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Chapter 1673

Everyone always wanted to be with the ones they loved, and being together with each other wasthe best reward.

Heinz's feelings for Grace never changed even as the years passed.

Even though they had small disagreements, they always made up quickly in the end. Hence, it wasunlikely that they would bear any hidden resentment against each other. Maybe they just thoughtthat the disagreements they had were no longer important.

Heinz held Grace in his arms and lowered his head to kiss her. The two of them made love in broaddaylight.

They were still upstairs when Alice and Jensen arrived.

The butler led them into the living room and served them fruits and tea.

"Mr. Charm, Ms. Smith, please wait for a moment. Mr and Mrs. Jones have been very lovingrecently, and they won't be down until at least 12.30. Have some fruits and tea first, and don'thesitate to call me if you need anything."

The butler's words were very euphemistic, but he indirectly told them that the couple were busyupstairs.

Alice was rendered speechless.

The two of them were experienced too, so they knew what the butler meant.

She glanced at Jensen.

Jensen nodded faintly, "It's okay. Just do your thing, we know our way around the house. Well justwait here."

"All right, Mr. Charm," The butler left the room quickly after that.

Alice and Jensen had tea together.

Time had made its mark on both of their faces. It wasn't obvious, but the both of them had becomemuch more mature.

Jensen had become more wise and calm.

Meanwhile, Alice was similarly calm and composed.

The both of them sat together and exchanged glances.

Jensen chuckled before he said, "They're doing it in broad daylight. We should learn from them,don't you agree?"

"What do you mean? There's no need to "learn" these things. As long as you're healthy, rich andidle, anyone can get it on at home," Alice's tone was sharp, and she did not mince her words.

Jensen was stunned.

Alice continued, "You're very busy with work and aren't home often. After I get home from work,you're usually gone. When I'm about to head into work the next day, you'll just end your night shift."

Jensen blinked before he sighed, "Well, you could have been with me the entire morning after I gotoff my night shift."

Alice blushed and said, "I would love nothing more to do so as well, but who's going to run thecompany? I'm not as smart as Heinz, so I can only rely on hard work."

"I'm sorry I can't help you with that, Alice," Jensen was incredibly apologetic when it came to this.

Alice was stunned at his expression before she softened her tone, "Hey, don't think too much aboutit. That's not what I meant."

"Nah, I'm okay. I was just thinking whether we should stay for lunch. Maybe we should head homeand take a "nap" as well?" Jensen threw Alice an inviting look, "I took a leave today so I don't haveto go back to work."

"We can go home after we eat," Alice glanced at her watch and replied, "There's still time."

Jensen nodded and poured some tea for his wife.

Alice picked up the cup and began to drink.

The both of them shared a pot of tea and were soon both itching to go to the bathroom. However,Grace and Heinz were still upstairs.

Alice rolled her eyes and frowned, "Gosh, they're so rude. They're really ignoring us so they canscrew around."

"Next time, we should have meals outside instead of at home," Jensen suggested.

Alice replied, "You're right."

After another bout of waiting, Heinz lazily strode down the stairs.

He looked particularly at ease and did not even display an ounce of shame as he spotted Jensenand Alice.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

Jensen smiled and said teasingly, "Of course we are. We have waited for an hour."

Heinz shrugged, "Then why did you come so early?"

Alice and Jensen looked at each other helplessly.

"Heinz, you're already past forty, so take it easy. Time is unkind to everyone," Alice smiled wryly.

"I'm completely fine," Heinz chuckled and glanced at Jensen, "In fact, I'm very relaxed, unlikeJensen here. You should chill a bit more and maybe take some supplements to boost your energy.""Hey, what the hell? Quit spouting nonsense, you're giving me a bad name," Jensen retorted.

Heinz replied, "Alice is the only one who can do that. No one would believe what I say. You shouldremind Alice to keep her mouth shut, if not, people would think you're sick."

"You must have too much time on your hands to tease me like this huh?"

Hey, I'm just joking," Heinz laughed.

"Heinz, where is my sister?" Alice changed the subject as she looked upstairs. However, she did notsee any sign of Grace.

"Grace is tired and she needs to rest for a while. When she comes down later, spare her theteasing. She's easily embarrassed," Heinz gave Jensen and Alice a warning in advance.

Jensen and Alice both nodded.

Even then, they still teased her when she came downstairs.

"Grace, I've been here for an hour! What took you so long?" Alice complained, "We should havehad our meal outside. That would've saved us the hour-long wait."

"You look exhausted. Heinz must have worn you out," Jensen was laughing as well.

Grace immediately narrowed her eyes at Heinz as a sign of silent protest.

Heinz shot a sideway glare at Alice and Jensen and changed the topic, "I'm hungry. Let's eat. Mr.Butler, serve the dishes."

As he shouted, everyone's attention turned to the housekeeper.

The food was served shortly after.

When they sat down to eat, Jensen said, "I opened an investigation into Sinclair. Suanne has filedfor divorce, and she wants to freeze Sinclair's assets. However, we have no jurisdiction over hisoverseas accounts."

"Suanne filed for divorce?" Grace was surprised.

"Yeah, do you expect her to keep going with that piece of sh*t?" Alice cursed, "Sinclair has alwaysbeen a womaniser, and he always tries to get his hands on whatever young, pretty thing he sets hiseyes on. The women he's slept with could make up several football teams."

Jensen added, "Plus, Zachary had me pay attention to their travels, and Sinclair, Cindy, Monica andMichael are all in London. I'm afraid they'll hurt the kids."

"We have to be careful," Grace immediately became nervous.

Heinz assured, "Don't worry. Alex is there.

Everything is under control."

"Won't you go to London?" Alice looked over at Heinz and asked, "Heinz, are you so confidentabout their safety? Ernest and Gary are over there as well."

Heinz explained, "They're in their twenties, so it's better to let them be on their own. There's noneed to worry. I'll fly over if they really need me."

"Alright," Alice nodded, "Jensen, you should also call Gary and Ernest and tell them what to do."

Jensen replied, "There's no need for that. The boys are very capable. Do you think they're still kids?They've already graduated university, and even skipped grades to get their PhDs. Relax."

"How can you men be nonchalant about this ?" Alice looked over at Grace when Jensen said this.

Grace replied, "It's because they've never been pregnant before. That's the only way someone canfeel truly connected to their children."

"I agree wholeheartedly," Alice raised her glass and drank with Grace, "I've decided that both of ourkids won't be sent overseas to study. With mine and Jensen's careers, we're not suited to travellingoverseas as well. Let's just stay home."

Jensen was also very supportive, "I think the kids should study locally as well."

Grace nodded and agreed, "I agree with what you


Heinz cut in at that point, "What? You think I'm not in favor of your decision? I support it too, but theproblem is that the boys decided to go overseas on their own. I can't decide their lives for them."

"Heinz, are you actually admitting defeat?"

"I've truly surrendered to the determination Gary has shown in refusing to call me his father," Heinzshrugged helplessly.novelbin

Then, they all laughed.

Everyone showed equal sympathy towards Heinz about that.

Then, the phone rang.

It was Heinz's phone, and he immediately picked up once he saw who it was, "Alex is calling. Theremust be news from London." "Hurry up and answer the phone."

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