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Chapter 206 Olivia was frozen in disbelief. She thought, ‘Could it be true that Gina didn’t want me dead? How could that be? e not going to die just yet. You still owe me that money, and it’s time to settle the Then, she heard Gina’s serene voice. “You’re not debt.” Olivia was shattered, her anger leaving her speechless. “You… Gina offered Olivia a faint smile. Her gaze then shifted to Andy. “Cathy, you claim she only confided in you about the pumpkin pieincident. So, who else did. you disclose it to?” “I swear, I haven’t spoken to anyone else!” Andy asserted earnestly It wasn’t worth boasting about such a trivial matter! Gina had been scrutinizing Andy’s every expression and confirmed he was telling the truth. “You’re free to go now,” Gina said calmly. Andy and Cathy exchanged bewildered looks. Cathy, still uncertain, ventured cautiously, “Miss Miller, you’re not holding me accountable, are you?” “No blame to lay at your feet. You, too, were manipulated by someone with malicious intent.” Andy and Cathy breathed a collective sigh of relief. Andy followed up on Gina’s statement with aquestion, “Miss Miller, does this mean Mr. Jackson misunderstood us?”“Gabriel didn’t have the full picture. In his haste, he jumped to conclusions.” Gina clarified. Defiantly, Andy spoke up, “Miss Miller, given the circumstances, this isn’t something that can bebrushed aside with a simple assurance from you and Mr. Jackson’s misunderstanding. Cathy riskedher life by eating that poisoned pumpkin pie to prove her innocence. I can’t let this slide.” Gabriel fully trusted Gina’s judgment, believing the couple to be innocent. He was ready to takeresponsibility for his actions. Getting straight to the point, he asked, “What kind of compensation are you looking for?” novelbin

Andy’s eyes gleamed with interest, and he was about to speak when Cathy suddenly tugged at hissleeve. Andy glanced at Cathy, and she shook her head. Both Mr. Jackson and Miss Miller held prominent positions, and Cathy worried that Andy’saudacious demands might complicate matters that could otherwise be resolved.Gina took the initiative, “Cathy, Prover Hospital will cover all your future medical expenses, and ifeither of you ever falls ill in the future, you’ll receive free treatment at Prover Hospital” Cathy was astonished The medical expenses at Prover Hospital were already beyond the reach ofordinary people, and Gina’s offer of unlimited free treatment was exceptionally generous. 1/3 ||| 11:26 Mon, May 27 Chapter 206 Thinking about the generous salary Gina offered for harvesting medicinal herbs, as well as retainingCathy’s nursing job at Prover Hospital even though she couldn’t work due to her condition, left herwith no reason to be dissatisfied. However, Andy interjected from the sidelines, “Free treatment? Medical care at no cost? Miss Miller,you’re well-versed in compensation, but your offer seems vague. Cathy and I are both healthy andrarely get sick. Your compensation seems like a fantasy. Can we get something practical?” Cathy was shocked by Andy’s audacious remarks. She glared at Andy, her anger palpable. “What did you just say? Im sorry, Miss Miller. Andy’s not inhis right mind… Gina remained composed. “And what compensation are you seeking?” Andy said firmly. I can’t stand seeing Cathy being mistreated!” “Mr. Jackson, the compensation I seek is for you to waive the repair costs for your car that we wouldhave had to cover he asserted. Cathy couldn’t conceal her astonishment as she glanced at Andy Sensing Cathy’s scrutinizing gaze. Andy coughed lightly and pressed on. “Cathy, you mentionedyou’re ready to stand by me through this, to shoulder the responsibility of fixing the car together. If

Mr. Jackson agrees to waive the compensation, it would ease our burden, wouldn’t it?” Cathy remained silent. Even Olivia, observing from the sidelines, could discern Andy’s facade. He was just a scoundrellooking out for his interests, yet dared to claim it was all for Cathy’s sake…. It was ridiculous. Olivia smirked quietly, keeping her head down. The one who ate the pie is Cathy, and it’s her right to make demands, not yours,” Gina addressedAndy, Andy felt indignant, realizing that everyone present had seen through his intentions. To salvage hispride, he said. “That’s because I wasn’t present when Cathy ate the poisoned pie. I would havegladly taken her place if I had been there!” Then, Andy grabbed Cathy’s hand. “Cathy, you’ve been wronged because of me. I failed to protectyou.” “Miss Miller, Mr. Jackson, can you finally agree to my request? You were the ones who mentionedcompensation earlier, weren’t you? Are you trying to pin the blame on us now? Cathy and I are justordinary people. If you want to play dirty we have no choice but to accept it!” Andy’s expressionbetrayed a sense of oppression.“You don’t need to spout all this nonsense to provoke me. You claim that if you were present, you’dwillingly take poisoned pie for Cathy. It’s easy to speak fine words, but actions speak louder. Howabout you demonstrate it by rest of that pie? Since we’re in a hospital, I’ll promptly arrange forsomeone to get your stomach pumped. How do sound?” Cina raised an eyebrow, her tonechallenging. Andy panicked “Miss Miller, you’re treating lives as if they’re worthless! You know that pie ispoisoned, yet you wan “No matter how much you cat. I’ll convince Gabriel to waive your car repair expenses and offer youan additional 200 thousand dollars. How does that sound?” Gina asked again. Andy was tempted but ultimately refused. “No, I won’t risk my life for that 200 thousand dollars.What’s the point of h money if I’m dead? I won’t eat it!”

“Since you value your life so much, spare me the lofty words,” Gina’s voice chilled. 2/3 O 11:26 Mon, May 27 Chapter 206 Andy remained silent in opposition, but Cathy suddenly spoke up. “Miss Miller, if I had the right tomake demands, my request would be the same as Andy’s. We hope Mr. Jackson can waive therepair expenses. Thank you.” Andy was thrilled, embracing Cathy. “Cathy, I’ve always known you’re the best to me!” Gina’s expression turned icy as she looked at Gabriel Gabriel, do you agree?” 75%% “Agreed, Gabriel responded casually, Repair costs meant nothing to him, understanding Gina’ssubtle hint that he should comply. “Thank you. Cathy sincerely thanked Gina and Gabriel. Andy couldn’t wait to pull Cathy away, fearing Gabriel might change his mind and demandcompensation again. Before leaving, Andy turned to Gina and Gabriel, “Miss Miller, Mr. Jackson, I seem to have someclues about the poisoning incident.”

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