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Chapter 1843

Zayne’s voice was very calm as he spoke. "Mr. Charm, you don't have to worry about this. I know what I'm doing, and I need to wait for the rightopportunity to strike. As for when, you just wait and see. It'll be pretty soon. I've said my piece, and you guys have teased me plenty. Hence, don't youthink we should talk about how my sister had been bullied now?"

Hearing that, Jensen immediately glanced at Heinz and thought, "Heinz, I've done all I can for you. The rest is up to you!”Sure enough, Zayne did not give them a chance to speak again.

He revealed a charming smile. "Heinz, don't you think we should talk about my sister now?"

Heinz felt rather helpless and he could only nod. There was nothing he could do about Zayne.

Hence, he said, "All right, Zayne. Go ahead!"

Zayne chuckled indifferently when he heard that, and his tone was slightly cold. "Didn't I tell you about it a long time ago? You're so forgetful."Heinz was stunned and felt a little awkward.

Zayne was determined to duke it out with him that day.

In the end, he had could only helplessly say, "How would you like me to handle your sister's matter? I'll do whatever you ask. All right?""Do you dare to turn Simon into a vegetable?" Zayne asked.

Heinz froze.

Jensen also gasped in surprise.

Zayne was acting as stubborn as a spoiled child.

That was not how he usually was.

When had he started becoming more and more childish?

Jensen and Heinz looked at each other again rather helplessly.

Zayne was indeed not someone who was easy to deal with.

They couldn't just smooth things over with him.

However, Zayne still gave Heinz a challenging and arrogant look.

Heinz replied, "I wouldn't dare to do that to Simon."

No one expected Heinz to fold immediately so cowardly as he wasn't usually like that.

Not everyone could admit defeat publicly like Heinz just did.

Even Timothy was slightly astonished at Heinz's submission, and he gave Heinz a blank look. He had no idea why Heinz would just succumb to.Zayne.

Jensen was shocked as well. From his past experiences, Heinz would never admit defeat so quickly.

However, Heinz had gone against the grain that day.

Alas, there wasn’t much else he could do when faced with someone like Zayne.

As expected, Zayne felt bored.

He glanced at Heinz with a hint of disappointment and boredom in his eyes.

A mocking laugh spilled from his lips before he said, "Nice one, Heinz. It's rare for you to fold so quickly."Heinz smiled, and his tone nonchalant. "Yep, I yield.”novelbin

He didn't want to keep arguing. He just wanted Zayne to know that Heinz Jones could admit defeat when he needed to.That was a type of ability that one would behold at a certain age

Heinz did not fold for no reason.

It was mainly because Simon wasn’t worth the

effort then.

Moreover, Simon had the intention to turn over a new leaf, so there was no need to keep going after him.Heinz felt that there was a lot of things in life that needed work to be put into it. but life wasn’t all just about that.Zayne would definitely understand that concept.

However, Heinz wasn't sure what was going on with Zayne that day.

He seemed to bristle at every word

If Heinz refused to yield, then they could be deadlocked for the entire day.

Hence, Heinz decided to admit defeat after some thoughts. He believed that Zayne was a smart man, and he would definitely understand what Heinzwas trying to do.

"Well, it would be wrong of me to keep on pestering you after you've already said this.

After all, it's rather dishonorable tokeep forcing someone who hasalready yielded. It's rare to come .across semeone who is able to <withhold his pride, and also to adinithis defeat when needed, but Heinz,youare one of them. Amazing."Zayne smiled as he spoke,-but hehad clearly lost his interé8t tocontinue to pick on Heinz. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

He swept his gaze over everyone in the room before he stood and said, "I'll go and see Grace."

The three remaining men exchanged glances after he left. They were at a loss as to what to do, and they had no idea what was going on with Zaynethat day.

Timothy waited until Zayne left before he said to Heinz, "I'm sorry, Heinz. Don't take what happened today to heart. I don't know what's happened toZayne.”

"What's there to be confused about? That kid's love struck." Jensen gave the two men a look. "Love has changed him.”

Heinz and Timothy simultaneously looked at Jensen as realization hit them both like a truck. Was Zayne really acting that way because of a girl?It seemed that he had gone through a lot of things.

Perhaps love was the reason he was so irritated that day.

Timothy's depressed expression gave way to an excited one right away when he heard the explanation

"If so, then he really must be in love! You heard him say it just now as well, right? There's a girl, and he’s not sick, right?"

Heinz nodded seriously. "Yeah, he admitted it himself that there is a woman in his life. I don't think Zayne is someone who would simply saysomething like that. so I'm sure he has a lover already.”

“That's amazing. I was so worriedthat Zayne might be ill, or if there”was sofiething wrong with his body.If notawhy hasn't he found =someone?’ Mr. Yarbrough sighed. "I Ithat's the case, then he's not ill.”Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Dad, how could Zayne be sick? He'sa normal guyfand it's just that hehasnt gottera girlfriend so soon. ~For all we Know, they could havebeen together foralongtimealready. I feel like relationships’ arereally based on fate, so I can~understand why he's beingso pricklywith me today.” Content belongs ike)NovelDrama.Org

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