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Chapter 1496

Ernest rolled his eyes, but he didn't move away nor give them any space. After all, this was acommon area.

He glanced at Gary and said, "Didn't Celeste tell you earlier that she would be having coffee withme? You even greeted me, and yet you're here asking the same question. Seems to me that youdon't care about me at all."

Gary smiled and replied, "Sorry, I was a little distracted."

"Forget it, I won't hold it against you. You just want to get rid of me so you two can have someprivacy, right? You guys can talk, I'll just head upstairs," Ernest said.

Gary was obviously trying to get rid of him. Because of that, Ernest felt that his brother wasextraordinarily difficult to deal with.

"No, Ernest, don't go. You can stay here while I head upstairs. Honestly, I think I'm the one whoshould leave," Celeste smiled as she picked up her coffee and walked upstairs, her phone in hand.

Ernest shrugged as he smiled, and he continued sipping his coffee.

Celeste had calmed down after she returned to her room.

Her emotional state wasn't as turbulent as before. Thankfully, she'd managed to talk to Maria aboutthis earlier, so she was in a much better mood.

Although she missed Gary terribly, at least she could face her emotions calmly.

After that, Celeste called him to chat, "Haven't you been to school after you returned? Don't tell meyou've been sleeping the whole time."

"Uh, yeah, I was asleep. But I'm getting ready to head over after I shower."

"Well, you seem well-rested," Celeste said with a smile.

Gary had been staring at Celeste the entire time. He carefully sized her up and said, "Actually, I'm alittle worried about you."

After all, it was rare for Celeste to reveal how much she missed him. He was concerned as hemissed her dearly, and he was worried she would be upset as well.

"I'm feeling way better. Don't worry, I was studying with Maria just now. I still haven't finished writingmy thesis," Celeste took the initiative to update him on her current situation with a smile.

Looking at the bright smile on Celeste's face, Gary couldn't put his finger on it. He recalled theconversation between him and Ernest and couldn't help but ask a question.

"It seems that you're very happy today. What did you talk about with Ernest?"

Celeste nodded, but she saw Gary frown when Ernest's name was mentioned. She realized whathe meant, but she didn't point it out. Instead, she explained, "Yes, I talked to both Ernest and Maria.Suddenly, I seem rather enlightened."

Upon hearing what Celeste had said, Gary frowned again. Why hadn't he seen her so happy aftersuch a long time in London? Was it because she had a conversation with Ernest?

He'd only been gone for a day. Frankly, he didn't expect her to be so cheerful.

He couldn't help but scowl again. He looked at Celeste carefully and said in a jealous tone, "Tell meabout it. I want to know what you guys talked about."

Celeste replied with a grin, "We talked about you for a while. Honestly, we find you rather hard todeal with, and I've done some self-reflection too. I've been rather introverted over the years, so Iwant to change. I want to become more easygoing."

She said it so quickly that Gary almost missed it, but he managed to understand what she meant.

"You're just fine like this. You don't have to change anything."

More importantly, Gary didn't want his girlfriend to change her personality based on a fewcomments from Ernest.

However, Celeste just smiled and didn't seem to take his words seriously.

She looked at him and changed the topic, "You should pack up quickly and go back to school. I'mgoing to do some revision now."

As she spoke, she gulped down the coffee. When she raised her head to look at Gary, she realizedthat he had fallen quiet. Instead, he was looking at her with a tight frown.

His gaze was bright and sharp, which made Celeste feel a little odd. She asked, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you want to talk to me, Celeste? You told me multiple times last night that you missed me. It'sonly been a day, so what's changed about you? You don't even want to talk to me."

Gary's tone sounded a little downcast. He had been staring at Celeste the whole time, but heractions made him feel rather dejected.

Celeste was silent for a moment. Then, she shook her head and laughed it off, "That's not it, Gary.You know, I actually miss you a lot. I'm just afraid that you'll be late, so you better get going soon."

Celeste still urged him to go to school despite what he told her, and Gary's brows furrowed.

He still insisted that this might have been the result of something that Ernest said.

Hence, he observed her carefully, but Celeste was still smiling as usual. She was very different fromhow she was yesterday.

This made Gary a little suspicious. She said she missed him last night, but why was she actingdifferently on the video call now? He felt like he was speaking to two different people.novelbin

What the hell happened?

"I'm not in such a hurry to go to school," Gary missed Celeste terribly, so he wanted to spend a littlemore time with her.

However, Celeste didn't notice that. She nodded and replied quickly, "Oh, then you should get somerest if you're not feeling up to it."

"Celeste, what's wrong with you? I told you I'm not in a hurry. Do you really want to hang up on meand go downstairs to talk to Ernest?" Gary finally couldn't hold back his anger.

It was so infuriating that his own girlfriend was so anxious to hang up the phone.

He didn't like this at all.

Celeste was stunned, but she wasn't mad that he'd misunderstood her. Instead, she smiled beforeshe shook her head and explained, "No, I was talking about other stuff with Ernest today, and Mariagave me some solid advice. I've already thought it through, so I don't have to discuss anything withthem anymore. It's just that I haven't finished my thesis, so I want to complete it as soon aspossible."

"Is that really the case?" Gary was still suspicious.

"Of course, but what's the matter with you? You sound like you don't want me to be friends withthem. I don't really want to make them uncomfortable. That would be horrible of me."

Could it be that he was thinking too much?

Gary frowned as he felt as if he was losing the upper hand in this conversation.

He didn't like it when things didn't go his way, but Celeste seemed rather sure of her own actions.

"Alright, I think I should go. Let's talk later after you're done with school, okay? Weren't you about tohead off to the shower? Go and wash up quickly. I'm still in the middle of my thesis, but I want totake a nap after I finish it. I didn't sleep well last night," Celeste smiled at Gary after she finished hersentence and hung up without waiting for his reply.

Gary became anxious after Celeste ended the call so abruptly.

He still had a lot more to say.

Thus, he called her again.

Celeste was stunned. When she saw the phone flashing, she picked it up in surprise and asked,"Yeah, what is it?"

"I miss you," Gary grumbled, "I miss you a lot, so you can't hang up on me."

Celeste was startled. She looked at him and gave in, "Alright, let's chat. I'm all ears."

"I said I miss you."

Celeste nodded, "I believe you."

"Is that all?" Gary frowned, "Don't you have anything else to say?"

Celeste pondered for a moment before laughing, "Fine, I really miss you too."

She felt like that was what Gary wanted to hear.

Sure enough, Gary smiled in satisfaction when he heard what Celeste said, "That's more like it."

Celeste realized that she was able to see through Gary's thoughts after she'd calmed down.

Even he was capable of being jealous.

"If you miss me, just come to London. I believe that with your ability, you can further your studieshere," Celeste grinned.

In fact, she was just kidding.

Sure enough, he immediately sighed and replied, "Celeste, I don't plan on moving anywhere for thenext three years."

Celeste nodded, but there was still some lingering disappointment in her gaze, "I understand, I wasjust joking. It's fine, we'll see each other soon anyway, so let's talk about it during our break. In themeantime, we should focus on our studies."

"I'll come visit you next month." He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

"It's fine if you're busy. You'll spend a lot of time traveling here anyway," Celeste replied.

She was sure that she would need a great deal of time to get over the disappointment of seeing himleave again.

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