Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1603 Should Apologize
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Chapter 1603 Should Apologize

Chapter 1603 Should Apologize

Anderson faintly felt Mommy's anxiety and wisely did not ask further questions.

He just said, "Okay, we'll go after the press conference."

Joyce nodded.

At this time, Ralph and Cecelia, who were resting in the room opposite, woke up and came to the

lounge where Joyce was.

Joyce quickly stood up, "Dad, Mom, you're here."

Ralph was already refreshed and energetic, "I heard Luther was injured. Is it serious?"

"Yes, although he lost a lot of blood, his life is not in danger." Joyce did not mention Luther's medication

for fear of worrying everyone too much. She planned to go to the hospital after the press conference,

tell Cecelia privately first and see if there were any countermeasures.

"That's good. I've been worried for a long time." Cecelia smiled, "Now that the mission has been

successfully completed, everyone must be tired."

When Ralph came in, his eyes had been on Anderson.

Anderson didn't speak until they finished talking, "Grandpa, Grandma, hello."

He popped his head out from behind Joyce, his little face beaming.

Ralph waved to him.

Anderson trotted over.

"Ouch, quite heavy, Grandpa can hardly carry you anymore." Ralph picked up Anderson, held him high

and spun around. Seeing the pendant hanging conspicuously around Anderson's neck, he praised, "As

expected of my grandson, the pendant I gave you came in handy, didn't it?"

Anderson nodded vigorously, "Grandpa, the Member of Silver Eagles saved my life. I have to thank


Ralph stroked Anderson's head, "After wiping out the warlords this time, the Silver Eagles will disband.

In the future, Grandpa will assign you a personal guard to protect you at all times, okay?"

Anderson waved his hand, "No need. Grandpa, I can protect myself."

"Hmm. Courageous! Spirited!" Ralph praised.

Cecelia held Anderson's little hand, somewhat excited, "Andres is finally back safely. I haven't been

able to sleep well these days worrying about you. Okay, peace is restored now, there will be no more


Seeing everyone reunited warmly, Joyce forced a smile of relief.

Although her heart was still anxious and unsettled, she did not show it.

At this time, guards came in and saluted to report.

"Marshal, Marshal's wife, and young marshal. The press conference will start in ten minutes. Please go

to the front desk."

Ralph put Anderson down and responded, "I see."

He patted Anderson's shoulder, "Andres, watch Grandpa down there. Let me ask you, what do you

think Grandpa should say at the press conference today?"

"You suggest first." Ralph pointed to the guard who came in to report.

The guard stood at attention respectfully, "The marshal will announce the victory over the purge

campaign. And give the people a vision of a better future."

"What do you think? What should I say at the press conference?" Ralph asked Anderson again.

Anderson thought for a while, "I think an apology is in order."

When he finished speaking, Ralph was stunned, apparently somewhat unexpected.

Cecelia's eyes were bright with curiosity, "Why apologize?"

Anderson said earnestly, "To apologize for the inconvenience and panic caused to the people in recent

days. Isn't that what should be said?"

Joyce hugged Anderson, a smile on her face. This kid really has his own ideas.

Ralph suddenly laughed loudly, "Good, very good. The student surpasses the master. At such a young

age, he can look at the issue from such a high level. Haha, Grandpa is not as good as you. Amazing,

boundless future."

The guard also looked at Anderson with admiration. He had never thought of it.

Ralph nodded, "Andres gave a very good suggestion. Grandpa will listen to you."

Anderson grinned broadly.

Next, Ralph and Cecelia went to the front desk of the press conference together and sat on the


The whispers below immediately became silent and solemn.

Then Joyce walked in.

She nodded to the media reporters below.

She was wearing a high-quality military uniform, with each button hollowed out in K gold, and the

shoulder straps on both sides were inlaid with seven-pointed stars made of pure gold, noble and

dazzling, piercing people's eyes.

With perfect features, a cold and arrogant temperament, calm yet restrained.

There were exclamations below.

Joyce took a seat next to Cecelia.

Then, at exactly 7 o'clock, the press conference officially began.

The morning news was broadcast simultaneously.

Ralph nodded to Cecelia and Joyce to stand up together.

First, Ralph expressed his apologies to the whole nation in front of the live camera. He reflected on the

inconvenience and panic caused to the people by the warlords.

Then they bowed 90 degrees to the camera and remained silent for a full minute.

After bowing in apology.

Ralph sat down and briefly talked about his deliberate house arrest in order to wipe out the warlords.

He said that the goal had been successfully achieved and that from now on, he would restore peace to

the people. For the first time at an official press conference, he proposed that with the change of the

presidency, the Heath family would return military power to assist the president in maintaining stability

as their duty.

Such actions.

Caused a sensation, and media outlets rushed to report simultaneously.

Soon, almost all social media exploded, and the comment section was flooded, almost all of which

were highly praised. Marshal Ralph was said to be open-minded and far-sighted. He swept away the

oppressive feeling that the warlords had brought to the people before, and the praise was


Joyce also made a very short speech.

The press conference was much more effective than they had imagined. Public opinion-wise, it couldnovelbin

be said to stand at the highest point.

After the end.

Joyce hurried to the backstage lounge, took off her military uniform and changed into casual clothes.

Cecelia saw that Joyce was emotionally unstable today. Although Joyce didn't say so, she could feel it.

She asked with concern, "What's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Are you going to the


Joyce replied, "Yes. I'm taking Andres over for a visit. I won't participate in the reporters' questions."

Cecelia understood and asked again, "Are you hiding something from me? Has something happened

to Luther?"

Joyce bit her lip, "Unclear now. Mom, the teams developing drugs within the warlords seem to have all

been killed by Otis. Do you have any other scientific researchers?"

Cecelia was startled, "No wonder I couldn't find them. One must see the living, the other must see the

dead. I must find a way to find out. As for other scientific researchers, there are none at the moment.

What's wrong? What do you need?"

Joyce frowned, "I can't explain it for now. I'll take Andres over first."

"Okay." Cecelia responded.

Joyce led Anderson out from backstage, "Andres, I'm taking you to see your dad."

Anderson said happily, "Okay."

On the other hand.


The anesthetic had worn off.

Luther slowly opened his eyes.

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