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Chapter 1723

Heinz nodded. "Not bad. She even impressed Alex this time. I didn't think she had it in her to pull offsuch a brutal act."

Grace sighed. "Someone like her tends to bottle up their emotions and suffer in silence. That's whyshe's even more pitiful. In the future, let's be kind to her."

"Yes, madam," Heinz replied, instantly saluting his wife.

Grace could not resist laughing.

The couple exchanged a deep look with mutual understanding in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Gary sat beside Celeste's bed in the room upstairs.

Celeste laid on the bed with her eyes closed, her long lashes silhouetted against her eyelids.

She looked beautiful.

Even when she was asleep, she was still gorgeous.

Celeste had a very gentle, quiet, and exquisite bearing, which was the most attractive trait to men.

He fixed his eyes on her, never tiring of her sight.

At the moment, an air of apprehension hung around him. "Celeste, you must be okay, all right?We've made great efforts to get to this point. It wasn't easy for us to be together, so you have to beokay. Otherwise, I won't forgive myself.

"You silly girl, how could you do that? I should've stopped you, but I didn't. And now I really regretit."

In her dazed state, Celeste felt exhausted and weak.

However, there was a voice in her mind that kept trying to convince her to come around, telling herthat it was time to wake up and she couldn't keep sleeping.

She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt so heavy. No matter how hard she tried, she wasunable to open them.

She heard someone talking next to her. The voice was low, deep, and a little hoarse. It was afamiliar male voice.

Besides that, it seemed that he was holding her hand and kissing her every so often.

His lips were quite hot, but also gentle.

"Celeste, it's time to wake up. You've been sleeping for an entire day. We're all very concernedabout you, especially my mother. Don't make me so afraid, okay? Hurry up and wake up."

He was afraid? Celeste thought to herself.

Her chest tightened painfully momentarily.

Her heart ached and filled with worry as she listened to his words. She did not want to cause himpain.

The voice continued speaking.

"Celeste, if you keep sleeping, I'll really be frightened. I'm afraid that what happened will traumatizeyou. I'm afraid that you'll hurt yourself because of that woman. You're really a silly child."

Gary's tone was tender and low.

He was expressing his innermost feelings, something he probably would not do if Celeste wasawake.

Only when she was asleep would he voice it out softly. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to saythese words in front of her when she was conscious.

He had always been a proud person, and he was not very adept at saying such sweet words sincechildhood.

There was no denying that the gentlest and sweetest words he had ever uttered in his life were toCeleste.

Second to that would be the words he said to his mother, who had worked so hard to raise him.novelbin

He knew full well that it had not been easy for her to bring him up.

Because of that, he never disobeyed his mother.

He protected and respected his mother at all times.

The time when they had only each other to rely on had laid a solid foundation fortheir relationship.

After he grew up, he met Celeste.

He gave all his tender love and care to Celeste, but he seldom spoke those sweet words to her.

And it seemed that he had never felt terrified before he met Celeste. It all started with her.

It scared the living daylights out of him when she suggested that they break up previously.

After they reconciled, he never experienced that feeling again.

However, now that she was unconscious, it struck terror in his heart. However, he could not saythose words to anyone else.

Although the doctor had said that she would be fine, he still could not help worrying.

"Celeste, please wake up. I can't live without you. You may not know how much I love you. You maynot know how ecstatic I was when I found out that you were going to study with me in Boston.

"I admit that my decision to go to Harvard University four years ago was ridiculous and stupid.

"Over the past four years, you guys have been asking me whether I regret it or not, but I neveradmitted that I actually regret it.

"I do. I regret it very much. I regret that I didn't ask you to go to Harvard University with me. I regretthat we couldn't stay by each other's side all these years.

"I also regret not coming to London earlier with you guys. I've missed out on so many things overthe past four years. I could have spent lots of wonderful times with you, but those chances slippedaway due to my ego.

"I admit that I was too conceited and self-righteous to think that the choice I made was the best forus.

"I've neglected too much, so I want to make up for it now. I want to be with you forever, till death dous part."

When Celeste heard these words in a stupor, she felt a sharp pang in her heart like she had neverfelt before.

It pained her to hear him sound so full of regret.

Despite his proud character, he was able to admit his regret.

How rare was that? Celeste thought to herself.

No way.

Celeste felt that she had to open her eyes and wake up as soon as possible, or else Gary woulddefinitely say more, which would make her heart ache more.

She did not want to see him so weak and helpless.

She knew he had his pride.

And she did not want him to change too much.

In truth, she did not feel any resentment anymore. The moment she found out that Gary hadsurreptitiously transfused 600cc of blood to Cindy, something changed.

The past was no longer important.

What mattered now was that she realized how deep Gary's love for her was and that she knew howto respond to such love.

Perhaps they had been somewhat inconsiderate because of their pride and their age.

However, wasn't that the shortcomings of youth? Celeste pondered.

A youth tinged with regret was something beautiful too. It could make people cherish the presenteven more.

Furthermore, she had heard Gary say that he loved

her very much.

Even though she was unconscious, she heard it. Usually, he was not someone who would say suchromantic things.

He had a unique sense of pride and rebelliousness.

It was also because of that that he had never addressed Heinz as "Dad".

Celeste felt content knowing that Gary truly doted on her.

"I must wake up quickly," Celeste yelled to herself inwardly.

That said, her eyelids still felt very heavy, and she still felt drowsy.

Gary continued to whisper into her ears in a low voice.

Finally, Celeste could not hold it in any longer. Using her strong willpower, she forced herself toopen her eyes.

Amidst her blurry vision, a handsome face appeared. He looked somewhat haggard, and he staredat her unblinkingly with bloodshot eyes.

The moment he saw her open her eyes, his heart overflowed with joy. He could hardly believe it.

He blinked a few more times to make sure that Celeste had indeed regained consciousness.

There was an irrepressible euphoria in his eyes.

He exclaimed, "Celeste, are you awake?"

Her gaze fell on him. He looked elated and was stuttering in delight. She also noticed his bloodshoteyes as he stared at her.

There was a trace of fatigue on his face, and his chin was dark with stubble. From the looks of it, hehad been accompanying her for a very long time without resting.

Celeste did not say anything. Instead, she gazed at him lovingly.

They looked at each other with deep affection.

After a long while, Celeste finally opened her mouth. "I'm awake. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Her voice sounded scratchy.

Maybe it was because she had not spoken in a long time, or because she was dehydrated aftersleeping for so long.

Just saying those few words seemed to drain her of all energy.

Upon hearing her voice, Gary felt relieved immediately.

He held her hand to his lips and kissed it again and again.

Overcome with emotion, he stammered, "Y- y-you're awake. That's great. It's really great. I'm so


Celeste did not say anything, merely looking at him with wide eyes.

She found his stammering adorable. It was because he was overjoyed.

His faltering moments were few and far between, so she could not help but laugh at his endearingbehavior.

She felt that meeting Gary was the luckiest thing to have happened to her.

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