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Chapter 1525

Since he had failed to get Celeste's permission to pick her up, Gary felt lifeless. He could not lift hisspirits no matter what he was doing.

He felt that he could blame no one but himself as he came up to that point. He deserved it.

He complained and scolded himself in his heart countless times. However, in the end, the only thinghe could do was to collect his thoughts and relieve his depressed mood.

Since he could not stay at home, it might be better for him to go and look for her. Perhaps he couldfind her.

He told himself that fate was a wonderful thing. If the heavens gifted him the opportunity, he wouldbe able to find Celeste easily.

If the heavens wouldn't give him the chance, he would not be able to find Celeste no matter howhard he tried.

So, he drove out of the villa to aimlessly search for Celeste in every library in the city.

It seemed like that was the only way he could satisfy the needs in his empty heart. As if that was theonly way he could fill the void in his heart.

Only by searching for her would he feel closer to her.

There were a lot of libraries in London. He had a hunch that Celeste would focus on informationrelated to financial technical skills and experiences.

After analyzing her track, Gary guessed that Celeste must be in the library located between theirhome and the company. Moreover, it had to be a large and complete library.

He checked for libraries that matched the description and found two from the map.novelbin

He looked at the libraries and found the most plausible library, which was the one closest to theoffice.

When he arrived, he happened to run into Celeste, who was paying the bill at the exit.

She was holding a large paper bag that was full. From the looks of it, it seemed like it was packedwith books. Her head was lowered, so she did not notice Gary.

Gary stood from afar and watched the slender girl walking towards him. However, she had neverlifted her head.

A gust of chilly wind blew, so she instinctively shrank her neck.

At that moment, Gary instinctively reacted by wanting to take his own jacket off and wrap it aroundher.

As that thought flashed in his mind, his body took action. He took his jacket off. When Celeste wasgetting closer to her, he stood in front of her.

Celeste had been walking with her head lowered. She was carrying a whole stack of books, so shefelt both tired and cold. She wanted to get to the subway as soon as possible.

However, it seemed like someone was blocking her way, so she raised her head.

The moment their eyes met, she was shocked.

Celeste looked at Gary's well-defined face that had appeared in front of her in astonishment.

He was holding the jacket in hand, staring at her in a condescending manner, unblinking.

In that instant, Celeste felt as if the blood throughout her body had frozen.

Gary spread his jacket open and draped it over her body. Some of his warmth was still lingering inhis suit when he wrapped it around her, and it felt warm.

His scent and temperature that emanated from his suit burned her heart.

She subconsciously shook her head.

However, he tidied his suit on her and fastened a button, followed by the action of taking over thebooks in her arms.

It was really heavy.

Just how many books did she buy?

Gary lowered his head and looked at Celeste, saying in a gentle voice, "Put it on. It's a little cold."

Celeste pursed her lips and stared at Gary's dashing face. She did not know what to say for amoment.

She felt warm, but a hint of sourness resided within.

That feeling spreading out from her heart had her feel both strange and familiar, and it was anespecially bitter feeling.

After some time, when Gary noticed the complicated expressions on her face, he slowly startedspeaking. His voice was hoarse, filled with both pity and love.

"Actually, I was just testing my luck. I did not expect to run into you."

Celeste's heart tightened. That encounter had truly rendered her helpless.

"Just as I was about to leave the house, I told myself that if I found you, it would be our fate.

Look. This is the first library in my search, and I found you as soon as I came here. Celeste, don'tyou think our fate is wonderful?" He was delighted as it seemed that even the heavens were on hisside.

At first, he thought that it would be impossible. However, he had found Celeste in an instant. Howcould he not be pleased?

He felt that the heavens were giving him another chance. Even the heavens were willing to helphim.

As if they were destined to be a couple.

The look in Celeste's eyes got even more complicated. She did not like it when Gary said such athing. Those words were too alluring.

She felt extremely upset and depressed upon hearing that.

