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Chapter 1722

Celeste slept the whole day without waking up.

Everyone was worried about her.

Gary was also worried that Grace's concern for Celeste would have a negative effect on her baby.Thus, he called a doctor that night to come and examine Celeste.

They were slightly relieved when the doctor confirmed that Celeste was merely suffering fromexhaustion.

However, they were still somewhat worried since Celeste still had not gotten up after an entire day.

Grace went to check on Celeste several times, only to find that she was still asleep.

As for Gary, he stayed with Celeste all the time.

Opening the door, Grace asked softly, "Hasn't she come around yet?"

Gary shook his head. "Mom, don't worry too much. She's fine. She's probably just too tired, so sheneeds some time to rest. After all, that was the most brutal thing she has ever done. It's reasonablethat she can't bear it. That's why she needs to rest."

"Alex has told me about how great she was." Grace looked adoringly at Celeste. "This time, evenAlex is lavishing praise on her. He keeps saying that she's an outstanding child."

Gary knew it himself. Indeed, Celeste had surprised everyone.

Nonetheless, he pitied her.

Celeste was so hard on herself. Gary thought to himself.

Gazing at her devotedly, Gary did not say anything for a while.

Grace swept her gaze over him and said, "Cindy hasn't said a word since then. Until now, she hasremained silent and is behaving herself."

"She should have started behaving herself a long time ago. That woman is too shameless," Garysaid coldly

"I'm with you on that. Even in such a situation, she still wanted to drive a wedge between you andCeleste. I'm not a forgiving saint, so I support what she did to Cindy. It wasn't a big deal." Gracewas particularly protective of Celeste.

"Yes. If anything happens, I'll handle it," Gary replied. "I won't be hoodwinked by Cindy anymore."

"Gary, you stay here with Celeste. I'm guessing she'll wake up in no time. I'm going downstairs andget someone to prepare a light meal for her," said Grace.

"Okay, Mom," Gary answered.

Grace went downstairs.

Heinz was sitting there. When he saw her coming down the stairs, he asked, "Is she awake?"

Grace shook her head. "Not yet. Could it be that she has been traumatized?"

Heinz had faith in Celeste. "No. Since she wasn't scared to take action in the ward, naturally, shewouldn't be traumatized."

Grace nodded, then turned to the butler. "Pedro, prepare something tasty, nutritious, and light mealfor when Celeste wakes up."

"Madam, everything is being prepared according to your instructions," the butler replied instantly.

Grace said, "That meal was prepared quite some time ago. It's no longer fresh, so prepare it again."

The butler answered right away. "Madam, the food is all freshly prepared. We prepare new dishesfor every meal."

"Then prepare a few more dishes. Make sure that they are nutritious and easily digestible. Celestehasn't eaten anything for a day, so we should be careful and make sure the food doesn't upset herstomach," Grace instructed again.

The butler let out a sigh. "Madam, you're so nice to Miss Celeste!"

"Of course. She's my future daughter-in-law, and she's closer to me than my own daughter is. Shehas gone through a tough time. You must take good care of her for me. Hurry up and prepare somemore food," Grace ordered in a serious tone.

At that moment, Heinz piped up, "Go ahead, Pedro. Grace is just too worried about Celeste.Prepare a hearty meal to reassure her."

"Yes, I'll go and prepare it now." The butler left quickly.

Grace frowned and looked at Heinz, then voiced her concerns. "Why do I feel that this butler is a bitstrange? I was only asking him to prepare some food for Celeste, but he gave me so many excusesand kept dawdling as if he was disinclined to do _ _ H so.

Heinz glanced at her and sighed. "It wasn't that he was disinclined to do so. Don't you think you'retoo on edge?"

She shook her head. "I'm not on edge."

Heinz said, "You've asked him to prepare a lot of nutritious food for Celeste at every meal, but Ibelieve that he has been preparing numerous nutritious food throughout the day.

