Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1601 The Breath Of Spring
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Chapter 1601 The Breath Of Spring

Chapter 1601 The Breath of Spring

Military Hospital.

Luther was rushed into the emergency room.

He had already fallen into a coma. Under the oxygen mask, his lips were pale.

Joyce accompanied him all the way to the operating room.

The aftermath and mopping up were all left to Chris.

Luther was stabbed in the abdomen and lost too much blood. Fortunately, his blood type was O, and

the blood bank had sufficient reserves.

The surgery was not difficult. Suturing the wound was enough. However, a total of 2000 milliliters of

blood were transfused to him. It is known that an adult human has a total of only 4800 milliliters of

blood, and basically half of the blood had flowed away.

If a person loses 2000 milliliters of blood acutely, it will cause shock. If it cannot be replenished in time,

it will lead to death.

When the doctor walked out of the emergency room, took off his mask, and nodded lightly to Joyce.

Joyce's hanging heart finally fell.

Before that, she felt that every cell in her body was suspended, and suddenly relaxed. She actually felt

weak all over her body and could hardly stand.

"Doctor, how is his condition?" She anxiously asked.

The doctor said solemnly, "Fortunately, he was sent in time, otherwise he would have died from

excessive blood loss. Now it's okay. He was stabbed in the abdomen without hurting the vital organs.

The wound has been sutured. The anesthetic has not passed yet and he is asleep. He needs to be

kept in the intensive care unit for observation. After stabilizing, he will be transferred to the VIP ward."

Joyce asked anxiously, "Apart from blood loss, are there any other abnormalities? Did you find any

abnormalities in his blood when you sent the blood test just now?"

The doctor expressed incomprehension, "What does the major general mean by asking this?"

Joyce struggled for a moment and decided to tell the truth, "He took unknown drugs before. I don't

know what effect it will have on him."

The doctor was a little puzzled, "Unknown drugs?"

"Yes. Specially made by the warlord, I don't know exactly what it is?"

The doctor shook his head, "There are currently no signs of poisoning. His cardiopulmonary function is

normal, and there is no liver damage. Renal function has also been tested and everything is normal. At

least I can't see any problems."

Joyce frowned. Was the medicine Otis gave Luther fake?

She shook her head and immediately denied this idea. Impossible. Otis was sinister, vicious and would

never bluff. The less problems could be found, the more terrible it was. Because I didn't know what it

was, let alone how to deal with it.

The doctor said again, "I will continue to pay attention. Please rest assured, major general."

"Okay." Joyce nodded hastily, her mind still in chaos.

At this time, a member of the Silver Eagles ran in from outside.

"What's the matter?" Joyce turned around and asked.

"Report to the major general, according to the instructions of the commanding general, please proceed

immediately to the official radio and television station. A press conference will be held at 7 o'clock in the

morning news. You must attend. The commanding general's wife has prepared clothes for you. It's in

the military vehicle. Please go with me."

Joyce agreed, "Okay."

She knew that after experiencing a bloody battle all night and Otis was captured, the merger of the

warlords, this news would be announced to the outside world for the first time in the morning news that

people watched after getting up in the morning.

First, to stabilize people's hearts. Second, to announce that the whole thing is over. From now on, the

public does not need to worry and can travel normally without any impact.

The return of the commanding general, her attendance at the press conference was a matter of course

and could not be shirked.

However, she was reluctant.

She looked worriedly at the operating room. Luther hadn't woken up yet and had not passed the criticalnovelbin

period, let alone the impact of unknown drugs...

But the mission on her shoulders could not be put down.

She gritted her teeth and told the doctor, "I'm leaving first. Contact me immediately if anything happens.

Check again for signs of drug damage and be very careful and thorough. Be cautious and ensure his


"Please rest assured, Major General." The doctor agreed.

Joyce took a deep breath.

She steeled herself and turned away from the operating room door, following the member of the Silver

Eagles to the hospital entrance and boarding the specially made military vehicle.

Outside the hospital.

Dawn had arrived and the sky was gradually breaking.

No matter how dark the night was, dawn would always come.

The outside sky was light blue with a few remaining stars. The dim and quiet streets were like being

covered with silver gauze.

As the military vehicle raced all the way, the glow gradually gathered at the edge of the sky, like blood-

soaked red.

Although the sun could not be seen, it exuded a burning atmosphere.

Last night's victory made people's blood boil.

Joyce opened the Bluetooth wireless communicator and asked, "Chris, how far has the aftermath


Chris replied, "Everything on the abandoned airport side has been sorted out. Otis' dead men were all

subdued. Eugene has been sent to the hospital. There shouldn't be any major issues, and his life

should be saved. Colonel Roselin died on the spot. Vance was captured alive by Mr. Warner and has

now been sent to the detention site. As for Otis, he did not resist. Compulsory measures have now

been taken against him. According to the instructions of the commanding general's wife, he has been

sent to a secret base pending further interrogation."

Joyce replied, "His life is temporarily out of danger, but I can't figure out what medicine Otis gave him."

Chris comforted, "Maybe Otis was at the end of his rope and made up an excuse. Don't take it too

seriously. The desperation of a defeated army, I don't believe he still has any ability. I heard that a

press conference is going to be held. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way. I'll be there soon," Joyce replied.

"Okay, I'll continue with the aftermath. Let the commanding general handle the affairs of the warlords.

Don't worry."

Chris hung up the phone.

Joyce put down the partition in the military vehicle.

She took off her clothes and put on her exclusive Major General's ceremonial uniform. There was a

partition mirror in the car. She wiped her face clean with wet wipes in front of the mirror and combed

her hair.

Even though she had just experienced a fierce battle and a life-and-death struggle with her life hanging

by a thread.

Even though her mind was still in chaos at the moment, she had to appear in front of the public in the

most perfect image.

As the vehicle accelerated.

Although there were no pedestrians on the empty streets.

But the golden sunlight was already shining everywhere.

The trees sprouted green buds, full of the breath of vitality everywhere.

After going through a long winter, spring finally came.

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