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Chapter 1833

Grace was startled for a while upon hearing Simon's words. She then figured out something.

Having gone through so much over the years, she could tell that something was wrong in the words he said rather quickly.Grace was still a sensible person, and she asked, "Were you the one behind the news?"

Simon was startled too. He hesitated, and didn't know what to say.

Noticing his hesitation, Grace got the answer she wanted. "Why won't you admit it if you did it? Simon, you have been holding this against us for somany years, and you're now saying that you want to put this behind us. However, do you know that this doesn’t even have anything to do with me?It's all you, putting on a show on your own. Why must you do that?”

"Anyway, let's just end this," Simon finally answered in a solemn tone. as if he was waiting for his cueto speak.

Grace did not know how to react. She found him hilarious. What was the point of him telling her all those things? He could just end things if hewanted. There was no need for him to announce them.

She said, "We should've ended this way earlier, shouldn't we? You're the one who's still obsessed with this. You were the one who went to the mediaand even talked about my son's girlfriend. Simon, don't you think you're being childish?"

Simon laughed. "Grace, you can only blame yourself for making this many enemies. I'm just giving you a reminder today.""Should I thank you then?" Grace's attitude turned a little icy, and her tone was getting impatient. Noticing that, Simon let out a wry laugh.

He met Heinz's gaze and his smile became even more bitter. He could tell that Grace was already running out of patience to even talk to him, andshe didn’t even want to entertain him.

Simon was very upset at that realization. He felt like Grace was slowly drifting further from him, and she was getting so far that he couldn't hold on toher anymore. "Grace, are you not willing to talk to me anymore?”

He asked the question directly as he wondered about itGrace seemed to have let out a light chuckle upon hearing that, and she admitted right away too

“You're right. I'm running out of patience already just talking to you. I don't want to have anything to do with you. You didn't have to call me at all,”Grace said in a cold tone.

Simon's eyes dimmed.

He was silent for a while and then said, "I do agree with that. There's no need for this call, and I really shouldn't have called. It seems like you won'teven give me the chance to make peace with you.”

"Is this how you should sound when you're attempting to make peace with me?" Grace asked coldly. "It feels like a threat instead."

I'm not threatening you." Simon laughed wryly. "I'm just upset that I've let you down when you were nothing but kind to me all these years. I feel like Ihave a lot of regrets when it comes to you, as we have missed out on so many things.”

"I don't think there's anything to regret about. Anyway, my life has been complete ever since I found Heinz. If it wasn't because of all the things wemissed out on in our flawed relationship, I'd never have got to be with Heinz

Simon, don't dwell on the past. You should find someone and build a life together. Marry can be your someone if you can't find anyone else. Sheloves you the most, more than anyone else in the world." Grace still chose to be kind to him in the end.

After all. Simon was someone she knew since childhood. She wanted the best for them too.

If Simon and Marry got back together, it would at least fulfill Simon's father's dying wish.

With that in mind, Grace couldn't help but to give Simon a piece of advice.

Simon stiffened and smiled bitterly. "You're right. She loves me more than anyone else.”

"It's good that you know this," Grace said in a deep voice, "I've told you everything I wanted to say. Why don't you pass the phone back to Heinz?”Simon was stunned once again, and was clearly reluctant to do so.

He could not bear to loosen his grip on the phone

However, in the end, he still gritted his teeth as if he was about to throw away something he cherished the most, loosened his grip, and gave thephone back to Heinz.

Heinz smiled at his reaction and said over the phone, "Honey."

Grace immediately complained, "What's wrong with you? How can you pass the phone around without asking me first? I warn you to never do thisagain.”

Heinz immediately replied, "Yes, Madam. I understand."

"If there's nothing else. I'll hang up first." Grace wasn't in the mood to talk more.

Heinz said, "Sure."

After hanging up, Heinz looked at Simon, whe was in despair.

