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Chapter 1835

Marry was startled for a while and she stared blankly at Gary upon hearing that. She then chuckled. "You're adorable.”"I'm a mature adult, not a kid anymore,” Gary protested, "Stop talking to me as if I'm a kid.”

"I can't help the fact that I'm your elder. Like it or not, I'm your aunt." Marry was not angry at all. Instead, she was cheerful and was smiling the wholetime while talking to Gary.

"If 'm not mistaken, you aren't even related to my mother by blood.” Gary said

Marry raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I guess you're right. I'm not related to her by blood. I pity my dad to have been her dad for so many years.back then. He was being schemed against too. I still can't believe Candace managed to do that. Oh, that's your grandmother I'm talking about.”

"You should feel honored.” Gary's tone was calm. "In the end, Candace did give birth to your half-sister."

"Speaking of Alice, I haven't seen her for a long time. I heard that she's now a career woman. Well, she wouldn't have gotten to inherit the SunnyGroup if it wasn't for being my father's daughter." Marry sighed as she said that.

Gary nodded as he gazed at her. "It's indeed a pity you miscalculated your moves. She just so happens to be your half-sister."

"Exactly. That gives you the reason to call me aunt. I'm Alice's sister, and even though I'm not related to Grace by blood, she is still Alice's half-sistertoo," Marry argued

Gary chuckled. "That isn’t a solid reason to me. If you're not related to my parents by blood, we would not be considered relatives. you wouldn't be myelder, and I wouldn't have to call you my aunt. To me, you're just an old woman, and it’s up to me for what I want to think of you."

"At least you acknowledged the fact that I'm older than you. That would be considered as treating me as your elder as well." Marry laughed, clearlynot minding Gary's harsh words.

Her gaze was filled with envy and regrets as she glanced at Gary.

If it wasn't for what she had done, she might have had a child around his age by then.What a pity.

She had suffered way too much.

She was envious of Grace to have so many children then.

Marry felt that the heavens were fair enough to let Grace enjoy being a parent after suffering so much from her own parents, where she didn't get toexperience the loves of the parents.

The lack of parental affection was as if she had no parents.

Yet she got to experience all the affections with her child.

Marry's gaze was filled with mixed emotions as she looked at the two children of Grace, seeming as if she was lost in her own thoughts.Gary was still and raised his eyebrows, then exchanged a look with Ernest after noticing that she was staring at them.

Ernest shrugged at him, twitching his lips.

It did seem to them that Marry had really let go of her grudges.

Some people would choose to grab the opportunity to readjust themselves and reflect on their past actions after they gone through some hardships. Itwasn't always the case, but those people were really admirable for making the decision to do so, and it was rare to come across people like themAfter all, it was great if someone could admit their mistakes and change to be better.

Marry's gaze was peaceful, still and even slightly gracious. Ernest and Gary were both a little surprised to see that.

It seemed that life in prison had really changed Marry a lot, and she was not as harsh as before anymore.

She even looked wiser.

Ernest glanced at Gary and said, "You've decided to forgive her a little, but that's not the case for me. I stand by my own principles.”Gary was startled. He looked at Ernest.

Ernest was expressionless, and his gaze was icy cold.

Marry burst into laughter. "I guess I'm really a sinner for making you brothers fight for an outsider like me."

“You're overthinking.”

The brothers spoke at the same time.

Marry laughed and said with a sigh. "You two are really in sync. Indeed, you are twins!"

"That's for sure," Gary answered naturally. “You don't deserve to be forgiven by my brother. He won't be forgiving you.""I'm fine with that." Marry was cool with that.novelbin

Gary smiled and once again looked at Ernest. "Why don't you go and see what's up with our Uncle Simon?"

'No." Ernestrefused directly. “Itdoesn't. matter to me. I'm not dad;and I don't intend to bea amatchmaker and bring these twoback together." Content belongs toswwnovel.net -

Gary shrugged helplessly and said to Marry, "He's just a man of principles."

At that time, Heinz joined them.

He saw his*sons sitting with Marry.as he walked through the door, andMarry. was even smiling kindly atthen, with a slightly envious, ook onher face. Content belongs.t todNovelDrama.Org -

Heinz looked at Marry and asked, "Are you envious to see how grown up my sons are?"Marry did not refute. She nodded and admitted generously. "I am very envious indeed. Too bad, I don't have children.”“You will soon have your own children." Heinz swept a glance at her. "Simon is getting a shower and getting dressed. He will see you later."

Marry blushed immediately after hearing that. Heinz's implication was obvious.

She lowered her head to hide her embarrassment after she glanced at Heinz.

At her age, she could easily figure out what Heinz was referring to when he mentioned about Simon getting showered and getting dressed

Gary's eyes lit up, and he spoke cheekily. "Are they trying for a baby?"

Ernest chuckled. "Let me remind you something. Simon have had 13 women lusting after him. Why are you still going back to someone like him?"

Marry tensed up in an instant.

Heinz frowred and glanced at NErnest. He found Ernest was a littletoo mean. He knew that Ernest\wasusually always a soft and geatle kid.Yethe was acting differently thatday. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Marry didn't say anything

Gary also glanced at Ernest. It seemed that Emest still held a grudge against Marry because of what happened to him during his childhood.Gary exchanged a look with Heinz.

Heinz gave him a subtle wink.

Gary stood up understanding’. "Ernest, let's go.”

"It doesn't seem appropriate to leave dad alone with her. I'm not leaving.” Ernest glanced at Heinz. "How can we leave you two alone?”Heinz was startled. He sighed helplessly and said, "When did I tell you to leave us alone?”

"Do you mean that you're leaving with us too?”

Ernest added quickly.

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