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Chapter 574

As she quickly went up to Heinz, he was gazing at her from a distance. His eyes were deep and

sparkling, and he seemed to be in control of everything.

She suddenly felt relieved at the sight of him. It was true that the urn did not contain the real ashes.

She quickly arrived in front of Heinz and stared at him.

He also looked at her and whispered gently, "Were you scared?"

"Who are you to ask me that? You didn't inform me just now and I was constantly in a dilemma," Grace

pouted as she complained. Then, she asked for a confirmation, "The ashes weren't the real ones,


"I was afraid that you wouldn't stop them at all if I told you earlier. Then, they would have been

suspicious of you. If I didn't tell you, you would at least fight a little.” Heinz smiled and then uttered,

"You must have seen through me though."

He knew that Grace was intelligent, so she must have observed it carefully.

"Yes, I did." Grace nodded.

Zachary also smiled slightly and said, "In fact, I have made it very clear. We have made some

preparations. I thought that they would only come when the night falls, but I didn’t expect that they were

so restless." "Let's go into the house first." Zachary then added, "There is Grandpa's informant in the


Hearing this, Grace tensed up immediately. "What?"

Heinz wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid. Everything is under

our control."

"Heinz." Grace asked in a low voice as she was held in his arms, "Have you known everything?"

"Yes, I've confirmed some things." Heinz ushered, "Come, follow us into the house."

Soon, they entered the hall.

Nerissa immediately went up to Zachary as soon as she saw him.

To see that he was so well- prepared and so confident, her eyes were filled with tears. She gasped,

"Zachary, you guys are back!"

"Mom, did you get a fright? Zachary extended his hand and hugged her.

Nerissa was a typical southern woman. She was very petite and when she looked up at Zachary while

being embraced, she appeared to be protected.

"Yes. I was really afraid that your grandma's ashes would be taken away. Your father in heaven would

be disappointed if that happened." Nerissa said, "Fortunately, Grace found that there was something

wrong with the urn and told me that you might have swapped it."

"Yes, it was swapped." Zachary explained, "I placed Grandma's ashes in Dad's largest safe. You can



Nerissa was relieved to hear this and she nodded repeatedly, muttering, "That's good, that's good."

After Heinz had entered the house, he first looked at his sons and found that they were very calm while

looking back at him.

Ernest was very happy as he exclaimed, "Dad, is it true that Great-grandma's ashes urn was


"Yes, it was just like Uncle Zachary said." Heinz stroked his head and asked, "Were you scared?"

"No." Ernest shook his head and replied, "We are relieved that Great- grandma's ashes haven't been

taken away."

Heinz then gazed at Little Gary and said, "Gary, what about you? Were you scared?"

Little Gary lifted his chin and huffed, "Am I that kind of person to get frightened easily?"

"Haha!" In an instant, everyone in the room laughed at his words.

"What should we do next?" Alice asked them just then. "Zachary, Heinz, the ashes have been taken

away. If we don't take any action, will Master Lowe suspect us?"

"That's all for today." Zachary answered, "We should let Grandpa calm down and enjoy himself for the

night. I think he will be sleepless tonight."

"Why?" Alice asked. "That old man doesn't look like the kind of person who has anything on his mind."

Zachary simply smiled without saying anything.

Nerissa could tell that Zachary had a good idea in

mind, so she questioned, "What shall we do today?"

"Everyone should return to your rooms and have a rest. Later, we will have Grandpa's informant report

to him. I'll catch them all in one fell swoop."

"Informant?" Nerissa was stunned for a moment before asking, "What informant?"

Instead of answering, Zachary said, "Mom, your task is to keep a close eye on the servants. Tell them

that no one is allowed to leave the garden."

Nerissa immediately understood his meaning and replied, "Do you mean that there are spies among

the servants?"

Zachary nodded and said, "Yes, Mom. It's not safe here. Grandpa's influence has spread into our


Nerissa was dazed and then nodded with a serious expression. "Leave this to me. It's time to reduce

the members in our family anyway."

After that, Nerissa quickly went out and ordered all the servants to be settled down.

Heinz then instructed Alex, "Alex, keep in touch with Lester at all times. You are responsible to keep an

eye on the garden. Find out who it is that will go out and report to Master Lowe. You can arrest him

when the right time is right."

"Understood!" Alex promptly went to arrange their men.

Zachary said to everyone, "You can have a rest first. Take a nap. After this matter is over, let's have fun


"Zachary, having fun is not the priority now." Alice immediately said, "Aunt Nerissa and you are in a bad

situation. Grace and I were also in this kind of situation before, but we won't be so angry with others.

You've gone through a lot these days. Therefore, after we have settled this matter, let's go north to

Northern City together."

Zachary smiled and said to Alice, "It will be handled soon. Go and rest. Perhaps it will be very lively

later tonight."


Before long, everyone went to the guest rooms.

After settling down the children and tucked them in bed, Grace and Heinz finally had a chance to talk in


"Heinz, I'm a little confused."

"I know what you are confused about. Zachary promised you that he would bury the ashes in the

ancestral tomb and at least settle down your grandma's and uncle's graves," Heinz uttered all these

words that she didn't say after pondering for a while.

Grace nodded and said, "Yes, I'm really worried about this. Charles promised that he would do so, but I

don't know what he's planning now that he's doing these things."

"Although Charles didn't object, Grandpa didn't agree. After all, Charles is not in charge." Heinz said,

"Besides, Charles has his own plans even though he agreed."

Grace instantly understood what Heinz meant.

"Zachary wanted to bury your grandma's ashes in the ancestral tomb yet he refuted any condition

Charles requested. He wants your grandpa to beg us." Heinz looked at her and added, "This is thenovelbin

foundation of a mature man."

"He's playing hard to get!" Grace uttered in a low voice.

Heinz grinned and nodded. "That's right."

They looked at each other, and Grace felt much relieved in an instant. "Heinz, you are so smart."

Heinz's gaze was fiery. He raised his voice slightly and said, "Coincidentally, I'm on good terms with

Zachary. Even without your family ties, I think I can still be friends with him."

Grace also smiled and asked, "Do you cherish each other?"

"A confidante," Heinz replied.

"Well, Zachary is indeed a very smart person," Grace remarked.

"No." Heinz shook his head.


"I was talking about you," Heinz said. "You're my confidante."

She was stunned. When her eyes met Heinz's shining eyes, she could feel her heart starting to beat

even faster.

Heinz walked up to her and leaned in close.

Grace was so scared that she flinched backwards quickly to cover up her fluster. She blurted, "I was

talking about Zachary and you."

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