"He probably reacted that way maybe because he thought you were doubting his capabilities.Relax, my dear. Don't act like a cat on a tin roof. You still have a baby in your belly."

"Am I that tense? You're not me, so how would you know if I'm tense or not?" Grace replied. Then,she asked him hesitantly, "But, do you really think that I'm too tense?"

"Yes, extremely. Gary had a doctor check on Celeste last night. The doctor said that she was allright, but you didn't trust him. You kept questioning him as though you were insinuating that he wasinept at examining the patient.novelbin

"Other than that, you keep ordering the butler to prepare nutritious food at every meal for Celeste.

"You've been running up and down to check if Celeste has come around from time to time. Whatelse can you be if you're not tense?"

Heinz looked at his wife helplessly.

Although everyone was worried about Celeste, the doctor had said that she was okay and that shejust needed some rest.

Even so, Grace remained high-strung. Heinz could not help feeling that his wife was making toomuch of a fuss about Celeste's condition.

Most importantly, she should not be worrying too much since she was pregnant.

"I'm not like a cat on a hot tin roof. I'm just a little worried that it would give Celeste the fright of herlife and affect her mental health," Grace explained.

"She'll be fine," Heinz answered reassuringly.

"You keep browsing through the news in your phone here like you don't care at all," Grace retorted.

Then, she continued, "Don't you feel sorry for Celeste? She has defended you twice and left twoscars on Cindy's face.

"She did it for you. I have been by your side for so many years, but I have never seen you use suchsavage tactics on Cindy.

"So shouldn't you be grateful to her?"

Heinz felt wronged, but he was afraid that his wife might misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained,"My dear Grace, how can I not worry about her? It's just that there's no need to be unduly alarmed.I'm more concerned about you and the child in your belly. I don't want your health to be affected dueto your concern for Celeste."

Grace gave him a sidelong glance. "Do you think I'm that vulnerable? This is my third pregnancy,and I've been feeling wonderfully at ease. You can rest assured that both the baby and I will befine."

Heinz held her hand. "The fact that you might be careless because you've had two pregnancies isexactly what bothers me."

"Enough. If I say I'm fine, I'm fine. So, don't you worry," Grace replied.

"I can't rest assured," Heinz said, looking solemnly at his wife. "Your current pregnancy is differentfrom that fifteen years ago. You're older than you were before, that's why you have to be extracareful. I'm worried that you'll tire yourself out."

Grace withdrew her hand and stared at him. "Wow, now you think I'm old? We agreed not to haveanother child before this, yet you kept making love to me. Why didn't you think about this backthen? With my age, why did you impregnate me again?"

Heinz was rendered speechless. He looked at his wife guiltily because he had done that onpurpose.

He had been prepared for this pregnancy. They had made love without contraceptives several timesbecause he envied Zachary and his forthcoming third child.

Unexpectedly, among those very few times of unprotected sex, one of them turned out to be asuccessful attempt.

Noticing her husband's quietness, Grace guessed what had happened.

"You're too nervous about my pregnancy. There's no need to be so nervous. The more nervous youare, the more stressed I feel. That will be bad for the baby. Currently, I'm feeling very relaxed. Eventhough I can't take my mind off Celeste's condition, it's more of concern rather than stress. At theend of the day, you're the one who put the largest amount of pressure on me!" she said.

Hearing her words, Heinz's eyes widened. "Okay, okay. I'll try to relax, okay? You should do thesame. Don't put stress on yourself, all right?"

Seeing his compromising attitude, Grace smiled instantaneously. She no long pulled a long face.

"Well, since you're so sincere, I'll forgive you."

Heinz felt baffled, wondering what on earth he had just gone through.

It seemed that he had done something wrong.

He looked at Grace, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. In the end, he could not help smilingalong with her.

Grace looked at him directly and said, "Celeste has convinced you this time, right? Has she met thebasic criteria to be the daughter-in-law of the Jones family?"

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