"Now that I've made the phone call for you, are you finally willing to give up and let it go?" Heinz asked.Simon didn't say anything

Heinz continued, "You're always missing out on the best things in life. Take Marry as an example. She loves you so much yet you cheated on her. Ifall those things didn't happen back then, you would have kids around Sebastian and Sylvia's age already. What you have done back then wastedmore than ten years of your life."

Hearing that, Simon let out a long sigh.

He couldn't help sighing.

‘Indeed, that'syust how life is. Heinz,goodbye fortiow,’ Simon said as helooked upat Heinz. mye thank


you for bringing Marry over. Iwouldn't have known what to do if Ididntget to talk to her today" mplafining to start all over again with

her." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Are you sure?" Heinz looked at him.

Simon nodded seriously. "Yes, I am sure. I want to start anew with Marry.

"All right then. Feel free to ask forhelp if you rneed it.” Heinz glanced athim calmly. "We are relatives afterall. Even though Marry is not relatedto Grace by blood, she's stillfelatedto:Allice.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

Heinz also intended to help them, and he was not only doing it to build good karma, but also in hopes that it would lessen any potential problem forhis family in the future.

Simon let out a bitter and somehow self-deprecating smile. He was doubtful if Heinz would actually be able to help him much

"You can’t help me. In fact. there's no one who can help me. I'm a different person now,” Simon said.

He was a crippled person then. He was damaged. He was deeply wounded and had nothing left.

With all of these combined, he no longer felt confident in front of Marry.

That was most likely why he didn't look for Marry after being released from jail.

Grace was right. Marry was perhaps the only person who loved him so much. No one else loved him

Those women he fooled around with were only after his good looks and money. They were nowhere to be seen once he was sentenced to jail.Thinking of it then, Marry was the only one who went through all the bad times with him.

Simon was already feeling sorry enough to learn that Marry was helping him to take care of his parents when he was still in prison.Simon felt grateful from the bottom of his heart for things that Marry had done for him without telling him

Thus, he decided to be honest with Marry about his feelings for that one time then

He wanted to start over again with her if she was willing to give him the chance. He would make sure to cherish the opportunity.However, he was a little hesitant as he didn't know how to convey his feelings

Although Heinz had helped him to stop Marry from leaving, he was still a little hesitant when he needed to actually face her again.Seeing that he was not in a hurry to leave, Heinz smiled and said, "That's the woman who loves you deeply. What are you afraid of?"

"You don't understand.” Simon shook his head.

He was still not in a hurry. He rubbed his hands, feeling uneasy.It seemed that he didn’t know where to start.

"Would you like a room?” Heinz took the initiative to ask.

"Well, do you have any?” Simon subconsciously answered him

Heinz immediately laughed. "Of course. Why don't you take a bath and I'll ask someone to send you some clothes? You will talk to Marry after you getdressed. Is that okay?"

"Can I do that?" Simon was a little surprised. "Why... why are you helping me?”"Just think it as if I'm daing a good deed." Heinz smiled.

Simon was startled again. Looking at Heinz, he pursed his lips and said with slight embarrassment, "Well, I'll just accept your arrangements if yousaid so. Hurry up then.”

Heinz immediately ordered someone to take Simon to the designated guest room.The place was surrounded by nature. It was quite a decent place.

It was also a villa in the mountains.

Marry and Ernest were drinking tea outside the villa.

Ernest was looking at Marry while Gary was playing with his phone.

Marry was also looking at the both of them.

She suddenly smiled and said, "I seem to owe you brothers an apology."

Ernest raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? I thought you would never apologize until you die.”

“Haha, I used to think so too." Marrywasn't angryInstead, she admittedit open- heartedly. "I think this is just,my karma.1 guess that makes meswant to-nave the opportunity toxmakepeace with you, and tot havesome peaceful time with yourlikethis too, where we can justhave atea and talk." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"That means you're getting older," said Ernest.novelbin

Gary raised his gaze at Marry. "Didn't you say you're apologizing? Why are you still not apologizing then?”

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