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Chapter 1842

Jensen suddenly felt that there was something strange about Zayne that day. Could it be that he was troubled by something?Was that why he wasn't able to hold back his annoyance and was so bothered by everything that enraged him?It was true that Heinz didn't handle the whole issue very well.

However, it wouldn't make sense for Zayne to get so harsh at him even if he felt that Heinz hadn't handled the matter properly, or if his attitude wasbad, or even if he was reckless and having sided with Simon.novelbin

Moreover, Heinz's decision was a mature one too. He just wanted to eliminate more problems from developing once and for all.Jensen had always thought of Zayne as a mature minded bachelor, and he had been a mature person since he was young.Yet, Zayne was acting so strongly against Heinz that day.

It did seem a little over the line for him to be treating Heinz this way, especially since Heinz was older than him by years.

Although Jensen didn't want to offend Zayne. he couldn't bear to let Heinz, whe was his good friend to be accused like that either. So, in the end, hedecided to side with Heinz.

Jensen smiled and said, “Zayne, should you be seeking the doctor's advice? I'm afraid your hormones might be imbalanced since you've been singlefor so long. The overabundance of your adrenal hormones might affect your health somehow.

You should treat it earlier if you have an endocrinological problem. Or to make things easier, you should start looking for a girlfriend. Then, therewould be no need to treat it.”

Zayne cast a sidelong glance at Jensen and smiled a little scornfully. "Mr. Charm, is it appropriate for you to be making such remarks as a seniorpolice officer?"

Jensen did not fly into a rage from embarrassment. Instead. he smiled faintly as he answered Zayne.

" How is this inappropriate? I'm just giving you some honest advice," Jensen explained immediately, "Zayne. you might find it harsh but those are allsincere advice, and they are for your

own good."Zayne smiled faintly. "You should advise Heinz instead. Everything that I said earlier were also just my piece of advice to him as well."

Jensen was startled for a moment and immediately laughed. "Heinz is a married man. There's nothing wrong with his hormones. Also, it proves thattheir marriage is a happy one if they're having so many children together. Shouldn't you be happy for them too?"

Zayne laughedJensen was really good at changing the topic.Zayne laughed again. "Mr. Charm, you are indeed good. Also, you and Heinz really do share a touching friendship!"

Jensen immediately said with a smile, "Your compliment makes me feel a little embarrassed. I am indeed close with Heinz. We are beyond friends,we are even relatives. So, I always want the best for him, and I would always share his burden with him. This is what good friends do for each other."

Zayne snorted as if he was dismissive of what Jensen said.

He was a smart man, so it was easy for him to see that Jensen was helping Heinz excuse himself.Hearing Zayne snorting, Jensen didn't show any displeasure. Instead, he laughed.

He looked even happier.

Jensen continued, "Look, Heinz is worried about you, and at the same time he was worried about Timothy being anxious about your relationshipstatus too. As for me, I am worried about Heinz, as well as you. Alice and Grace are also both worried about you. We are all anxious to help you settledown."

Zayne frowned and was about to say something, only to be interrupted by Jensen again. It seemed like Jensen came prepared.

"It's rare to have you and Timothy over today. This is the first time in so many years that we are all together. spending such happy time together.Besides, I got to see you here too. So please, just let me give you some advice."

Zayne raised his brows and said in surprise, “I really never expect you to be this kind.”

"I guess that's what comes with my job." Jensen chuckled. "You know, as a police officer, especially when I'm promoted to be leading the team, I tendto worry a lot about many things, and about the society.

In one of my recent surveys, I happened to notice that there is an increase in the crime rate among young unmarried individuals every year.Experts claim that there must be some underlying factors among these unmarried people, and they might cause harm to the society.

If these individuals were to get married in the future with these underlying factors, it would only result in more and more dysfunctional families. That'swhy I wanted to advise you as I see that you're still single

Don't interrupt me. I'm getting older and I might forget what I wanted to say if I get interrupted.

