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Chapter 37 (Aliyana)

His engagement to Camilla was known amongst the Famiglia and public but since our time at themanor he was never spotted with her often. It took me a while, but I could say that he never crosses mymind when I am awake. I have moved on.

Kylie told me, the day I confessed everything to her, that moving on, and loving different people is anormal thing to do. She said a strong woman loves without worry. It is all part of the ride.

Her advice helped me realize that Marco Catelli was not meant to be part of my entire story, andLeonardo was just a really good idea but not worth writing about. His infidelity is something my sisterhates but knowing him I know his reasons run far more than just the story people paint about him. Thetwo of us have gotten close and he is the one I would choose tomorrow as my 3rd Protector.

Papa wants to cut off his dick and shove it in his throat. I know, he told me many times after Guiliacalled crying. Papa also wants to do worse with Deno since the two of us have become somewhatfriends that saw more of each other than was acceptable, but he was the Capo of the Famiglia and Ihappened to be quite interesting in his now newfound life. The Queen of Shadows is an importantperson to have as a friend.

To think Leonardo had my sole interest for years. Life always shows you why it does what it does whenyou are ready.

As for Gabriel, he didn't want to hear about working for my father. In his charming way, I was beginningto believe that he didn't hold my father in the highest regard.

“Come to the Apartment, I’ll invite a few people over and we can just relax, tomorrow you’ll be official,Legal to be Illegal.”

“I can’t. If I want to enjoy tomorrow, I need to get that assignment done and finish that art piece for MrsKrane. Plus, I promised Kylie I’d meet her for lunch then I have to get to the Azure for dinner with Deno,

it’s Thursday.” This time I am talking about the truth. I had a lot to do before tomorrow.

He touches my cheek, his deep attentive gaze frowning at me, “Has Kylie mentioned anything to youabout her and Vincent?”

“Maybe, why?”

“Michel mentioned he’s been staying there.”

This is a moment where I have to chew my tongue. Vincent has been staying there, and Kylie isn’t thereason. The truth was much bigger than that, and no place for me to open my mouth, especially toGabriel.

A few months ago, Deno and I went out, which was a normal thing now. The Capo of the Famiglia and Iwere friends. Real friends. And with that friendship came knowledge and trust that I would neverjeopardize. And one of those things was the daughter of Gabriel’s Uncle, Amariya DeMarco. Her storyis one story that the more I learn the less I want to know.

It is a dark and twisted nightmare; she still lives with. It is the reason she calls herself Beggar and thereason my father had to work so closely with the Catellis’. It is also the reason Vincent is living withKylie, because Amariya is there, hiding from her husband, Lucca Sanati. The man I am going to kill.

The funny thing is, I didn’t find out from Kylie, it was Deno who spilled the beans about everything.

“Maybe Vincent finally decided that a Texan girl is exactly what he needs.”

“Maybe. You should get your ass home!” I know Gabriel doesn’t buy that, but I also know he will neversuspect me of knowing anything.

“Miss Capello, we need to leave.” I smile at that sound as I look across to Salvatore. His black suit fitshim like it was meant for him, which it was because it is tailored.

“Think about what I said,” I tell Gabriel as he touches the tip of my nose before giving chin lifts toSalvatore and Leonardo.

I walk the small distance to the Bentley as Salvatore opens the door for me, my mind contemplating onwhat I should be doing first.

“Are you sure you can't come? it will be nice to see you before the baby is born." Guilia whines as Iopen the door of my house.

“I can't Guilia, I have finals. I promised my friend I would stay with her for the long weekend,” The liecomes naturally as I take the stairs to my bedroom.

“I never see you anymore,” Sitting on my bed reading my new book, ‘Archangel’s Prophecy’ is Xander.

“Can we talk about this later? I have to go.”

“I guess, I love you.” She says as I end the call and pull off my pumps, flinging them both at him. Hewhacks the one with my book across the room and the other grabs with his free hand.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” Gosh, he is annoying. His dark brown hair is croppedshorter than I am used to. I haven’t seen him for 2 days.

“Waiting for you.” His deep gaze, lighter than my own twinkles as he gives me one of his mischievoussmiles.

“And you couldn’t wait in your own room? Or some other part of the house?”

“No, I got you a little present.” He gets off my white covered bed. He’s in jeans and a blue tee that doeswonders for his body. I will never tell him that though. Wouldn’t want him to get a big head.

That’s why he makes you flush, Aliyana, because he is arrogant, or is it something more?

I stretch my hand out, but he doesn’t put anything inside it. He stands behind me. His body heat close,to mine.

He slides my hair to the side as I remain stiff, waiting.

His breath catches my naked ear, “You know, Aliyana, beauty lies within the flesh, bone-deep, whereonly the curious can see, and the brave will conquer. I have tried to decide which one describes you,curious, or brave.”

“Have you figured it out?”

He puts his hands over my head and reveals a chain with a pendant. I don’t get to examine it as hefastens the link, sealing it on my neck.

“I think a bit of both.” He spins me around slowly, and I stand there, looking at him, in the middle of mybedroom. Will he kiss me, will he too leave me for an Italian woman? What will happen after we kiss?Does he like me? What is he thinking? Should I make the first move? No, that didn’t end well withMarco. Maybe he just wants me to stare at him like this.

His face transforms into a smile, as he kisses my forehead.

“I wanted to be the first to give you your gift, it matches the dress you wearing tomorrow.”

“Thank you, It’s beautiful.”

“But you haven’t seen it, how would you know it is beautiful?” My cheeks heat up as he laughs andholds me by the shoulders taking me to the long oval mirror on the right side of my bedroom. My eyesstare at him in the mirror. He is very attractive, and his Accent that once annoyed me is missed in thislonely house when he is running errands for me which have become a frequent thing.

“Look at your necklace.”

My eyes drop to my neck, and my breath catches a bit, it is beautiful, the Pendant is shaped like aneye, with diamonds as the outline and a black diamond in the center. Is it odd that Marco’s Catelli’sblack eyes pop into my head, ruining this moment, but also claiming it at the same time?novelbin

My phone rings, as the doorbells go off.

“I should go get that! Marcus is sending Sabastian to stay tonight with Salvatore and you. We havesome business. Leonardo and Killer are going to New York. Try to get some sleep, you have a big daytomorrow.”

Our moment is gone, faded away. We have had a few of them, but with an enemy who becomes yourbodyguard, and later someone you possibly fall in love with, you can never know if it means something.Plus, I have been wrong before. I sigh, as I look at my neck, such a beautiful gift from an evil person. Iwonder the extent of his crimes just as I wonder of the taste of his lips.

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