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Chapter 1674

As soon as the call was connected, Heinz put it on speaker and Alex's voice echoed around theroom, "President Jones, we've sent men to follow Cindy on your orders, and we've discovered thatshe's threatened Miss White anonymously on multiple occasions. Also, she has invited Miss Whiteto meet up in secret, but Miss White has refused her."

"Cindy threatened Celeste?" Grace frowned, "What for?"

Alex answered, "Mrs. Jones, according to our preliminary findings, she threatened Miss Celestebecause she hates Sinclair. Alternatively, we have suspicions that she hates the Jones family."

"She has a death wish, doesn't she? We've shown her mercy multiple times, and yet she doesn'tknow when to quit," Alice was furious.

"We've also received news that Master Gary hired someone to plant some spyware in Cindy andSinclair's house. Hence, we're sure that he knows everything that's going on inside their housesbetter than we do," Alex reported the situation to Heinz.

Grace, Alice, Heinz and Jensen exchanged glances.

Then, Alice burst into laughter and said, "He's truly my nephew! Great job, Gary. No wonder he's socomposed! He knew about it from the start."

Grace couldn't help but smirk, "Where did he find someone to plant surveillance in their homes?Furthermore, he wasn't discovered at all. How amazing."

"He wasn't there in person, so there probably wouldn't be any danger of his cover being blown.Gary is smart, and he knows how to avoid taking unnecessary risks," Jensen commented.

Heinz chuckled, "Alex, are the children safe for now?"

"Don't worry, sir. We've contacted President Lowe's men to make sure that the children are watchedaround the clock," Alex's words calmed all of them down.

Grace felt very relieved.

"Take care then. I will fly to London in two days," Heinz grunted.

"You're going to London?" Grace exclaimed in surprise. Could he really just take off whenever hepleased?

"You should come with me as well. Take it as a vacation, and it'll also save you a lot of needlessworrying," Heinz said as he glanced at Grace.

Grace nodded after a moment's thought and agreed, "Sure, let's go. After all, the kids are all there,and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about them. Furthermore, Yvonne is pregnant and shecan't go anywhere, and neither can Zachary. It's best for us to settle this on our own."

In London.

The next day.

Gary and Celeste left for their internship.

Gary received a call once he left the house, "Cindy and Sinclair plan to block you at the office, so becareful."

Gary was startled, "Sinclair can move about freely now?"

"No, he's still hobbling around. Looks like he's been injured very badly."

Gary snorted, "Wow, he's so desperate that he's trying to stop us despite his injuries. Got it, welldefinitely avoid them."

Celeste asked a question after Gary hung up the phone, "Are they going to the office to look forus?"

Gary replied, "Yeah, they're searching for you. Looks like Cindy has a way of monitoring yourmovements, and she knows you're interning at this company. She's brought Sinclair with her aswell."

Celeste nodded, "Well, let's disappoint them."

Gary paused and burst into laughter, "You trust me that much?"

Celeste nodded, "Yes, I've always trusted you. I believe that you're capable of doing whatever yousay you will do."

Gary extended his hands to hold her as he smiled, "Since you trust me so much, I won't let youdown."

Both of them shared a laugh together.

Meanwhile, Cindy brought Sinclair to the receptionist and asked, "We want to see Celeste White.Please tell her that we're here."

The receptionist told them, "I'm sorry, we don't have anyone called Celeste working here."

Cindy was stunned and asked in surprise, "What? How is that possible? I know that she workshere."

The receptionist looked at Cindy and Sinclair before she smiled, "You two look familiar. Are youCindy White?"

Cindy became very embarrassed when she was recognized.

She immediately denied, "You've mistaken me for someone else."

"Of course not. I can tell it's you from your voice. You sound exactly the same as you do in yourmovies. Plus, you've kept your figure well. Seems like there's a lot of benefits to sleeping aroundwith multiple men, am I right, Superstar White?"

Cindy's face suddenly turned red after hearing this.

She was mortified. She didn't expect to be recognized in London.

She was upset as she thought of her most recent scandals.

Just then, Sinclair interjected, "This is the girl we're looking for."

He unlocked his phone as he ignored the conversation between Cindy and the receptionist. Hewanted to see Celeste and find out where she was.novelbin

He showed the photo on his phone to the receptionist. It was 1b-year-old Celeste, and she lookedvery beautiful indeed.

The receptionist took a look and shook her head again, "She really doesn't work here."

Sinclair immediately turned to look at Cindy.

Cindy paused for a moment before she added, "She's an intern, not an official employee." "Wereally don't know who she is," The receptionist shrugged.

Cindy frowned, "Well, I want to see Gary Smith then. He should be here, right? Don't tell me heisn't."

"Oh, you mean Mr. Jones?" The receptionist raised an eyebrow, "Of course, but Mr. Jones is not inthe office today. If you want to talk to him, can you come back tomorrow?"

"Is Gary not here?" Cindy retorted in a shrill voice, "Didn't he just come in a while ago?"

The receptionist replied, "Yes, but he left through the back door."

"Can we go in and have a look?" Cindy was incessant.

The receptionist shook her head and said firmly, "I'm sorry, Miss White, but our company's policiesare quite strict. Besides, most of the employees are married. We need to protect the interests of ouremployees' wives. If you enter and accidentally fall for one of our employees, you might end upseducing them. We owe it to our employees' wives not to let you enter."

"What in God's name are you trying to say? Are you trying to humiliate me?" Cindy shouted.

"You are one hundred percent correct," The receptionist followed Alex's instructions to the letter andsmiled, "You're mired in scandal, Miss

White, so we have a right to be concerned. We're all afraid of you here."

"Gary and Celeste told you to do this, right?" Celeste spat harshly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just doing my job as a receptionist. Please leave, thepeople you're looking for aren't present."

Cindy cast a glance at Sinclair.

Sinclair narrowed his eyes and said, "We will wait outside. I'm sure they have to be backeventually."

"If so, you should make sure to stay away from the building. If you stay here, the guards maymistake you for a threat and call the cops. You're going to be in trouble then," The receptionistreminded them both sternly.

Hence, Cindy turned and left.

She stormed away angrily.

However, Sinclair could not walk as fast as her due to his ruined rear end. He could only hobblealong.

Sinclair called out unhappily to Cindy as she walked off, "Hey, wait for me! Did you hear me, CindyWhite?"

Alas, Cindy walked even further and ignored him.

Sinclair could only resort to petty threats, "If you keep walking, I'll tell the reporters you're in


Cindy was already pissed, and Sinclair saying that just added more fuel to the fire. She walked upto him and roared, "The reporters? Where are you going to find them? Do you think I'm afraid ofyou? If you expose me, you'll be exposed too."

"I'm a man, so I don't mind being exposed. The one who's going to bear the brunt of public opinionis you," Sinclair smirked at Cindy, "Weren't you mad because of what the receptionist said earlier?"

"So what if I am?" Cindy did not deny his words.

Sinclair replied, "Relax. They obviously don't want to see you, but we can wait. We can just waithere, and they'll have to see us eventually. All we have is time."

"You want me to wait for them to come? Don't push your luck, Sinclair Stone. I'm not your nanny.Don't think I'll wait out here with you on the streets," Cindy was furious as she looked around her.

"You should wait with me. You owe Yannie that much," Sinclair used Yannie to pressure Cindy intowaiting with him, "Don't forget, her death has a lot to do with you."

Sure enough, Cindy was rendered speechless as she heard that.

Then, she made up her mind and gave in, "Fine, I'll wait here with you then."

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