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Chapter 38 (Aliyana)

I hear the door close as a text comes to my phone.

What ya up to biatch that you ain’t answering my call? Taking that hottie Sal for a ride? Or Xander? .KB

I laugh shaking my head and dial Kylie.

“Knew that shit will get your attention,” She says in greeting. One thing I know about Kylie is hertendency to avoid goodbyes, hellos and new meetings. She prefers everything to start from the middle.

“It will get anyone’s attention coming from you. What’s the plans?”

“Was thinking since I need a chat with Mr Crime Boss for a bit we go to Azure, have lunch, and thenyou and Deno can do your thing? Also, tonight’s the Fraternity Partay, if you can get Xander to take ahike for the night and get Mister ‘Hot Salvatore’ to skedaddle your sexy behind to that said Partay Iwould be ever grateful, got my chick B with me, I wanna introduce your ass.”

I smile because by the sounds of it, Kylie wants to introduce me to Amariya and that says something.

“Xander isn’t around tonight, I will skedaddle my behind and meet you ladies there, you are aware wecould have just said all of this later when we having lunch, right.”

Kylie laughs, “I ain’t talking smack today, I actually have stories that need to be spilled tonight involvinga very sexy male specimen, that is going to take all our talk time.”

I laugh and don’t stop laughing even after Kylie cuts the call and I rush last minute to change myclothes.

My phone rings and this time I frown at the number,


“We need to talk.” That voice has me closing my eyes and my vibrant mood shifting. My brotherAleksie. He called me months ago with news I wasn’t yet ready to share.novelbin

“I am all outa words.” I clip the call short and take a long breath remembering I am supposed to beupstairs changing.

Xander is sitting on the edge of my bed again.

“I thought you are leaving?” I say as I walk past him and head into my closet. I look at the stacks ofdenim pants and grab a black pair and then turn to my t-shirts. I slip off the band around my wrist andbegin gathering my hair into a high ponytail.

“Alice hasn’t answered her phone since yesterday, she was last seen with Camilla Moretti.”

“And I am supposed to care why?”

He grips my arm and turns me to face him when I don’t.

“I know okay.” He says it like I am supposed to know what he is talking about.

“About what Xander?” My sarcasm is laced with irritation.

“Your late nights with Salvatore Moretti for starters.” I smile at this and shake my head.

“I have no idea what you are on about. Jealousy doesn’t suit you.”

He is starting to get angry, a normal occurrence with Xander recently.

“You think I was hounding you a year ago for nothing? I am trying to protect you, Ali. Do you think I amthe only one who knows of where you go? Why? Salvatore doesn’t give a fuck about you, I do.”

My heart rate spikes but I give nothing away, that was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Give themnothing.

“You only give a fuck about yourself.”

“Keep believing what you want Ali Cat. Now isn’t the time to play dumb, my sister could be in realdanger and I am asking you to help me, please.”

“What danger could she be in? You are insinuating and not for the first time that Camilla is somedangerous vindictive bitch, when she is not. We have been over this Xander, she is your cousin. IfMarco knew your little crazy fest against his beloved it will not end well for you.” I happen to like havingyou around Xander.

“Alice starts hanging out with her and all of a sudden she is missing? I always wondered what the twinswere talking about that day at Azure, we would never know now would we?”

I grip his wrist and stare at him in his eyes, as I pull his hold on me, and turn back to the stack of t-shirts. Spotting the white cotton tee with the words country ‘hot’ girl painted across.

His phone beeps and I leave him to it hoping it’s urgent and he needs to leave.

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