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Chapter 1495

"So what if I go to Boston now?" Celeste smiled. She felt as though her worries had been resolvedand shrugged, "Am I going over to keep an eye on him, or am I going to be with him and cling ontohim all day?"

Stumped, Ernest felt as if he had witnessed Celeste born anew.

Celeste continued to explain, "What changes can this bring? Time will take its course and wear arelationship out. The only thing that can ensure beautiful memories stay beautiful is selfenrichment.Instead of giving in to blind impulse and chasing behind his footsteps, it's better to enrich myself andbecome a better person."

What could possibly fuel infatuation?

Celeste thought that it was necessary to think it through.

"This is the inspiration I received after chatting with Maria today. She told me that loving each otherand being the best self for each other are weapons to maintain a healthy relationship," As Celestespoke, she laughed again, flashing a smile that was glaringly bright, "I share her sentiments."

Ernest nodded and said, "I didn't expect her to have such deep insights."

"Of course she does. She's Maria Lowe. She's a smart and enthusiastic person. She's also verylively and knows what she wants," Celeste was serious, "I think she's right. That's why I understoodwhat I had to do to become the best version of myself."

"Furthermore, if I were to shine brightly, Gary would naturally be drawn to me. But now, as you cansee, he'd rather stay in Boston than come to England, even disapproving of me following him."

"I reflected on myself. A couple's lasting love can't rely on sheer attraction."

"He doesn't come over and refuses my company because I'm not outstanding enough. Other thanthat, it could be because I'm not attractive enough to affect him and drive him into a state that he'sreluctant to leave me even for a second."

"In this case, even if I were to go to Boston, I might still lose him eventually."

"That's why I intend to work harder to study and enrich myself. After all, love isn't the only thing inlife. What do you think?" Celeste concluded.

Seeing Celeste telling him so much stuff in one go, Ernest was a little shocked. He flashed her hisusual warm and sunny smile.

"Celeste, I have to say that you've made the right decision, and I have to admit that I admire youmore. In short, best of luck."

"Do you really think I'm right?" When Celeste heard his reply, she started to second-guess herself.

"Be confident. I found that you and Maria have made great progress this summer vacation. You'veindeed grown a lot compared to before. I'm quite impressed," Ernest chuckled, "Let's go. Would youlike something to drink downstairs?"

Celeste nodded, "Indeed, I need to get some coffee to perk myself up. I'm a little sleepy now."

"Take a nap when you're sleepy!" Ernest laughed, "Why are you still drinking coffee to wake yourselfup?"

"There's a thesis I haven't completed yet. I want to rest only after completing it."

"Where's Maria? Why isn't she coming down?"

"She's on a video call with Liam. I also said hello to him just now," Celeste explained to Ernest,"Maria must be busy for a while. Let's leave her alone for now. She'll definitely come down after sheends the call."

Ernest agreed, "I see. Are they being lovebirds just because they haven't seen each other for awhile?"

"Probably," Celeste grinned, "However, I think that Maria knows what she's doing. She's smart andhardworking. She'll definitely lead a blissful life."

Ernest tilted his head and took a serious look at Celeste before cracking into a slight smile.

Celeste was confused. She looked at him in surprise and questioned, "Why did you look at me justnow?"

"Celeste, do you know that you're much more outgoing than before? You're even talking more thanbefore. Love has changed you, hasn't it?" Ernest chuckled.

Indeed, Celeste had changed a lot. At the very least, she was no longer hiding everything inside. Itwas a good change for her to take the initiative to complain and communicate with the peoplearound her.

Celeste was stunned before bursting into laughter, "Maria also said the same thing to me today. I'mglad. All of you are saying that I've changed, and that's an amazing thing for me. I think any sort ofchange is a kind of improvement."

She thought that she had indeed been awkward and introverted in the past, but she wanted toslowly change just so she could become an outstanding person. She didn't want everyone to give into her and allowed things to go her way just because she was introverted.

