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Chapter 1844

"Yeah." Mr. Yarbrough nodded and sighed. "As long as you're all fine, there's nothing more I want."novelbin

After all, he was an old man then, and there was nothing else he would ask for. His only wish was that all his children lived peacefully and happily.Heinz was also a father, and he was soon going to have a total of six children.

Hence, he naturally understood his father-in-law’s thoughts.

Every parent loved their child.

“Dad, Zayne knows what he's doing." Heinz comforted him.

Timothy sighed and whispered, “Grace is fine, and I understand why you're doing this. You yielded just now just to avoid an argument with Zayne.Sorry to trouble you, Heinz."

"Mr. Yarbrough, I don't think it’s a trouble for him. Honestly, it's maturity." Jensen had a different opinion.

Timothy looked at Jensen in slight surprise before he nodded his head in a sudden agreement. "You're right. Heinz has proven that by yielding toZayne just now. He's indeed more mature now."

Many people refused to admit defeat as they felt that their ego was the most important thing.

If one knew when to preserve their dignity and when to fold, that was a sign of true maturity.

Heinz had grown up.

Timothy knew that Heinz had taken a huge hit to his pride by admitting defeat.

He looked at Heinz apologetically, thinking that Zayne indeed crossed the line that day.

He shouldn't have treated Heinz like that.

Heinz noticed the apology and guilt in Timothy's eyes and immediately comforted him, "Dad, let's go for dinner. It's time. Grace has prepared a lot ofnice food today. so we should have a small reunion.

“All right then.” After that, Timothy did not say anything else.

Meanwhile, Zayne went to look for Grace after he left the room.

Grace stood up immediately after seeing Zayne and they both headed to the garden

Grace had always been kind to Zayne as she could feel the respect and admiration Zayne had for her.Since Zayne was good to her, she naturally was the same to him.

“You've been staring at me from afar once you left the guest room. Is there something you want to privately talk ta me about?” Grace asked herbrother softly as she looked at him.

"It seems like I can’t hide anything from you, huh?" Zayne smiled and had Grace sit down on a recliner in the garden. Both of them sat therecomfortably in the silence, and everything was wonderful then.

"Ah, so you do have something to say to me." Grace chuckled. "Well, let's hear it."

"I might have accidentally hurt Heinz’s feelings earlier." Zayne admitted to Grace honestly. "I didn't spare him any mercy."

Grace was stunned and burst into laughter. "What? You and Gary are the same. Can you still not get over the fact that I'm Heinz's second wife?”"He's not good enough for you," Zayne said bluntly.

"Zayne, you haven't been married before, so you don't really know what's going on. A marriage really isn't all that it seems on the surface, and youmight net see how happy someone is on the inside." Grace tilted her head and smiled at her brother. "Heinz and I are very happy together."

"I know that you don’t care about being his second wife, and I shouldn't be so hung up on it, but what I want to say is that I've changed my opinion ofhim today." Zayne subconsciously smiled as he spoke.

Grace laughed out loud. "Oh? Is that so? Now that's something I'd like to hear about."

Zayne lowered his gaze to look at the tiny blades of grass by his feet. He laughed at himself and said, "Well, I wanted to fight with him today, but herefused to do so."

"Wow!" Grace was astonished for a second before she leaned in closer to Zayne and glanced at him, looking concerned. "Zayne, are you in love?"Zayne froze, and he looked like a deer caught in the headlight.

Grace understood what was going on right away.

That was a whole new development.

Zayne was in love

Otherwise, how could he have such a cute expression on his face?

Grace was overjoyed and she grinned at her brother. "So you've gone and found yourself a girlfriend! Finally! Do you know how worried dad has beenfor you staying single?"

Zayne raised his head and looked at his sister, looking slightly embarrassed.Grace's smile softened at Zayne's expression. “Oh gosh, you look so cute now.""Grace, it's not what you think." Zayne quickly schooled his expression and smiled at Grace. "I'm not dating anyone.”

"Even if you're not dating anyone, something similar has happened, right? You've got your eyes on someone, Zayne. I can see it for sure," Grace saidconfidently.

“Haha, would you like to be a fortune teller, Grace?" Zayne couldn't help laughing."Does that mean you agree with me?" Grace focused her gaze on Zayne.

Zayne felt rather exposed and helpless.

"No, Grace, you're overthinking.” Zayne still denied it.