In short, let me tell you everything I want to say today. Who knows when we will get to talk to each other like this again in the future, am I right?"Zayne frowned upon hearing his lengthy statement. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to stop him that day.

Was he really such a kind-hearted police officer?

Was he really concerned about the stability of the society?

What was the point in making himself sound so noble?

He was clearly trying to tease Zayne, yet he made it sound so noble, as if he was doing this for Zayne's sake.

Zayne smiled faintly and said, "All right then, Mr.

Charm. I'll just let you say everything you want. If not, that'll be heartless of me, but after you're done, we will go back to the topic regarding howHeinz should treat my sister better.”

Heinz and Jensen were extremely helpless.

They exchanged a look.

Heinz knew that Zayne was really not planning to give up on that.

Jensen looked at Heinz with sympathy again. Having a brother-in-law like him was really not easy.

Jensen once again began his lengthy speech, "Zayne, we have known each other for so many years. Heinz and I basically watched you grow up. Ithas been more than ten years, hasn't it?

You have always been single. We are really concerned about that.See, now even your father is getting anxious about this."

Timothy immediately nodded. He would play along with anyone who was persuading his son to settle down.

“Your father has suffered enough inhis life. Why.are you still making himworry about you and your brother athis age? Eamon is still living abroadafter so many years withou oretu LuraING, whereas you're alwayssing! e. You're living your lifelike a)

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monk.If you are an incapable person or if you are ugly, then we would at least tell ourselves that it's hard to make someone fall for you.

Yet, look at you. You're a handsome man and you're definitely outstanding, but you aren't even seeing anyone. What a waste of such a goodlookingface. How can we not be concerned about this?

Besides, it isn't healthy for you to not have a girlfriend at your age. Am I not right?"

Jensen's statement was long yet he earned continuous nodding from Timothy.

Timothy had been telling Zayne those things countless times, but he always refused to listen.Timothy was already concerned about it since more than ten years ago

At that time, Zayne was still in his twenties. He graduated and was starting a business upon returning from abroad. He was a really outstandingyoung man at that time

Actually, he was still outstanding then, but there was something wrong with him then.

He refused to get married.

As a father, Timothy would love to see Zayne get married and have his own family.

That was probably what every parent would wish to see.

It just happened that Zayne was never interested in all that, and he didn't even have any scandals over the years.Timothy almost felt that something was wrong with Zayne. Thus, he agreed strongly with what Jensen said.

That was why he kept nodding in agreement.

Timothy thervsaid, "Zayne, Mr.Charm is right I've talked to youabout thiswmany times too. You aresmart, capable and good-looking;but why don't you have a girlfriend?I'm.Feally concerned about tis. AreyotFsomehow sick?" Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

Jensen also-nodded firmly. "You

might be-teally sick if you still don't

see anyone at your age for a long

time. Or, why don't we get youtto see

a dector first before finding you a

gielfriend?" Content belongs to


"Who told you that I am not seeing anyone? Who told you that I'm sick? I don't get why you all are always assuming things.” Zayne frowned, feelinghelpless.

He glanced sideways at Jensen and then at Heinz.

They were doing that to distract him and stop him from ridiculing Heinz for how he handled the matter concerning Grace, weren't they?Zayne had long seen through it.

Jensen blinked his eyes and suddenly realized something. "Are you saying that you are not sick and that you actually have a girlfriend? If so, youshould hurry and bring her to meet us."

"Mr. Charm is right. You should let us meet her soon. I really want to see you and Eamon building your own families.” Timothy sounded excited too.Zayne let out a laugh and said, "Dad, let me make this clear. I'm not sick, and I'm very normal. It's my freedom to have a girlfriend or not.”

"Are you not bringing her to us?” Jensen asked again.

Timothy also gave Zayne a hopeful look.

Zayne glared at Jensen. feeling even more helpless. He knew Jensen was doing it on purpose.

Jensen said again, "Don't tell me you are only planning to bring her to us after you get her pregnant."

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