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Chapter 1562

Johann watched the doctor leave and sighed. After the past few incidents, he discovered that whatmade Luca unique was not just her wealth of medical knowledge but she was also meticulous in herobservation. "Dr. Craw, if the hospital wants to hire you as a medical consultant, what annual salarywould you be expecting?"

"Dr. Park, stop fooling around. How can I be a medical consultant at my level? " Luca shook her headand thought that Johann was just joking.

After she left the hospital, Luca got a call from Tommy.

"Ms. Luca, what are you doing now?" Tommy's voice was sweet and childlike. Even if she could notsee him, her heart melted when she heard his voice.

"Nothing. What's the matter?" Luca's voice softened.

Tommy smiled and said, "Ms. Luca, I want to invite you over to my house."

"Visit your house?" Luca looked at the cars coming and going on the road. She thought about it andwalked to the taxi stand.

"Yes, Great-grandpa said that you saved me and have helped me a lot, so he asked me to invite you tocome over. Ms. Luca, do you know where my home is? If you don't, I'll send you the address," Tommysaid while looking at Old Master Crawford.

It was Old Master Crawford's idea to invite Luca over as a guest. Tommy also enjoyed Luca's company,so right after Old Master Crawford told him that, he took the initiative to call her.

When Luca heard him, her instinct was to turn him down. However, she did not want to be a wetblanket to his enthusiasm.

Also, she had a mission...novelbin

"Today?" Luca asked, not expecting to have such an opportunity to be a guest of the Crawford family.

"Yes, Ms. Luca. Come over soon. Dad bought me the storybook I told you about last time. Shall weread it together?" Tommy was a child who loved to share, especially with Luca.

"I'll come now." Luca took a deep breath. After he heard her answer, Tommy laughed happily on theother end of the phone while she lowered her gaze.

She was happy to be able to spend time with the kids, but...

"Okay, Ms. Luca, I'll wait for you at home," Tommy said to Luca and then ended the call.

Luca listened to the busy tone on the other end of the phone. She shook her head and put down herphone.

If Tommy knew that she was only going to find information on T Corporation, he would be verydisappointed...

Luca was familiar with Luke's habits after being married to him for so many years. Importantdocuments were either in the company's safe or in the safe in Crawford Manor.

Most of the time, he kept the items in the manor's safe.

There were a lot of people coming and going in the company, while the manor had fewer idlers.Usually, if Luke was not around, the maids were not allowed to enter his study.

Luca waited in line for a taxi. There were many people in line because it was a hospital. It took 20minutes for her to get a taxi.

After she got into the taxi, she told the driver the address of Crawford Manor.

Half an hour later, Luca got out of the car at Crawford Manor. She was slightly dazed as she looked atthe familiar building in front of her.

Nothing had changed. Even the green belt outside was still the same.

Luca did not stand for long because there were surveillance cameras all around Crawford Manor. Itwould be strange if she kept standing there.

She walked toward the door and rang the bell.

After a click sound, the door opened.

Luca pushed the door and walked in. The butler of the Crawford family quickly walked over from thegarden path. "Ms. Craw, hello. This way please."

Luca nodded and walked past the butler.

The butler did not take her down the garden path this time but went straight across the front yard to themain house.

"Ms. Craw, did you come here by taxi?" the butler asked.

"Mm, yes." Luca looked at the scenery that surrounded her. After so many years, even as the flowersbloomed and fell, nothing had changed here.

She wondered if the osmanthus tree next to Luke's bedroom window was still there.

Luca remembered that when she used to stand not far from the window, she could smell the fragranceof osmanthus. At that time, the fragrance was sultry and it was wonderful.

"In that case, we'll have Zander send you back after this. I'm sure you've met Zander?" The butlerthought that Luca would know Zander seeing that she was in charge of preparing Tommy's dinner and

Zander had been driving Tommy around.

Luca shook her head to indicate that she did not want to trouble them. "I'll just take a taxi when the timecomes."

The butler reminded her. "Ms. Craw, please don't turn us down. It's not easy to get a taxi here." Lucawas taken back. Indeed, it was not easy to get a taxi in the area.

Although the area was not remote, it was a high-income area. Those who lived here drove, and thosewho came to visit also came by car.

There were indeed very few people here who would take a taxi and on top of that...

If she was lucky, she could get a taxi within half an hour. If she was unlucky, she may not hail one evenafter half a day.

Even if she booked a taxi on an app, she might have to wait for a long time.

Even so, Luca insisted. "No, I'll just take a taxi by myself. It's quite convenient to book a taxi in advancenow."

Seeing that she insisted, the butler did not say anything and took her into the manor.

"Ms. Luca!" Tommy ran toward her and threw himself into her arms the moment he saw Luca.

Luca bent over, picked up the little kid who pounced on her, and held him in her arms.

Old Master Crawford noticed her actions. Tommy was growing and was no longer the baby he used tobe. Except for Luke who occasionally carried him, no one else could pick him up so easily.

However, Luca did not show any difficulty when she carried Tommy. She even looked relaxed...

Luca saw some cookie crumbs on Tommy's face. Luca freed up a hand to help wipe them off. Tommygrinned and rubbed against her face.

"Ms. Luca, I missed you. Did you miss me?" Tommy asked innocently.

"Yes, of course, I missed you." After she scratched his nose, Luca looked at the sofa where Old MasterCrawford was.

She was focused on interacting with the child that she had yet to greet Old Master Crawford...

"Hello, Old Master Crawford," Luca said.

"Hello, Dr. Craw." Old Master Crawford could not help feeling overwhelmed when he saw hisgrandson's love for Luca.

If he were to look for a new mother for the kids, Luca was indeed a good choice. The children lovedher.

Their love for her was different from other people.

Tommy was dependent on her.

Old Master Crawford remembered many of the previous comments made by others, including someremarks about Luca pleasing the children to marry into the Crawford family.

Coupled with the previous scandals, Old Master Crawford never had a good impression of her.

However, seeing her at Crawford Manor, it seemed that Luca was not here just to please the children.She seemed that she really liked and cared about them.

He had lived such a long life. He would know if someone was acting in front of him.

Old Master Crawford looked at Luca, then at Tommy. If the kids liked her so much, he would approve ofher as their new mother.

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