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Chapter 1721

Cindy cried out, but the towel gagging her mouth prevented her from shouting aloud. Try as shemight, she could only let out muffled cries.

The huge mirror in front of her clearly reflected her entire face and the bright red bloodstain on it.

The cut was about three to four centimeters in length.

Celeste was so cruel. Cindy thought to herself.

Cindy looked at Celeste in fear.

Gary and Alex were also very surprised.

They had not expected Celeste to go ahead with it.

After all, it was easier said than done.

It took a lot of pluck to put those words into action.

But Celeste really took the knife to Cindy's face.

The sight of Celeste forcing herself to carry out her threat made Gary's heart ache even more. Itwas extremely distressing.

His beloved Celeste had experienced many hardships.

Life was so unfair to her that she was born without a mother.

To make matters worse, her father was that scumbag, Sinclair.

Even after Cindy took her in, things did not look any better. She grew up in Canada, lonely andalone, and she was still lonely even after returning to her home country.

Cindy provided her with nothing but basic needs. She neither gave her warmth of love.

Fate had been so unjust to her.

Her life had not been a bed of roses.

It must have taken her so much courage to reach where she was.

He looked at her with a tender and doting gaze, feeling sorry for everything she had gone through.

Celeste stood in a daze. It had taken her a lot of courage to cut Cindy's face with the knife.

She felt weak. It was as if her soul had left her body.

And she felt like she was about to collapse at any minute.

However, her mind told her that it was not over yet.

She said to Cindy, "This is what you owe my biological mother, Yannie. You harmed her. Eventhough you don't admit it, I can distinguish right from wrong. However, her death wasn't because ofyour fault only. It had more to do with her character and the fact that she lacked willpower.

"Therefore, I won't kill you. I'll only cut your face. You owe her that much."

Celeste said every word slowly and clearly.

When Cindy heard that, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Alex was also staggered. It seemed that Miss Celeste was sagacious indeed. Alex thought tohimself.

Even after all that had happened, Celeste remained clear-headed.

She was still so young, so how could he ask more of her?

The behavior and attitude she had shown thus far were beyond her years.

A hint of gratification flashed across Alex's eyes.

Only someone who was decisive, judicious, and adaptable to critical situations in achieving theirgoal was worthy of praise.

Alex could tell that Gary had found a decent girlfriend.

Therefore, he could let go of his previous worries about Gary.

Suddenly, Celeste's arm moved.

She had slashed Cindy's face again with the knife.

"Ouch..." The pain made Cindy whimper in anguish.

For Cindy, the most insufferable part was not the pain, but the thought of the additional scar on herface.

"This is what you owe Uncle Jones," Celeste said. "You tried to seduce him all those years ago butto no avail. Despite your failure, you didn't restrain yourself. He didn't hold you accountable for whathappened and even allowed you to flee and save your face. But yet, you weren't satisfied at all."

Cindy made a muffled sound as if she was trying to say something.

However, the gag in her mouth made her words incomprehensible.

In truth, no one wanted to hear what she had to say.

Alex and Gary were both a little astounded.

The second cut was to avenge Heinz.

And the first cut was to avenge Celeste's biological mother.

They thought that she had done well.

If it had not been her mother, she would not have been born.

Her mother gave her life.

Alex could not help admiring Celeste even more.

Then, there was another cut.

The knife swished through the air.

Another bloody cut appeared on the other side of Cindy's cheek.

Celeste spoke again. "This is for Uncle Jones and Aunt Smith. Four years ago, you still had youreyes on Uncle Jones and even tried to stir up trouble between them.

"You bought the villa next door to theirs. That was so disgraceful and detestable of you.

"Even after the change in my custody order, Uncle Jones and Aunt Smith were still very lenient withyou. They didn't blacklist you in the entertainment industry, but you were neither grateful nor feltsorry for what you did. Instead, you persisted with your twisted obsession.

"You're utterly contemptible. I feel sorry for you. These two cuts are for what you did to Uncle Jonesand Aunt Smith."

Cindy was utterly dumbfounded.

At first, she struggled to say something, but now, she was silent.

She did not dare to move, afraid that she would accidentally brush against the knife and inflictanother scar on herself.

So, she sat unmovingly, and could only stare blankly at Celeste, the girl who looked so much likeYannie.

For a moment, her eyes were blank.

She seemed to have entered into a trance, detached and distracted.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Celeste raised the knife again to cut Cindy's face once more.

With that, there were now two matching scars on each of Cindy's cheeks.

The only difference was that the most recent cut was much deeper.

Celeste had used more strength than those of the three previous cuts.