On the other hand, Grace smiled at him. "It's not me who's overthinking, it's you. Aman should settle down once he reaches a certain age, no? That'snormal. Since you have a prospective lover, why not try?”

Zayne was stunned and fell silent once again.Grace chuckled. "You're a very proactive person to me, Zayne. Why are you stalling?"Zayne didn't shake his head, but he just said, "Grace, shouldn't things like these be left up to chance? I don't think it's fated yet.”

"Then tell me, has a woman come into your life and taken up your attention?" Grace had experienced that before, so she was putting herself in theposition to advise her brother.

Zayne thought for a moment and nodded. "It's indeed very exhausting. A girl is being a great drain on my energy.”"That right there is love. You're in love, my silly little brother.” Grace laughed.Zayne’s expression became hesitant once more, and he started to look confused.

Grace smiled at him and said, “Stop being so confused about this. If you like the girl and if she makes you happy, and you can't take your mind off ofher, then you most probably like her. She's the one for you.”

Zayne was stunned again and he asked, "Grace, do you really think I have to get married?”

"Isn't that one.of our basic needs ashuman being&? Raising the nextgeneration if our responsibility, butamarriage built on love is much moresuperior You're an amazing owsZayné;$0 how can you not havesoméone that you love? Dart youneed someone to spend your lifewith?" Grace said persuasively.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Zayne shook his head. "I don’t want to talk much, really. It's annoying being harassed sometimes.”"Oh? Really?” Grace looked at her brother in awe. "Does that mean that the girl’s pursuing you instead?"Zayne hesitated for a moment before nedding. "Yep, she's very keen in doing so too.”

As he spoke, Zayne seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts. He asked, "Grace, how long do you think a girl's enthusiasm will last?"

"Zayne, you have to believe thatanyone wouldve discouraged iftheir affec iQns aren't returned, nomatter haw much they love NNsomethiag.’ Grace reminded her.brotheg kindly. "If it were me, I think Iwoulehold out for three months. I'mneta very forward sort of git, so IwWén't boldly pursue a mai If it's areally extroverted girl and if she likesyou very much, then maybe she'dpursue you for a very long time."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Zayne was dazed.

Grace continued, "However, if you want a specific time frame, then it depends on her personality and how much she likes you. Judging from yourexpression, I don't think she's pursued you for only three months, no?”

Zayne nodded before he smiled. He seemed to be reminiscing something. "She's indeed persisted for a very long time, so lang that I have no ideahow to approach the subject."

"Are you going to accept her?” Grace asked again.

In fact, she was very worried. If Zayne could not reciprocate the girl's feelings in time, the girl would definitely lose interest. In the end, Zayne wouldend up with nothing

"I'm not planning to accept her.” Zayne shook his head. "I don't think we're right for each other."

Grace paused, and she was slightlysurprised. "Well, this could be justyour own speculation. Whether ornot you'reright for one another in axmarriagé&can only be discerned I afteryou've 2-Spent time together. Take meand Heinz for example. We' vehadourfai r share of fights throughoutthé years, but we've gotter throughall of them. He takes good care ofour family, and he doesn't controlme. We love each other very deeply."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Zayne nodded. "Yeah. I can see that he tolerates me a lot for your sake."

He knew that he'd gone too far earlier, but he wanted to test Heinz’s feelings for Grace.

He felt that it was reasonable to want to test Heinz in order to find out how much Heinz loved Grace.Hence, Zayne believed that Heinz was clever enough to understand his intentions too.

"Zayne, I don't know what you're being hesitant about. I wonder why you've refused to get married or fall in love all these years. However, I feel thatyou should be braver and take the first step. It's really not that hard.” Grace hoped that Zayne could be more normal.

Over the years, she had been speculating that Zayne had not found a girlfriend because of their parents.

Zayne lowered his gaze and his good-looking face was blank. Most times, his silence made him look like a stoic statue.Grace was very concerned about Zayne.

Of course, she was concerned about Eamen as well.

Eamon had not returned home for more than ten years.

She'd heard that Eamon had been travelling the world helping others in need. He hadn't returned since their parents’ divorce.He would occasionally call Timothy, but he did not pay much attention to Zayne.

Every year, Zayne would fly over to see Eamon.

Every time Grace asked about Eamon, Zayne refused to say much about the situation.

Grace was a little distressed when she thought about that too.

She knew that Eamon was in fact traumatized by their parents.

Her two brothers were both hurt deeply by their parents’ failed marriage, and they hadn't managed to get over the trauma it brought them yet.

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