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Chapter 205 David brought Olivia to Dylan’s office. She saw Andy was already inside. He knelt on the groundand explained himself frantically as if possessed, “Mr. Jackson, we didn’t poison Miss Miller. Please,believe us. We wouldn’t dare to harm her, even if we were brave enough!” David pushed Olivia without mercy, and she staggered into the office. When Gabriel saw Olivia, hecouldn’t control his and kicked Olivia’s knee. She knelt in pain. “Mr. Jackson, what are you doing? Do you think you cankick people for no reason because you have power and influence?” anger Gabriel squatted down and grabbed her neck. “You poisoned her Olivia’s heart trembled. Gabriel’s oppression was too strong. He choked her roughly as if he wantedher dead. “What poison? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Dylan didn’t buy her words and shouted, “Enough with the charade! You secretly drugged thepumpkin pie that Cathy gave to Gina, didn’t you?” “What pumpkin pie? Why are you accusing me? I admit to what I’ve done before, but why should Iadmit to something I’ve never dog 2 Olivia refused to admit it. She was betting they wouldn’t dare to do anything twisted to her withoutevidence. But she knew she wouldn’t escape Gabriel’s harm. At that moment, staying alive was themost important thing for her. Suddenly, a nurse ran over and knocked d on th the door. “Dr. Thomas, Miss Miller is awake.” Upon hearing this, Gabriel didn’t want to waste his time with Olivia. He rushed out of the room andcame to Gina’s ward. There, Gina lay on the bed with a slightly pale face. “Gina!” Gabriel couldn’t suppress the anxiousness in his voice. He gently hugged Gina andburrowed his face into her neck. “How do you feel?” I’m fine. I guess the poison isn’t enough to kill me, huh?” Gina said jokingly.I’ll make whoever poisons you pay the price!” Gabriel’s gaze became sharp. “This matter has

something to do with Olivia and Cathy,” He said coldly. Gina agreed with the first half of the sentence, but she didn’t think this matter had anything to dowith Cathy. Cathy had coincidentally woken up and went to Gina’s ward weakly. “Miss Miller?” Gina was shocked to see how pale Cathy was. “Cathy? What’s wrong with you?” “I…” Cathy looked at Gabriel and dared not to speak. Gabriel shook his head and said coldly. “She said there was nothing wrong with her pumpkin pie, soI asked her to Cina was even more surprised. “Well, the point is, I’m fine now. Are you alright, Cathy?” Cathy immediately knelt beside Gina’s bed. “Miss Miller, I swear I didn’t poison you. My boyfriend isalso innocent. believe me!” Cathy knew pleading before Gina was her and Andy’s only ticket out. “But I did give you the pumpkin pie. So, in a way, I am responsible. Miss Miller, I can acceptwhatever punishment, but swear I won’t do such a twisted and heartless thing to you. Miss Miller,I… Cathy said while crying. “Don’t feel so guilty, Cathy. Get up. I’m still weak from the poison, but the doctor has cleaned mystomach. Please, don’t Gina comforted. 1/3 III 11:26 Mon, May 27 Chapter 205 76 Gabriel frowned and said sarcastically. “Gina, you don’t have to worry about her. Although she atethat poisonous pie, she only took a small bite. She knew how much pie she had to shove into hermouth to save herself. But you, on the other hand, almost finished an entire box! When Cathy heard this, she felt an incredible guilt and disappointment. She ate the poisonouspumpkin pie to prove her innocence. But in the end, it seemed pointless. Gina smiled, “What can I say? It tastes so good. I like it very much. I couldn’t help but eat more.” Suddenly, Gina remembered something and asked. “Anyway, where’s Olivia? I need to call her.”

Gabriel quickly got David to bring Olivia and Andy to Gina’s ward. When Andy saw Cathy kneelingon the ground, he hurriedly hugged her. “Cathy, are you alright?” Cathy shook her head silently. Meanwhile, David kicked Olivia to make her kneel. Olivia looked upand glanced at Gina angrily. Gina stared coldly at Olivia. “What’s with that look? Are you angry about something? Is it becauseyou failed to poison me to death? You must be disappointed to see me alive, right?”Olivia felt guilty. She didn’t expect Gina to see through her. She broke out in a cold sweat andavoided Gina’s gaze. “You said that I poisoned you. But do you have any evidence? If you don’taren’t you slandering me?” Olivia chuckled and continued. “But go ahead, sue me, Gina. I know you have the power andinfluence. I can’t win against you. If you want to pin such a crime on me for no reason, I ampowerless to fight back. I’ve been unlucky all my life, and we hated each other. You have all thereason to mess with my life.” Gina ignored Olivia’s words. Instead, she turned to David and asked, “Have you found any recordsof her buying a rat poison? David shook his head. “No.” “As expected. Olivia never wants to get her hands dirty, and I believe she asked someone else tobuy it. C Gina said casually Olivia’s heart skipped a beat. She had underestimated Gina because, in the past, Olivia couldalways get away with anything she did. But at that moment, she finally understood that Gina tookher time to study her pattern. Gina waited for the right time to strike. Whatever Olivia was plotting.Gina would think of it too. Olivia panicked but was determined to deny her doing no matter what. It would be good if she couldhold on until the blond man came to save her. David also thought of something but didn’t find any urgency in checking Olivia’s phone contact list.Even if she called someone, Olivia would probably delete it afterward. novelbin

Gina sneered. “Olivia, such a solid argument, and did I feel a little taunting? I won’t do anything toyou before I have evidence. But I’ve known your pattern. Hence, you’ll be on top of my list in thiscase. You should feel honored.” Gina chuckled and added, “You think you can kill me by putting a lethal dose of chemicals into apie? Don’t be ridicu Also, don’t try to deny yourself. I know my death was your ultimate goal. Youwillingly sacrifice your life as long as yo see me die first, right?”Gina’s words accurately hit Olivia’s sore spots. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it wasabout to jump out of chest. Even so, she refused to admit it. “Gina, you make a seemingly solidpoint, but show me the evidence! If you dare kill me without evidence, let me tell you, I won’t let yougo. Even if I become a ghost, I will haunt you for eternity.” Olivia was anxious. Gina had become the biggest threat she had in her life. Meanwhile, Gina askedcalmly, “Why do you keep thinking I want to kill you? I don’t want you to die.” 2/3

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