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Chapter 1600 Losing Sanity

Chapter 1600 Losing Sanity

The night vision goggles slipped off, and the remaining consciousness became more and more blurred.

It didn't matter as long as she was alive.

Whether it was poison or memory loss medicine, he had no regrets.

The blazing light illuminated the surroundings.

Exposing everything without escape.

Chris took off his night vision goggles and held a gun against Otis's temple.

Urging, "Say it quickly! Haven't you realized the situation yet? Your people are all under control!"

Joyce finally saw everything around her clearly. She glared at Otis angrily, wanting to kill for the first

time in her life. For the first time, she held a gun in her hand and forcibly resisted not shooting. At this

moment, she wished she could personally shoot Otis into a sieve.

Otis also took off his night vision goggles with a calm look. "Do you really think I believe you will let my

plane take off? Without a backhand, do I dare to surrender? You're right, the medicine was indeed

developed internally by the warlord. But there will be no more. The entire research team was killed by

me. In this world, I only know where the antidote is, haha."

He even pressed his head closer to Chris's gun and said, "Come on, blow me up with one shot. Count

this account and see who wins in the end!"

"You!" Chris trembled with anger.

Joyce suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes. She stumbled back several steps in a row.

The research team was actually killed by Otis. No wonder Cecelia had been looking for the

whereabouts of the research team for so long but couldn't find it. I thought Otis secretly hid them

somewhere, but now they were all dead. It turned out to be like this.

No wonder Otis was unscrupulous.

He actually left such a hand.

Even if the warlord re-recruited talents, without knowing the formula of the antidote, it would take years

to develop it. Could Luther wait?

"What medicine did you give him?" She roared angrily.

Otis shook his head, "I don't know, Joyce, you're lucky. Originally, I wanted to give you this medicine so

that you would follow me all the time. Unfortunately, someone was willing to take it for you, and I

couldn't help it. Look, Mr. Warner cares about you deeply. Even I was touched."

Chris kicked Otis in the chest in anger, with anger nowhere to vent.

One of Otis's ribs broke, and a mouthful of fresh blood gushed out.

However, he was still smiling, and the fresh blood on his lips made his smile more hideous and

terrifying. "If you have the ability to kill me, let Luther bury me. Haha."

Joyce was completely desperate. Her legs softened and she almost knelt to the ground. From the

corner of her eye, she saw Luther leaning against the big tree and sliding down.

She was shocked and hurried over to him.

She hugged him in her arms, calling out, "What's wrong with you? Wake up."

She shook Luther and gently patted his cheeks, "Can you hear me talking?"

Luther opened his eyes with difficulty, stretched out a bloody hand, and stroked her cheek. "I'm fine...

just... a little tired..."

He was weak, lacking the usual vigor, which amplified Joyce's fear to the extreme. She gripped his

hand tightly, unable to stop trembling.

In the light of the searchlight, she finally saw clearly that his abdomen was gushing blood.

It turned out that he was stabbed in the abdomen. He didn't bandage it and insisted on dealing with

Otis until just now.

I don't know how much blood was lost.

"Bang!" Her mind went blank and she couldn't think at all.

Blood, so much blood.

Her lips were pale, and her hands remained in front of him, not knowing what to do. When Justin was

injured, she still had the sanity to bandage, but seeing Luther injured, she had completely lost her mind

and didn't know what to do, only panic and at a loss.

It turned out that when the loved one was injured, she couldn't even remain calm.

Luther's hand fell into her arms. He opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at her affectionately, and

wanted to comfort her.

"Don't... be afraid... it's over..."

Joyce nodded desperately. Tears flowed uncontrollably, wetting her cheeks and the front of her clothes.

She grasped his hand tightly and refused to relax at all, afraid that he would disappear the next second.

"Be good, don't cry..." Luther said with difficulty, not wanting her to worry.

She nodded again desperately, unable to speak.

It turned out that when she was extremely worried, she was not as good as a normal person.

Chris finally noticed their abnormality and saw that Luther was injured. He pushed Joyce away and

said, "What are you stunned for? Stop the bleeding quickly."

While speaking, Chris took out the bandages he carried with him and wrapped them around Luther's

abdomen layer by layer. He glanced at Joyce's hollow eyes and saw such a frightened expression on

her face for the first time.

He frowned and said calmly, "Stab wounds in the abdomen will not die. Use your wireless

communicator to call the medical staff in the support unit to come over first, and then send him to the

nearest hospital."

Joyce hurriedly opened the wireless communicator with one hand. Her other hand had been holding

Luther's hand tightly all the time without letting go.

Before she could speak, Chris snatched her communicator impatiently with her slow movement and

shouted loudly for medical support.

After commanding, Chris sighed.

When people encounter accidents with their loved ones, they will indeed lose their composure. The

deeper the love, the more heartbroken. Anyone else would not stay calm.

"Are you injured?" Chris asked.

Joyce shook her head without speaking.

She hugged Luther tighter and tighter, using her body to keep him warm.

She didn't know what medicine he had taken and what consequences it would have. Now he was

stabbed in the abdomen and lost too much blood. She was so afraid of losing him but couldn't do

anything, she could only hug him tightly.

At this time, she noticed, on his arm.

The blood was blurred. She thought he was injured somewhere else and wiped it quickly.

Only to find that he had carved Joyce, her name, on his own arm.

Recalling what he had said before, she seemed to suddenly understand his intention. He was afraid

that Otis would give him medicine to lose his memory, so he carved her name in advance.

Her heart surged with sourness, suddenly feeling regret that she had been reserved for so long and

had always refused him. What exactly was it for? They were separated most of the time with little time

together. She should have recognized her heart early, let down her guard and accepted him.

She hugged him tightly, sobbing silently.

Luther still had a trace of consciousness left. His strength seemed to be drained, and his whole body

floated weakly. He desperately kept his eyes open.novelbin

Afraid that when he closed them, he would forget her when he woke up.

But he was too tired, and a heavy sleepiness came.

"Remember, I love you..."

A faint voice came from his throat, gradually silent.

Due to excessive blood loss, he fell into a coma.

From beginning to end, Joyce hugged him tightly.

Until the medical staff arrived, they separated Joyce and Luther, rushed Luther into the car and sent

him to the nearest hospital.

The silent night, dawn was not far away.

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