Celeste took a deep breath and said coldly, "This is justice for Gary. When you were on the brink ofdeath, Gary transfused his blood to you. He weakened himself because of you, giving you so muchof the blood that now runs in your veins.

"You don't deserve his blood.

"But that's not all.

"Even now, you still express no sign of penitence for what you've done.

"How can you still want to seduce Uncle Jones when you've slept with so many men? That's tooshameless of you.

"These four bloody cuts aren't too many at all. Consider it a gift from me.

"Today, everything between us comes to an end. I owe you nothing. Compared to what you've done,this isn't atrocious at all.

"If you think it is, then so be it.

"I don't care. It's what I wanted to do."

After saying that, Celeste's body swayed slightly. It seemed that she had no strength left at all.

Cindy was also motionless.

She looked at herself in the mirror with her eyes fixed on the cuts on both her cheeks. They wouldinevitably leave ugly scars on her face in the future.

Her face had been completely disfigured.

Cindy seemed to have stopped struggling.

She knew that no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

Gary noticed Celeste's body swaying and stretched out his hand to support her immediately.

His eyes reflected the pain in his heart he felt for her.

She was so weak, but she still chose to stand up for him and her family.

In that instant, all kinds of emotions welled up within him.

Meanwhile, Alex quickly took the knife from Celeste's hand.

Celeste smiled at Gary, then her eyes closed and she collapsed.

"Celeste!" Gary shouted as he grabbed her.

Ales was also astonished.

Gary carried Celeste in his arms.

After taking a glance at her, Alex said, "She should be all right. She hasn't done something like thisbefore. That's probably why it took a toll on her. She'll be fine. She'll recover after some rest. Mr.Gary, please go back with Miss Celeste first. I'll handle the rest."

Gary glanced at Cindy and said unsympathetically, "Don't forget to carve the word 'b*tch' on herface."

"Yes. And I'll add the word 'old'. 'Old b*tch' will suit her well. Don't worry," Alex replied.

"All right. I'll leave with Celeste first, Uncle Logan." With that, Gary quickly walked out.

He placed Celeste in the car and drove home.

In the car, Celeste's face turned pale and sweat beaded her forehead.

The sight unnerved Gary as he thought of how frightened she must have been.

She was not cut out to do such a brutal act, yet she forced herself to do it.

With mixed feelings, Gary brought her back to the villa.

Back at the ward, Alex personally inscribed the words 'old b*tch' on Cindy's face.

Besides her scarred cheeks, she now had those horrible words on her forehead.

Cindy was drenched in sweat from the pain.

Alex took a picture of her before he removed the towel from her mouth.

"What did you want to say? Spill it out."

Cindy's face was bleeding all over and covered in scars. This time, she did not speak.

Perhaps, she was in too much despair to utter any words.

She stared at Alex, a wave of emotions flashing in her eyes, but she said nothing.

Meanwhile, Gary had arrived at the villa in London.

Gary carried her upstairs. When Heinz and Grace saw her, they were shocked.

"What happened? What's wrong with Celeste?"

Liam and Maria were also at home. They were also stunned to see Celeste being carried in byGary, and they rushed to him.

Gary said, "She's fine. She's just exhausted. Let me carry her up to the room first. We'll talk about itlater."novelbin

"Maria, hurry up and open the door. Pull down the covers so that your brother can put her in bed."Since Grace was pregnant, she dared not run too fast. Hence, she could only instruct Maria to do it.

"Got it." Maria ran up in a trice, opened the door of Celeste's room, got her pillow ready, and liftedthe covers.

After placing Celeste on the bed, Gary took off her shoes and tucked the covers around her.

"Gary, what happened?" Maria whispered nervously.

Gary darted a glance at her, and then at Liam, who was standing by the door. "She just did asavage thing. Something she hadn't done before in her entire life. She must have been scaredwitless and wore herself out."

"What kind of savage thing?" Maria was very surprised.

Gary explained what Celeste had done to Cindy at the ward.

Heinz and Grace were just outside the room. They had hurried up as fast as they could and wereshocked by what they heard.

They exchanged glances, reeling in shock from the news.

Maria was stunned at first, then filled with admiration for Celeste. "She's so extraordinary. Noteveryone can do that. It's really amazing that she did it."

Maria looked at Celeste with an admiring gaze.

Gary also turned to look at Celeste, who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, his heart achingfor what she had to go through.

Liam had also been blown away, but at the same time, he felt deep admiration for Celeste.

Cindy had it coming. She had done many hurtful things, and it was time for her to receive herretribution.

Grace and Heinz were dumbfounded, and they felt sorry for Celeste.

"Why is this child so silly? Even if she wanted to do it, did she need to do it herself? Isn't she a sillychild?"

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