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Chapter 1602 Never Forget

Chapter 1602 Never Forget

Radio and Television Station.

Because it was an emergency press conference, everyone was busy setting up the venue and


Joyce hurried over and saw Kane as soon as she went backstage.

In fact, she hadn't seen Kane for many days.

Kane immediately waved at her, "Sis, wow you're so cool and so beautiful. I got the good news early in

the morning before dawn and came here to help set up the press conference. In a moment, all

platforms across the country, online and offline, will broadcast live together."

Kane did not know the hardships she had gone through.

He thought everything was going smoothly, the merger of warlords solved the biggest hidden danger.

Not wanting Kane to worry, Joyce forced a smile, "Well, it's finally over."

"Yes, it's great, the days are finally peaceful. Oh, where's Mr. Warner? I don't see him." Kane lookednovelbin

around. Now he had sincerely accepted Luther as his brother-in-law. The latest model of drone was

handmade by him to Luther.

Joyce's lips twitched, "Thanks to your drone, it played an important role this time."

"Really? Then I'm so happy," Kane smiled brightly. "I won't say any more. I have to be busy setting up."

After saying that, Kane waved at Joyce, "See you later. Don't forget to have a celebration banquet and

be sure to invite me."

"Okay." Joyce nodded.

She walked into the lounge and saw her father Ralph and mother Cecelia in the room opposite. They

were already dressed in formal military uniforms and were leaning against the sofa with their eyes

closed for a short rest.

After commanding the entire battle all night to recover the lost ground, they must have been exhausted.

In order to maintain the best mental state at the press conference, they took a short rest.

Joyce did not disturb them.

She sat down on the sofa.

Soon, the sound of the opening door accompanied by exclamations came, "Joyce, I'm here!"

With such a sweet and lovely voice, who else could it be but Juanita?

Juanita flashed into the lounge, followed by a little figure, Anderson.

"Mommy!" Anderson called affectionately.

Joyce, who was a little drowsy, became spirited. She hurriedly stood up from the sofa and rushed

forward to hug Anderson in her arms, "Andres, Juanita, you came out of the safe house?"

"Yes. Karl said it was safe, so he sent us to the radio and television station. We'll watch your press

conference live later. How exciting! But he went back to work again." Juanita shook her head, "What a

broken safe house, like a birdcage, I was almost driven crazy! If I hadn't been released, I would have

wanted to bang into the wall!"

Joyce chuckled, "Don't talk nonsense. How long were you locked up? Can't stand it already?"

"Oh, you know I can't sit still. Fortunately, Andres was with me." Juanita smiled.

Joyce picked up Anderson and held him on the sofa.

After rescuing Andres, she did not hold him properly because she was in a hurry to save Justin. At this

moment, holding him in her arms, she felt at ease. Her flustered heart calmed down a little.

"Mommy, your heart is beating so fast. What's wrong with you?" Anderson was sensible and

considerate. He felt that something was wrong with Mommy.

Joyce shook her head, "I'm fine."

"Mommy, Uncle Gregory said Uncle Henderson is fine now. The bad guys have all been caught, and

there's no more danger. Why don't you look very happy?" Anderson asked sensitively.

"Who said that, little rascal, thinking nonsense all day. Mommy hasn't recovered yet, just a little tired."

Joyce stroked Anderson's head and kissed him on the forehead.

Juanita complained on the side, "Joyce, you gave birth to an old man, nagging all day long. In the safe

house, he kept muttering and worrying about this and that. I was almost annoyed to death by him. At

such a young age, caring so much."

Anderson rolled his eyes. Who complained about whom being noisy?

"Mommy, Uncle Gregory couldn't track the helicopter. Fair was taken away by them." Anderson said.

Joyce was stunned, "Andres, Mommy will find a way to save Fair. Don't worry too much. After things

are settled here, we'll look for her right away."

"No need to look for her." Anderson grimaced, "She was in cahoots with them from the start."

"Oh!" Joyce was startled, "In cahoots?"

Although she rescued Anderson, she hadn't had time to ask about his experience before and after

being kidnapped.

"Yes. It was she who took me out of the kindergarten gate, that's why we were kidnapped. Later we hid

in the firefighting room of the harbor garage. We ran to the top floor because of the smoke. It was also

because of the tracking device implanted in her body that the bad woman was able to find us. I was

almost thrown off the building by that bad woman."

"Bad woman?" Joyce didn't understand.

It seemed complicated. The person Anderson described seemed to be the third party force involved

that Karl had mentioned before. The other party turned out to be a woman? Who could she be? What

was her relationship with Otis?

I'm afraid it needs to be investigated carefully.

When Anderson finished speaking, he was still indignant.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. In the safe house, he recorded the whole

process in detail, how he met Fair, how he was kidnapped, how he escaped, and then met Fair again.

Although they experienced life and death together, Fair still betrayed him in the end. All these, together

with the photos of Fair he asked Uncle Gregory for, were uploaded to his exclusive cloud space.

He knew he was still young.

When he grew up, he would slowly forget. The best state was to leave a blurred memory.

That's why he wanted to record and save it.

Review it every year.

To remember the resentment and anger at this moment.

No matter how many years pass.

He would always firmly remember the fact that he was once deceived by Fair.

Never forget!

No matter where she was, if he met her again in the future, he would never let her off.

Thinking of this, his young face showed a ruthless expression for the first time. He could not tolerate

being deceived.

Anderson shook his head and looked around, "Where's Dad? Is he busy backstage? I haven't seen

Dad since I was kidnapped."

Joyce's heart skipped a beat.

Anderson was too smart to coax.

She could only explain the truth, "Your dad was injured and is now resting in the hospital. Don't worry,

he was stabbed in the abdomen, but the bleeding has stopped." She downplayed it.

Anderson was still frightened and distressed, "Dad was injured? Did he lose a lot of blood? When can I

go see him?"

Joyce coaxed, her voice restraining her panic, "Soon, after the press conference, I'll take you there."

In fact, she had no confidence.

If it really was a nerve-damaging or memory-losing drug.

When Luther woke up, if he didn't recognize her or his own son, what should she do?

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