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Chapter 573

"I don't care who you are, we're taking it away!" One of the men gripped the urn tightly.

Grace went forward to stop them nevertheless.

Another man swiftly reached out his hand and pushed Grace to the ground.

"Grace!" Nerissa's brows furrowed as she hurriedly shouted, "Are you alright?"

"Aunt Nerissa, I'm fine." Grace shook her head.

Nerissa helped her up and said sharply, "How dare you! Someone come and stop him!"

"Miss Smith!" Alex was the first to step in. As soon as he saw Nerissa and Grace, he immediately came

forward and stood in between the two women and the men. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Grace then said, "Alex, get the urn back."

"Yes!" Although Alex said so, his action was not fast. He angrily rebuked the two men, "Do you even

have a conscience? How can you rob someone's ashes? Aren't you afraid of karma?"

"Get out of the way. It's none of your business." The two men were both unreasonable and refuted,

"Don't stand in our way. Otherwise, we will beat you up."

"If you want to leave, you'll have to get through me first!" Alex shouted.

"I'll leave this to you." The man holding the urn said hastily to his comrade before running out with the

urn in his arms.

Meanwhile, Alex fought with the other person who had attacked him. As their fists flailed wildly in the

air, the scene became a mess.

Grace and Nerissa watched helplessly as Marilyn's ashes were taken away.

After a while, Grace chased after the man who had taken away the urn.

Nerissa also followed behind and shouted to the people outside the door, "Stop them, don't let them

take away the ashes!"

However, they still couldn't stop him. With so many people on the opponent's side coupled with Alex's

instructions to deliberately let the man go, the urn was taken away just like that.

The whole courtyard was in a mess.

Alex walked up to Grace and whispered, "Miss Smith, let's go back into the house first."

"Yes, let's go," Nerissa said quickly.

Alice was still in the side hall with Little Gary and Ernest. Her heart was torn with anxiety when she saw

that her grandma's ashes had been taken away. Grace and Nerissa, together with Alex seemed to

have let them go on purpose, allowing the group of bandits to take the ashes away.

"What the hell is going on? Ernest, why is your father so useless? Alex is also a loser," Alice couldn't

help cursing in frustration.

Ernest rolled his big eyes and replied, "Little Aunt, why do I feel that something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Alice didn't quite understand. She subconsciously looked at both Ernest and Little


Ernest then continued, "Uncle Alex's fighting skills are much more superior to those men's. Although

the bodyguards we brought with us are not masters, they are enough to fight against ten people at one

time. However, it seems that they didn't use all of their efforts today."

"Hmm... You're right!" Alice also came to a realization. "Even Grace didn't try much to stop them."

Ernest furrowed his little eyebrows.

Alice was still frowning as she found it increasingly hard to understand what was happening.

Just then, Little Gary spoke. "I think that urn doesn't contain the real ashes. Otherwise, Mommy would

have tried her best to stop them. Furthermore, Uncle Alex must know what is going on. That's why he

allowed the people to leave with the ashes."

Ernest immediately got excited and clapped his hands, cheering, "Yes, Gary is right!"

Alice widened her eyes and stared at Little Gary. How did this little boy know everything? What else didnovelbin

he know?

She had failed to notice it, but when she heard his explanation, Alice was surprised to find that it was a


Though, the two boys were both very smart. It seemed that she had become a good-for-nothing.

At this thought, Alice sighed in annoyance and was

a little depressed.

"Little Aunt, there's no need for you to be dejected." Little Gary consoled her as he said, "I saw Heinz

and Uncle Alex muttering to each other earlier. I also saw Uncle Zachary and him not allowing anyone

to enter the front hall. They must have been secretly swapping the ashes urn."

"They swapped the real ashes with the fake one?" Alice was shocked. "How come you know this?"

"Things like this are often portrayed in TV shows and cartoons. Little Aunt, you don't watch the TV, so

you lack these insights. You'll be even more dejected in the future." Little Gary promptly suggested,

"You'd better grab the chance and learn more, or you might be sold off by Uncle Charm for money!"

"Am I that lame?" Alice frowned and murmured, "I am your Little Aunt."

"Yes, that's why we will protect you." Little Gary promised in all seriousness, "Anyway, you are also

very dumb. Even when Uncle Charm bullies you, you can't defend yourself against him."

"Little Gary!" Alice looked down at the clam-looking boy as he spouted the insults. She then frowned

and chided, "If you keep slandering me, I am going to get mad."

"It's a sign of a lack of self-confidence if you get angry," Little Gary said simply.

"Whatever, I can't win against you.'1 Alice opened the door and said to them, "You both can't be sure

what's going on now. Let's go out and have a look first."

"I'm sure we guessed it right," Little Gary stated as

he was very confident.

Alice took them out of the hall. When they arrived at the front hall, she couldn't help but ask, "Grace,

the urn they took away wasn't Grandma's ashes, right?"

Hearing this, Grace was stunned for a while as she looked at Alice in surprise then asked, "Why did

you say that?"

"Don't keep me in the dark." Alice replied, "Little Gary and Ernest have both guessed it."

Grace was even more startled and she turned to stare at the children.

At this time, Nerissa opened her mouth and said amusedly, "They are so smart to have actually

guessed it."

Alex also smiled and told Alice, "Miss Smith, when President Jones and Mr. Lowe left earlier, they have

specifically instructed us to let the people go if they want to take the ashes away."

"So, they didn't take away the real ashes." Alice heaved a sigh of relief and asked, "Then, have you

phoned Heinz and Zachary yet?"

"I haven't had time to call them." Grace answered, "I just noticed that the urn's color was slightly

different, so I thought it must have been swapped. Besides, Alex didn't look anxious at all. That's how I

knew that Heinz and Zachary have really planned this out before."

"Gosh, that old man is actually so vile to stoop so low and rob the ashes from us. He must've been

displeased just now and instructed his men as soon as he went back. He is so shameless to bully Aunt

Nerissa and Zachary!" Alice was very angry when she thought of this. She then said worriedly, "Aunt

Nerissa, you guys are too easy to be bullied."

Nerissa smiled helplessly and responded, "One way or another, he is our elder. Over the years, I have

never disobeyed him. Now that Phillip is gone, I have to deal with him alone. Moreover, Zachary just

came back recently."

"Aunt Nerissa, let Heinz and Zachary teach them a lesson this time." Alice clenched her fists as she

growled, "Let's see if they can still be so arrogant."

Nerissa added, "I really don't know what Master Lowe is thinking. You see, he doesn't want your

grandma to come back but now he wants to take away her ashes. It's really hard to speculate what he

is going to do."

"It's none of our business. Since they have offended us, we're better off just becoming enemies in case

we still have to pretend to be polite when we meet them in the future," Alice huffed as she was filled

with indignation.

Holding her cell phone, Grace called Heinz to inform him of this matter.

However, as soon as she made the phone call, she heard the sound of the car engine coming in from

outside. When the car halted, Grace looked out of the door. She then saw Heinz getting out of the car

with Zachary, and they both soon entered the house.

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