood reports and various examination reports show no signs of any problems. If

you don't mind, I would like to draw some blood from you for microbial cultivation to see what the issue

might be."

Luther nodded and pointed to the other astute and capable woman, asking, "Is this your wife, Mrs.


Jocelyn extended her hand and said, "Yes, that's me. Rest assured, we will do our best to fulfill Dr.

Jacobs' instructions. In a few days, Dr. Jacobs will also come personally. Mr. Warner, are your recent

symptoms still ongoing?"

Luther subconsciously touched his ear, "My ears have been inexplicably bleeding, it has happened

three times."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt heat in his ear. He quickly took out a napkin from his suit pocket and

plugged his ear. Indeed, after a moment, the napkin was soaked in fresh blood. Fortunately, the

bleeding wasn't too severe.

Orik and Jocelyn witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they exchanged a glance, shaking their

heads at each other.

"Mr. Warner, in all our years of work, we have never encountered such a situation. But based on

intuition, I feel it is related to some unknown microorganism," Orik said with a serious expression.

"Please come this way for blood extraction."

Luther nodded and followed Jocelyn into the laboratory. Before entering the sterile laboratory, they

needed to put on isolation suits and undergo thorough disinfection. Luther changed his clothes,

completed the disinfection process, and entered the laboratory.

Jocelyn inserted the needle into his elbow, and the thick blood flowed through the tube. "I'm sorry, Mr.

Warner. We may need as much blood as possible. We will collect as much of your blood as your body

can tolerate. Microorganisms have a wide distribution range, and it's not easy to capture them. We

have to search extensively to have a chance of finding them," Orik explained.

Luther took a deep breath. If too much blood was drawn, it would undoubtedly affect his complexion.

How could he hide it from Joyce? He pondered, considering coming up with a temporary business trip

excuse. He would find a place to rest for a couple of days until his vitality recovered before appearing in

front of her again.

After the blood draw, when Luther stood up, he felt a wave of dizziness. He shook his head, forcing

himself to regain his composure.

"How is it? Is it serious?" Jocelyn asked. "If you don't feel well, it's best to go to the hospital and get

some blood-enriching medication. Take a few more days to rest and pay attention to your diet."

Luther shook his head, "I'm fine."

Orik said, "Leave the rest to us. We will do our utmost to find the cause of your illness." In truth, even

though he said that, he didn't have much confidence. Searching for microorganisms in the bloodstream

was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Luther nodded slightly and then left the secret laboratory. Aaron had been waiting outside the whole

time. When he saw Luther come out with a pale face, he was puzzled. "Mr. Warner, what happened to

you? You were fine when you went in."

"Take me to the hotel to rest. Remember, don't tell anyone about what happened today, including

Joyce," Luther instructed. "Also, tell everyone that I'm going on a temporary business trip to

Clarenworth and will be back the day after tomorrow."

Aaron didn't understand, "Why can't Mrs. Warner know? Mr. Warner, between you and Mrs. Warner,

you've been through life and death, and your relationship has already improved, hasn't it?" Although it

was presumptuous to ask such a question, he couldn't help himself.

Luther supported his forehead. "I don't want to worry her. She's been through enough these years.

Don't worry, I'll figure out a solution."

Aaronnodded, "Understood, Mr. Warner."

He stepped on the gas and started the car, taking Luther to the hotel to rest. Along the way, Luther

received a call from Joyce. He pressed the answer button and joked, "You missed me as soon as I


On the other end of the phone, Joyce was perceptive. "What's wrong? Your voice sounds weak."

"How is that possible? You must have misheard," Luther cleared his throat and raised his voice. "I was

busy for a while and didn't have time to eat. I was just about to go eat. Is there something you need?"

"No, I just wanted to ask about our schedule for going to Mufron. I have some unexpected matters to

deal with here. I want to move Iris' grave back as soon as possible. Can we go to Mufron earlier?"

Joyce asked.

"Of course, the timing is up to you. When do you want to go?" Luther asked.

"The day after tomorrow, is that okay?" Joyce asked.

"That's fine. I'll arrange it and apply for a private plane route from the airline. We'll depart the day after

tomorrow. I've already taken care of all the other details, including the arrangements in Mufron. Should

we tell Andres about this? Take him with us?" Luther had been hesitating these past few days. He

couldn't hide Alisha's situation from Anderson any longer. Sooner or later, he would find out.

Now, Anderson should be able to accept this terrible news.

Joyce seemed to think for a moment and hesitated, "Okay, I'll talk to him tonight. We'll take him to


"I have to make a sudden trip to Clarenworth. I'll be back early the day after tomorrow, and then we can

leave together," Luther suddenly said.

"A business trip? Going to Clarenworth at this time?" Joyce was momentarily surprised, then said,

"Well, it's okay."

Luther spoke softly, "I'm sorry for the suddenness. It's an important matter that I have to deal with.

Don't worry, I've already prepared everything, so you don't need to worry about anything."novelbin

"Got it, go and take care of your business."

After that, Joyce hung up the phone.

Luther put away his phone and closed his eyes, resting in the car. Suddenly, as if he had thought of

something, he opened his eyes and instructed Aaron, "Contact Lin Feng now and have him come over.

I've had too much blood drawn. Ask him to prepare some blood-enriching potions for me. Also, make

sure my meals are nutritious. I need to recover my strength as soon as possible."

"Understood," Aaron responded.

He glanced at the rearview mirror, where Luther's face was pale, and his voice was much weaker than

usual. The worry in his heart grew, sensing that something was wrong.

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