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Chapter 207 Gina turned her gaze toward Andy. “What clue are you referring to?” Andy explained, “On the day you were poisoned, I encountered peculiar man near my rented place.It was broad daylight, yet he concealed himself completely as if avoiding being seen.” “Is that all?” Gina inquired. “That’s… all,” Andy replied somewhat hesitantly, realizing he hadn’t provided much helpfulinformation that could be considered a clue. “Did he have any distinguishing features? Why did you find him peculiar?” Gina’s question joggedAndy’s memory. “I remembered one thing. He had a distinctive feature: golden hair, quite unconventional! He lookedlike a ruffian, a rogue. I found him strange because people in our neighborhood usually recognizeeach other, yet he was unfamiliar. His demeanor didn’t seem trustworthy!” A blond man…. Olivia’s heart skipped a beat. The fact that Andy encountered the blond man, and worse, Andy disclosed it to Gina! Why’s this lo “Darn it! man blabbering about everything? “Alright, I understand,” Gina acknowledged. This clue was still somewhat broad but not entirelyworthless. As Andy prepared to leave, he couldn’t resist another attempt. “Miss Miller, I’ve given you a clue. I’mnot letting you off the hook for the repair costs without something in return: Speaking of which, MissMiller, do you have any enemies?” “Enemies targeting you, poisoning you, and dragging us into it for no reason. Clearly, we’re innocentbystanders in this mess. If it weren’t for this incident, we wouldn’t be caught up in all of this. It’s onlyfair to compensate us, don’t you think?” Andy seized the opportunity to bargain for himself.

Cathy couldn’t bear it any longer. “Let’s go.” Andy waved it off. “Alright. Let’s go.” But just a couple of steps away, Andy turned back. “Miss Miller, Cathy hasn’t fully recovered fromthe poisoning. She still needs further treatment at Prover Hospital. Can you waive the medicalexpenses, like you mentioned earlier?” “Of course, Gina replied calmly. “That’s enough, Andy,” Cathy couldn’t tolerate it any longer. Andy was pushing his luck too far. “Alright then, This is for your good. Come on, let’s get you settled in at the hospital,” Andy said,guiding Cathy away. Olivia remained kneeling on the ground, her heart racing with anxiety at the mention of the blondman. She kept her fixed on the floor. “You should depart as well,” Gina said calmly. Olivia was taken aback, looking up at Gina lying in the hospital bed. “You’re letting me go?” Gina’s expression was indifferent. “You won the bet, didn’t you? Without evidence, I can’t pursuelegal action against you. I’m allowing your departure because I lack grounds to do otherwise 1/3 III O Mon, May 27 Chapter 207 “But remember, time will reveal all secrets. Cherish what little freedom remains to you.” Olivia trembled with anger. Gina spoke as if releasing her was a favor. She vowed to reclaim herpower and crush Gina once again! Not daring to linger, fearing Gina might change her mind and detain her, Olivia rose to her feet. Herlegs felt numb from kneeling for so long, and she stumbled out of the room. Gabriel shot a cold glare at Olivia’s retreating figure, his eyes expressing a desire to tear her apart. As Gabriel’s gaze shifted back to Gina, his piercing demeanor softened into a tender warmth, “Gina,are you letting her go?” novelbin

Though Gabriel contemplated imparting a lesson to Olivia, he deferred to Gina’s discretion onhandling the matter. “Shouldn’t we give her a taste of her own medicine before setting her free? Gina remarked casually. “If it’ll make her think twice, perhaps, Gabriel conceded.. “No, she won’t learn from a mere thrashing. Her hatred toward he runs deep, and mental tormentcan be more enduring than physical pain. Violence won’t resolve the issue. Setting her free isgranting her the chance to either mend her ways or face her demise. If she wishes to challenge me,I’ll oblige, but she must be prepared to face the consequences,” Gina explained. Gabriel nodded in comprehension. The door to the ward creaked open, and Michael hurried in. “Gina! Are you alright?” he exclaimed. Taken aback by Michael’s sudden appearance, Gina replied, “I’m fine, nothing to fret about.” “How can you look alright with that pale complexion? Michael’s voice trembled with concern, entirelydisregarding Gabriel’s presence at the bedside. “Aren’t you supposed to be in Oriata City?” Cina remained composed despite Michael’s agitation. “I hurried over as soon as Dylan informed me about your poisoning. They say it was ten times theregular dose. Are you truly alright?” Michael persisted, his worry palpable. “I seem fine now, don’t I? Gina responded calmly, “But Dylan mentioned there might be lasting effects on your organs,” Michael continued, glancing atGabriel before continuing sarcastically, “If only you still had the Spirit Orchid. I would’ve come inhandy now.” Ignoring Michael’s implication, Gabriel turned to Gina. “Forgive me, Cina. I’ve exhausted the SpiritOrchid.” With a disdainful snort, Michael pressed on, “Medicinal herbs are scarce. Wouldn’t it have beenprudent to keep so reserve? What if someday, someone close to you gets hurt and needs it? Wasn’tthat worth considering?” Though Michael didn’t mention anyone by name, his accusation against Gabriel’s selfishness wasunmistakable.

Gabriel’s expression turned icy as he shot Michael a glance, tension thickening between them. Gina couldn’t quite comprehend the underlying tension between them. Had there been no priorconflicts? Then why d she sense this mutual animosity? “Michael, it’s not simply a matter of keeping the Spirit Orchid or not. Setting that aside, nobody couldhave predicted the events of today. Besides, the amount of the Spirit Orchid I gave Gabriel wasalready limited. He got injured while protect me, so I provided it to aid in his recovery. I don’t need itnow, and it’s unfair to blame Gabriel,” Gina explained. 2/3 III 11:26 Mon, May 27 e Chapter 207 Her unwavering trust in Cathy was why she hadn’t been cautious about the pastries Cathy sentover. Gabriel couldn’t help but smirk upon hearing Gina’s defense. He shot Michael a meaningful glance,almost as if claiming a silent victory. Michael glared back at Gabriel and took a deep breath. “Gina, you don’t seem to be in good spirits.You should rest more. Some people don’t realize that patients have limited energy and keepbothering them by lingering in the hospital room.” Gina remained silent, feeling the atmosphere growing increasingly tense. 3/3 SEND GIFT ။ O COMMENT

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