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Chapter 1834

Even Ernest couldn't help laughing. Ernest had to give it to Gary for his sharp tongue.novelbin

He had been quite mean that day, but he would still not be as harsh as Gary. Gary could always get straight to the point.Yes, the apology.

Marry said it herself that she wanted to apologize.

Marry also burst into laughter. Seeing how the two brothers were talking to her, she couldn't help but to laugh

It was probably her first time looking at them that way.

Back in those days. they were just tiny dots on the ultrasound, yet they were already getting taller and stronger than their father then.Time really did fly.

Staring at their familiar faces, one of them resembled Grace while the other resembled Heinz.

Marry had mixed feelings as well as she looked at

them. She was the one who split them up back


They were a pair of twins, and they were newborns at that time, yet she separated them cruelly.

She remembered how she was so proud of her decision back then, but she regretted it then. She was too cruel and she really shouldn't have done itThey were children.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Gary urged again as he saw that Marry was still quiet. "All talk and no action. How insincere."

Realizing that both of them were urging her, Marry glanced at Ernest and then said in a solemn tone, "I'm sorry, especially to you, Ernest. I took youaway stubbornly back then. Fortunately, you must have had good karma, and your biological father actually got you back."

“You were really cruel." Ernest was angry to think that he was away from his mother's care for five whole years.That was the regret of his life.

This vicious woman took him away from his mother when he needed her most.

"Yet, look at us now. Some thingsare just fated~Who would haveexpected to_see us having teatogether ke this aftersomany ™&years? I'fa even having the _opportinity to apologize to yous”regarding my regrets, for al thosethings that I have done in thosetifes." Marry laughed aterself asshe said, "I am still amazed at thefact that I could let all these go afterspending my time in jail." Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"You are really one of a kind, exceptionally despicable." Gary sneered. "I'm sure you've had your hard time in jail, and would have changed too, butit's true that I'd never have expected you to be able to admit to this so generously and open-heartedly."

"I don't want to forgive you." Ernest also frowned and said coldly, "You were really too vicious. If it weren't for you, I would not have been separatedfrom my mother and my brother back then."

"However, if it weren't for me, you might not even have had the chance to go back to your father back then. To a certain extent, I believe I indirectlyhelped to bring your parents together. If I didn't scheme against Simon and Grace that night, Simon might have become your dad instead." Marrychuckled as she stretched out her palms. "I finally get to let go of some grudges now.”

"Stop trying to make excuses for your past behavior. You are nothing but vicious. Your apology doesn't sound genuine at all. You separated anewborn from his mother. This isn’t what a human being should do, but you did it. So, congratulations, you're truly an animal." Gary sneered.

"I know you hate me, but you don't have to put it so harshly," Marry continued, "Regardless, there are some things that you don't know, and maybe:you'll understand once you're my age. I'm not trying to boast about what I did. I do regret it and this is why I'm apologizing sincerely to you now."

"We don't intend to forgive you, and we never will. However, our dad seems to have forgiven you already, and I am enraged because of thatPerhaps. as you said, we will forgive you when we're your age, but I'm sorry to say that we can't forgive you now.” Ernest said in a low voice.

Marry was startled. She then laughed. “You are quite a kind soul. It's fine if you can't bring yourself to forgive me. You're still young anyway, and Idon't expect it of you now. I only got te understand some things at this age.”

Gary frowned. He noticed how calm Marry looked. It was as if she had really let go of her grudges.

At least she was not as stubborn, and as scathing as before. She finally looked like a normal person then, being more open-hearted

Gary also smiled faintly and said, “Fine then. I won't bother about the bad bloods between you and our parents, but on our account, we still don't planon forgiving you. So, you can stop looking at us like we're even close to begin with. or as if you are our elder. That doesn't work on us.”

Marry smiled again and said, "I know you two aren't that easy. Your mom taught you well.""Of course she did. She is great, and surely much better than you are.” Gary sounded proud of Grace as he boasted about her.

Marry couldn't help laughing. She looked even kinder then, like an elder who was looking at the younger generation. She shook her head. "You andyour mom are always acting so tough on the outside. Actually, your mom used to be really nice to me, but then. I was too blinded by love and I was sojealous of her getting Simon's attention and affection.

That was why I did all thosemistakes back then. I regret them alot now, but I Can't turn back thetime. I know tny apology doesn'tmake everything better, but I just <>hope that-you can learn a thing.ortwo from me to not make any. ©choices that you'll regret latenon inlife=or at least, to make less of suchbad decisions. Cherish what youhave now and go after the rightthings instead. Knowing what youwant would enable you to have amuch better life. I hope the best forall of you.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"No worries. We will definitely livebetter than you did, at least for thislife that we hve. Yours is a failure.We just got started onourlives ~anyway. We will keep in mind to notget togarrogant and to always - amaintain a kind heart. We wortt bedriveh by our jealousy and makegreat mistakes in life. Or, _at least, wewill try our best to not make somuch of such mistakes, such as theones which will get us end up beingsent to jail." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Gary's words were harsh. The Marry back then would have lost her temper and started scolding back. However, she was just laughing at his wordsthen instead, without getting back at them.

"Don't worry, you won't be sent to jail. I know your mother well enough to know that she won't let that happen to you.” Marry said

Gary nodded and said, "I'll forgive you a little now that you're praising my mother.”

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