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Chapter 1561

Queenie became anxious as she listened to the conversation between the two. "What the hell is goingon here?"

Luca noticed that Leia was avoiding the topic, so she said, "Did you abuse drugs? Abusing drugs canbe very harmful to the liver and kidneys."

"I didn't." Luca was being vague, and Leia denied it without a second thought.

Luca saw through the expression on her face. "Your liver and kidney failure is caused by substanceabuse in the past. As for what the substance is, I can't determine it. After all, there are so many types.Although you've quit, it has caused an impact on your body. Your body is already weakened because ofgynecological problems, so the other issues came out all at once following the substance abuse."

Leia listened to her and clenched her hands into fists as she gripped the sheets tightly.novelbin

Luca was right. She did depend on painkillers for several years in the United States. As for why thishappened, it was entirely due to the physical pain caused by her ex-boyfriend.

When there was no pain, she still wanted to take painkillers to numb her body and mind.

After that, she knew she could not continue this habit if she wanted to go back to A City. If Jack foundout, she would be cut off and she would no longer be able to call him her father. That was why shefound an organization that helped her quit her reliance on drugs.

She only returned to A City after she quit the painkillers.

'All of the indicators are normal, so how did Luca find out?'

If what Luca said was true, that her chronic liver and kidney failure was caused by this, was it the endfor her?

Leia originally hoped that there was a problem somewhere in her body and that after she was cured,she would be able to live a good life and not be troubled by this disease anymore. However, afterhearing what Luca said, she suddenly felt angry and hopeless.

"Mm, what should we do?" Queenie was getting more and more worried. She understood the gist ofwhat they were talking about.

Leia abused drugs in the United States, which caused her body to deteriorate. She got this diseasepurely caused by her previous lifestyle.

'If so, can Leia be cured?'

Queenie looked at Luca helplessly. As a mother, it was her responsibility to educate her children well.

Queenie could not bear to watch Leia live the rest of her life as a patient.

Her reputation in A City was bad, but with the Norman family backing her, it was not difficult for her tofind a good man from a well-off family to marry. However, if she was sick, the situation would be a littlemore complicated.

Luca did not speak.

Queenie followed up and asked, "Luca, you're able to help Leia, right?"

Luca's hands were tied. Leia's organs had already shown symptoms of failure. There was no way torestore them to their original condition. All she could do was delay the symptoms.

"I have no way to cure it. Ms. Norman can only be treated with medicine to delay the organ failure," shesaid. Leia had no other choice than to take medicine. In the end, she had to get into the queue for anorgan transplant.

However, thousands of people were on the list. It was unsure when it would be Leia's turn.

In this case, relatives could opt to donate their organs to her. However, she was adopted, so even ifQueenie and Jack were willing to, it may not be possible.

"In that case, we'll opt to take medicine, then. Luca, thanks for your trouble." Queenie immediatelydecided on Leia's behalf.

She could not bear to watch Leia's condition get worse. If Luca's medicine worked, she was more thanhappy to use them to condition Leia's body.

Luca nodded, stood up, and looked at the woman with red eyes sitting on the hospital bed. She did nothave the slightest pity for Leia. After all, she brought this upon herself.

"Ms. Norman, get some rest. If you had confessed to everything you did in the past, it would've savedyou a lot of time and money. You wouldn't have had to do so many tests as well," she said.

Queenie turned her head away. She was sad.

She was not sure what went wrong with Leia. She had been taking care of Leia since she was a childyet Leia turned into someone whose health deteriorated because she was messing around andconsuming drugs that she should not have...

Luca glanced at Queenie. Her heart went out for Queenie but she could not express it.

She had nothing to say, so she left the ward.

Luca bumped into Johann on her way out of the hospital.

Johann walked toward her with a smile on his face. He noticed that her eyes were red so he asked outof concern, "Dr. Craw, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Luca pretended to be normal. She did not expect to bump into him.

"Why are your eyes red?" Johann nodded while smiling at her.

Luca explained, "Sand accidentally got into my eyes, so I rubbed them. Dr. Park, why are you here?Don't you need to do surgery?"

"I have no surgery scheduled today. It's a rare occasion, so I'm just walking around. Why are youhere?" Johann glanced at the corridor behind her and noted that the wards in the area were all VIPwards.

Luca had come to see Leia...

Johann knew but did not say anything.

"I'm here to visit a patient. I'll head off now," Luca said. She knew that there was nothing about thehospital that she could hide from Johann. He must also know about Leia's hospitalization.

He knew, and that meant Luke knew too.

"I happen to have to go downstairs too. Let's walk together." Johann walked to the elevator with her.

Before the elevator arrived, Leia's attending doctor hurried over while holding the examination results inhis hand. "Dr. Park, it's great that you're here. Please help me look at this case and see if there are anyother tests that we can run."

Johann took the report and glanced at it. There was no major problem, so he asked, "The cause hasyet to be found?"

"Yeah, all the routine examinations have been done but the cause hasn't been found. The patient is ina bad mood and is making a fuss to be discharged from the hospital. I can't stand it anymore," the

doctor said with a sullen expression.

Luca took a glance and recognized that it was Leia's report.

She cleared her throat.

The doctor was not bothered and continued to ask, "Dr. Park, I plan to continue to have her undergoexaminations to rule out various causes of failure. Can you help me with it? The workload is a little tooheavy for me."

Help was always welcome. After all, the examination process was troublesome, and the screeningprocess was even more so.

"Okay. Dr. Craw, what do you think?" Johann knew that Luca had visited Leia, so maybe she knewsomething that they did not.

"You're the expert, I don't have much to contribute. Sometimes, it's important to understand thepatient's past and present lifestyle instead of focusing solely on the tests. Maybe that might help you,"Luca said.

Johann nodded in agreement and looked at the doctor. "Have you asked her about her lifestyle?"

"No, I didn't think too much about it. After all, it was only meant to be a physical examination..." thedoctor said.

Johann reminded him, saying, "You should ask her as soon as time allows. You might find out aboutthe cause of her organ failure."

The doctor nodded and immediately walked to the ward.

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