"Since everyone has discovered that you've changed, it means that it's true that you've changed alot. Celeste, you should be happy."

Celeste nodded and agreed with what Ernest had said, "You're right. I should maintain a positiveattitude. I can't be as gloomy as before."

"You were not too bad in the past. Don't make it seem as if you were really terrible," Ernest beamed,"You've always been excellent. You don't have to care about how you've been in the past."

"Nope," Celeste shook her head and explained, "I used to have an awful personality. All of you tookcare of me greatly in the past. Thank you for that."

"Why did you become so polite all of a sudden?"

"Nah, I feel that all of you should probably be sick of me. That's why I think I wasn't good enough inthe past. Now that I've thought things through, I want to be better," Celeste said seriously, "In thefuture, I'll work hard to be my better self so that everyone can be happy getting along together."

"Frankly speaking, you're fine, all right. No matter how tough and stubborn you were, you didn'tmake things difficult for everyone, unlike Gary. He's the one who's truly hard to deal with. Everyonewill have to give in to him," Ernest couldn't help criticizing Gary.

Upon hearing what Ernest had said, Celeste was stunned for a moment before she nodded inagreement.

She didn't expect that Ernest would have such an impression towards Gary, even complaining toher. However, what he said was very true.

There was no way for her to refute Ernest's words because it was true that Gary behaved that way.Every time they were together, Gary would always be at odds with the rest of them. Either way, theywould feel that he was really standoff-ish.

Without a chance to refute, Celeste could only shrug and admit, "You're right. He's difficult to getalong with. Both of us are the same."

Ernest once again smirked slightly, "Well, I won't talk bad about Gary behind his back anymore as Idon't want you to be embarrassed. You can't refute nor defend him. I didn't think thoroughly aboutthis situation."

Celeste chuckled, "Actually, you don't have to apologize. You're telling the truth, and I can't refute it,that's for sure. But has he always been this way? He's always so awkward."novelbin

After thinking for a moment, Ernest spoke, "He was quite cute when he was a child. Although hewas insufferably proud as usual, he was gentle and considerate. He turned somewhat strange afterentering his adolescent years. Anyhow, he was quite rebellious." "Of the four children in your family,who has the best personality?" Celeste asked out of curiosity.

After pondering about it for some time, Ernest answered, "I'd say it's Sebastian."

"I thought it'd be you," Celeste was quite surprised. She thought that Ernest had a kind andeasygoing personality, so she asked, "Is your brother's personality much better than yours?"

"Donald's always seemingly unbothered and unaffected by everything, but he's warm-hearted. He'sbetter than me as I'm actually hot-tempered. In contrast, he's a pleasant and amiable person who'swell at controlling his temper. During my recent trip home, I realized that he should be the one withthe best personality amongst the four of us. Furthermore, he's the one who has spent the most timewith our mom."

That was quite beyond her expectations.

The two of them drank coffee and chatted quietly, bathing in the afternoon sunshine.

When the phone rang, Celeste glanced at it and realized that it was from Gary. She immediatelypicked up the phone and accepted the call in front of Ernest.

As soon as she picked up the phone, Gary saw what was going on and immediately asked,

"You've already returned to London."

"Yeah, I'm drinking coffee with Ernest at my apartment in London. Maria might come down fromupstairs later," Celeste turned the camera towards Ernest, allowing Gary to take a look at him.

She winked at Ernest, reminding him to greet Gary.

Only then did she continue the call with him. Upon noticing that Gary looked like he had just wokenup, she asked, "You've been sleeping for so long since last night?"

"Uh-huh, why are you in such a hurry to return to London? Shouldn't you have slept a little longer?"Gary ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Celeste before asking, "You also stayed up latelast night."

"I'm fine. I prefer returning since it's more lively here," Celeste explained.

She was too lonely in the villa at Oxford.

"It's great that you're back," Gary glanced at Ernest, who was standing behind Celeste and asked,"Ernest, you're there, right?"

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