"Not all fate comes with good intentions. Some may be ill fates. So, don't always believe in fate,"Celeste replied in a low and indifferent voice.

When she heard him say those words, she was extremely agitated.

Gary was stunned for a while before he said, "Come on, let's go home together."

Go home together?

Home was something Celeste longed for.

Gary's words were like a pair of scissors that snapped Celeste's nerves at once. She closed hereyes and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I tell you not to come to pick me up? Why are you still here?"

Gary could tell that Celeste was furious, so he said, "Just take it as me being too bored."

"Yes, you must be very bored, Mr. Gary. You show up when you're bored, but when you're not, youcan disappear for four whole years. Don't I have the right to reject you now that you've shown up?"The more Celeste thought about it, the more helpless and aggrieved she felt.

Frustration, discomfort, struggle and pain pervaded her heart in an unrestrained way that suffocatedher.

"Celeste," When Gary heard what she had said, he took a deep breath and explained patiently,"Celeste, let's not argue. I was worried that you would overthink because of what happened thisafternoon. However, when you told me that you're here to buy books, I realized that I had lookeddown on you. You're a brave and independent girl."

Celeste pursed her lips. She felt uncomfortable when she noticed him being so careful andtentative.

"I really want to teach you the skills that I've learnt, and I don't carry any other inferior motives. Whywould you still want to waste your time in the library? In my opinion, it would be better for you tomanage your time and use it on other aspects after you've learned from me," He went on in asincere and serious tone, "Celeste, I can promise you that the things I can teach you in one nightare so much more than what's written in the books."

Celeste listened to him, but she did not want to intercept, so she lowered her head.

In reality, she understood that well. However, she could not rely on him.

Gary stared at Celeste, who kept quiet. He lowered his head to look at her and noticed that she hadher face devoid of emotions as if she was completely numb to it.

He felt somewhat dispirited. Locking his deep gaze on her, he once again spoke, "If you're indeedmad at me, I can apologize to you. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. I don't need it." Celeste took a deep breath, her chest huffing alongwith her breathing.

Seemingly overwhelmed with emotions, she lifted her gaze to look at Gary and said word by word,"Gary, why don't you understand? The more you act this way, the more pain I feel. The more youbehave in such a manner, the more dramatic we

might seem."

Gary took a deep breath as his face darkened. He pressed his lips together and said, "That's right.We're indeed dramatic."

He winked at her. If they weren't being dramatic, how could there be love?

Since he had fallen in love with her, he would certainly be dramatic.

He did not want to admit it, but at that moment, he set his self-pride aside to continue in a deepvoice, "Celeste, I can't leave you, but I know that I can't force you. I came to London because Iwanted to be closer to you. I've never thought of disturbing you."

"However, I can't stand seeing you suffering. I want to help you, and I can't help myself wanting tolend you a helping hand."

"I never realized all this back then, but now that I do, it's all too late. I can't seem to quietly watchyou suffer to the point that I can't bear to see you standing in the rain."

"But if you don't give me this opportunity, I will have to pester you as I can't let go. I think I deserveeverything that's happening to me right now."

"Celeste, I want to win your heart all over again. Can't I do that?"

He revealed his thoughts in one go.

To him, it felt as if he would feel a lot more relieved after saying the words in mind. At least, hewould not feel depressed and burdened.

"No," Celeste shook her head and said in a solemn manner, "Stop trying to win my heart over. Idon't need it."

At the thought of them being together, Celeste would feel even more suffocated.

It was too uncomfortable.

She lost herself solely because she loved him.

That suffocating feeling gave her the urge to cry.

Aggrievement surged in her heart, wettening her long eyelashes as they dripped with tears.

She looked at Gary with tears brimming in her eyes. Tears streamed down her face, blurring hervision.

Gary got anxious when he saw the tears in Celeste's eyes. He reached out to embrace her, but hishand froze midair.

He could not reach out. He was afraid. He dared not.

He could only whisper, "Celeste, don't cry."

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