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Chapter 36 (Aliyana)

1 year Later

“I think it’s an idea you should consider.” My short steps rush behind Gabriel’s long strides. The touchof cold tickles my nose as Gabriel moves a few paces ahead of me. It’s a year since I found out I wasthe Queen of killers and so far, I’ve done well not to call them for anything.

I meet with all my Shadows for training and my life as my mother promised is very different.

But hiding Mero for a year is a long time and I have pushed finding Elise who is still MIA back forlonger. The thought of hurting her just doesn’t gel with me. I believe there is always two sides to everystory.


“Gabriel, it makes sense. Think about this for a bit, a few months working with my dad could dowonders for your rank and we can see each other every day.” Also, I don’t have to hurt you when youtry to prevent me from killing your Uncle.

“Working for my Uncle is going to do that Liya and we already see each other every day. You would bemarried sooner or later. Choose a husband already. How’s Salvatore?”

“Papa said I didn't have to marry anytime soon. Salvatore isn’t up for discussion. And Papa isn't yourUncle. Don’t you want to work for someone who is going to make you look honorable?” What I reallywant to say, is my father doesn’t have any say over how I live my life, and you should really considerworking for my father because it is going to keep you alive so you can take over as Capo after we killyour uncle, when we find him of course.

He laughs, “Your father doesn't have an honorable bone in his body.”

I know that, my father didn't become the Consigliere of the most powerful man in the 5th State doinghonorable things. And I certainly didn’t become the Queen of Shadows because I was a saint either.

“He is ambitious, nothing wrong with that.”

He stops a few steps before his black Jeep, and I ignore his soldiers, and my shadows around ussmiling at how my head knocks into his back.

Gabriel grips my arm and brings me to the front of him.

“Where do you get all this energy from?” His face looks perplexed.

Like he thinks I am absurd. Which isn’t too far off the mark. I am training 3 hours a day, including a 2-hour run in the morning and my fortnightly sessions with Killer, the torturer who works my body for 4hours non-stop. But I can’t tell my friend any of that. He is clueless that his friend is the Queen ofShadows.

Since last week this has been the same conversation Gabriel and I have been arguing about. His uncleis the Capo Dei Capi, but he has been really bad and pissed off some really important people that wanthim dead. So, our plan was to fake his death and blame ourselves for ending his life. Obviously actuallykilling him is not part of the plan. But he will step down from his rank and the new Capo Dei Capi willrise.novelbin

My free time now mostly spent with Kylie since Diamond disappeared. It is a favor for Killer. I’m still notsure of the whole story with Diamond, but I didn’t pry. Kylie is the type, if she wants you to know, youwill know. But Killer asked me and I didn’t mind. Kylie was changing and we were both worried aboutthat.

Seeing Gabriel and Michel was becoming a problem. People in the 5th State were starting to talk; wellmy stepmother was doing the talking and the other people were just repeating. My link to CatelliFamiglia had to be kept, because if it didn’t then the 5th State would wonder and that would make me atarget. More so now that my birthday was tomorrow.

Filippo told me not to worry, but I didn’t want Papa to have more to worry about. There was a warbrewing with the outfit and Amariya DeMarco was the name whispered.

Papa wasn’t pushing marriage on me since my sister and Leonardo got married last year. Not that hehad a choice but if he asked me I would do it. He knew that, we both did. And I wasn’t interested. Lifewithout Marco was good. He was still engaged to Camilla and my guess was after 2 years of beingengaged, we would be attending their wedding soon. But there was no baby. I thought of asking himabout Camilla but every time I saw him the question died in my mouth and understanding that hisbusiness was his own. The Shadows is something bigger than our quarrel.

I didn’t avoid him as I did before. I couldn’t, because there were a lot of times where he needed myanswer to a problem. I found out that the Shadow’s relied on my input to make decisions because I wasthe Queen and the more empathetic of all of us.

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