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Chapter 1563

"Ms. Craw, sit. Don't stand." Old Master Crawford greeted her.

"Okay, thanks." Luca nodded and sat on the single-seater sofa. She was a little nervous when facedwith Old Master Crawford.

Tommy got down from her arms and sat beside her.

"Ms. Luca, have some fruit." He greeted her like he was a little adult.

"Thank you, but I don't want to have any. You can eat it," Luca said and took another glance around.Old Master Crawford, the butler, and Tommy were the only ones in the living room.

Seeing that she did not want to have any fruit, Tommy was worried that his Great-grandpa'sseriousness had scared her.

Tommy thought about it and looked at Old Master Crawford. "Great-grandpa, can I take Ms. Lucaupstairs? Lanie and Rainie are waiting for Ms. Luca to continue telling the story."

When he heard what Tommy said, Old Master Crawford knew that Tommy was worried that he wasscaring Luca. He saw through everything but he did not say anything. "Go. I have someone over forchess. Don't go too crazy, okay?"novelbin

"Got it, Great-grandpa." Tommy smiled and stood up while holding Luca's hand. "Ms. Luca, let's go."

Luca stood up, nodded at Old Master Crawford, and took the child's hand to go upstairs with him.

Although she felt that it was inappropriate, she felt pressured when faced with Old Master Crawford.She would rather head upstairs with Tommy.

Old Master Crawford looked at the two figures heading upstairs and asked the butler, "Do you think shelooks familiar?"

The butler thought about it for a while and replied, "I think Ms. Craw's temperament is similar to Mrs.Crawford's before she lost her memory. They're both gentle and elegant. Their tone of voice andpronunciation of certain words sound the same as well, but nothing else feels familiar..."

"Hmm." Old Master Crawford thought the same.

"Is Young Master Luke upstairs?" Old Master Crawford asked.

The butler replied, "Young Master Luke went out this morning and hasn't come back yet. Old Master, doyou want me to call Young Master Luke?"

"No, get the cook to buy more groceries today. Since we have a guest, have her prepare moredelicious dishes. We have to maintain the image of the Crawford family. Also, after half an hour, sendsome snacks and fruits upstairs. Go see what she's doing with the kids." Old Master Crawford walkedto the

bedroom using his cane.

"Got it," the butler replied.

Luca followed Tommy up the stairs. She was marveling as they walked. Nothing had changed in thelast three years.

However, she could tell that the place has been renovated. She guessed that Old Master Crawford hadordered for it to be renovated, but the furniture was maintained.

Luca walked up to the second floor and glanced at the living room and the hallway.

Tommy shook her hand when he saw her stay put. "Ms. Luca, what are you thinking about?"

"Not much. I just think that the decorations here are beautiful." Luca came back to her senses. Sheremembered the days when she lived in the manor with Luke when she looked at the familiarfurnishings.

They used to live here but they moved out after that. She wondered if their old home still looked thesame.

"Is that so? It's alright, I still like where we used to live." Tommy took her hand and guided her intoRainie's bedroom.

"Where you used to live?" Luca asked deliberately. She knew what he was talking about.

She, Luke, and the kids had lived there after they moved out of Crawford Manor.

"Yeah, that's where Daddy and Mommy lived. After that, Mommy wasn't feeling well so Daddy movedus back to make it easier to take care of us. Daddy said that this is Great-grandpa's house, not ours,"Tommy said.

Luca nodded and walked into Rainie's room with him.

"Ms. Luca, you're here." When Rainie saw them walk in, she put down the storybook in her hand, stoodup, and greeted them with a smile. She acted like a little lady.

Luca smiled and nodded.

Tommy pulled her over to the sofa, pointed to the storybook on it, and said, "Ms. Luca, Daddy boughtthis for us."

"There are so many." Luca looked at the stack of storybooks and wondered when the kids would finishreading them.

"Tommy has been asking Daddy to finish the story that you told us the night before but Daddy didn'thave the time, so he bought us these storybooks," Rainie explained as she put the one in her hand onthe stack. "There are ten in total."

Luca was speechless. She did not expect this to be the reason why Luke bought so many storybooks...

"Ms. Luca, I've read two of these storybooks but the stories in them are not as exciting as the one youtold us. Why don't we continue with that?" Tommy held her hand and begged her.

"I want to hear it too." Rainie raised her hand to indicate that she also wanted to hear the story.

Luca smiled and nodded. She did not see Lanie, so she asked, "Where's Lanie?"

"Lanie doesn't like reading storybooks, so let's ignore him," Tommy said. He excluded Lanie without asecond thought.

Rainie heard Tommy's reply and stood up with a smile on her face. "Lanie doesn't like reading thesestorybooks but he likes the stories that you tell, Ms. Luca. I'll go get him."

Luca nodded and sat cross-legged on the rug. She picked up the storybooks one by one to have a lookat them.

There were books that little boys and girls would enjoy reading.

After seeing how casual she was, Tommy also sat on the rug, spread his feet, and looked happy.

After a while, Lanie walked in with Rainie.

Lanie saw Luca sitting on the carpet without paying too much attention to her image. He acted cool,and his face was expressionless when he greeted her, "Ms. Luca, good morning."

"Good morning, Lanie." Luca looked at the appearance of her eldest son and could not help but sigh inher heart. He was looking more and more like Luke as he grew up...

Luke was cool to everyone, and Lanie appeared to be a mini version of Luke.

Luke was great but Luca was not too happy that Lanie was like him. She thought that children shouldgrow up to be carefree, innocent, and cute.

Lanie was still growing up. There was no need for him to act so maturely...

Luca remembered the first time she met the child. She wished that Lanie was the same as before.

"Sit down. Where did we stop the last time?" Luca remembered but she was asking the kids onpurpose just to interact more with them.

Tommy raised his hand and repeated what she mentioned last time.

Luca nodded and praised him. "That's great. Then I'll continue from there."

Tommy clapped and nodded, looking at her expectantly.

Luca continued to tell the story. It was a story she thought of when she was on the Island of Despair.

At that time, she made up a story to entertain Nyla. When she told the story, she thought of Little Nyla'ssiblings, so she made it suitable for both boys and girls.

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