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Chapter 1409

Celeste pouted. It was all because of him.

"You were so absent-minded just now that you even forgot to breathe. Now you are distracted onceagain. Do you want me to continue performing mouth- to- mouth resuscitation on you?"

"No, I don't," She immediately retorted, "I wasn't distracted at all."

"Then come and eat," Gary said.

Celeste did not move.

Gary paused and he suddenly bent down to pick her up.

"Let go of me," She was startled. He really liked doing things his way without getting consent fromothers.

"You aren't walking because of the pain. You just want me to hold you, don't you?"

"No," Celeste was no longer in any pain, but Gary did not seem to believe her, "I can walk on myown."

"Forget it. What if it hurts again?" He picked her up and said gently.

Celeste looked up slightly at Gary who was in front of her.

Coincidentally, their eyes met.

Her emotions rippled through her heart. She felt flustered for some reason, as if someone hadcaught them in the act red-handed.

Gary had never been so cowardly before in his entire life. Similarly, he had never really allowedsomeone to step over his whole heart. Celeste was the only one.

He looked at her reddened cheeks and her stubbornness that overflowed as she pouted indissatisfaction. His eyes narrowed, and the emotions he tried so hard to suppress came rushingback to him once more.

D*mn it, he would get out of control whenever he met Celeste.

Gary did not regret studying alone without her at all. He was afraid that if he could not controlhimself back then, he would have done something forbidden.

However, this was not what Celeste believed. She believed that he had no feelings for her, and thatwhatever Gary was doing was only a product of his instincts.

If there was no attraction between them, where did the feelings they have for each other comefrom?

Gary sighed slightly. It looked like it was impossible for them to not quarrel with each other in thenear future. At the very least, this looked like this would be the case for a long time.

As of then, he wasn't sure if he could hold himself back from throwing a temper.

He could only try and be patient as he grew up with her.

After putting down Celeste on the sofa, Gary sat down as well and said, "Here's some hot milk, butit's already warm now. Do you want me to heat it up again?"

"There's no need to," Celeste shook her head.

"Can you drink cold milk?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's warm," Celeste took the cup of milk and felt the temperature. It was still warm. She added, "It'snot cold."

"There's a microwave in the hotel, you can heat it up," As Gary spoke, he opened another box.There was a seafood pizza sitting inside.

He touched it and found that the pizza had already cooled down. Hence, he got up to heat it up.

Gary opened the small hatch to the microwave and walked back. Then, he opened all the boxedfood and checked the temperature of the food.

Celeste watched as he tidied up all the stuff calmly. His hands were slender yet agile. She couldn'thelp but sigh.

It seemed that his hands were really powerful. Not only could they make her lose her mind, theycould also comfort her and even serve her food.

She drank the milk one mouthful at a time until she finished all the milk, and her stomach became alittle more comfortable.

The milk she drank stained the area around her red lips. It formed a little white wreath around hermouth, making her look as though she had grown an adorable white beard.

When Gary came back with the pizza, he saw Celeste staring at him. Her big watery eyes coupledwith her little milky beard made her look very cute.novelbin

He narrowed his eyes, put down the pizza, and sat next to her.

They were very close to each other.

Celeste shifted slightly and leaned back a little.

However, Gary followed her movements and forcefully sat closer to her.

Celeste had no choice but to keep moving backwards. She kept moving until she was leaningcompletely against the sofa and there was no way to retreat.

"There's milk on your mouth," Gary said.

Celeste looked at him awkwardly and wanted to reach for the tissue, but he said, "I'll wipe it foryou."

She bit her lips and blinked at him. She was a little suspicious of his motives, so she really wantedto refuse his advances.

Then, she stuck out her tongue and licked the area around her lower lip, trying to clean up all themilk stains.

However, this action seemed to be quite seductive from Gary's point of view.

His voice was hoarse as he ordered, "Close your eyes."

Celeste was startled.

Gary cupped her face and lowered his face towards her, licking away the stains on her mouth withhis tongue.

Celeste was so frightened that she closed her eyes.

However, her heart was beating wildly.

When Gary saw her close her eyes, the corners of his lips lifted slightly as a smile flitted across hiseyes.

It seemed that he was really being too anxious before.

Celeste liked him like this.

He had finally found out her preferences.

Therefore, he not only wiped the milk stains on her mouth for her, but he also tasted the milk in hermouth.

Emotions welled up from the bottom of his heart.

Both of their hearts were thumping as loud as a drum.

Celeste's body was drained of energy once again. She felt that she was no longer herself.

Luckily, Gary held her face in his hands. The temperature of his skin seemed to heat her cheeks upfurther.

It wasn't enough.

If it wasn't for the fact that Gary was still thinking about how Celeste was still hungry, he wouldprobably keep kissing her like this.

However, as soon as her stomach growled, he immediately came to his senses and reluctantly letgo of Celeste.

Celeste's eyes were a little red and her breathing rate was accelerated. She had no time to getangry or embarrassed, but could only look at him blankly.

"It's clean," Gary looked at her red lips and said with a smile, "It smells good."

She didn't know if he was talking about the taste of milk or something else.

Celeste turned her face away.

Gary's breathing grew a little heavier. He once again lowered his head and kissed the corner of hermouth. However, he only gave her a peck. It was extremely gentle and his actions were notfrivolous. He was only cherishing her.

Celeste pursed her lips together, not daring to look at him.

Only then did Gary return to his seat. He cut open the pizza and placed it on a paper plate, offering,"Eat."

"I'm not hungry," Celeste grumbled insincerely. She couldn't help but feel upset at the thought ofbeing kissed too deeply by him just now.

Gary did not speak. His gaze was still fixed on her. It was as if he was telling her that he had longsince seen through everything.

Her stomach growled again.

Celeste felt even more chagrined as her body had betrayed her thoughts.

"Come on, eat up, my dear sister," The corners of Gary's mouth lifted as he smirked.

He suddenly realized that such an address made him sound masculine. He enjoyed calling her thatas it managed to arouse him.

However, Celeste hated this title. She took over the pizza and wolfed it down angrily.

Soon, she quickly finished the slice of pizza.

It was her first time having a pizza early in the morning, but it tasted very good. The seafood on thepizza was tender, and the crust of the pizza was crisp and crunchy.

Gary wasn't in a hurry. He simply watched her eat, as if watching her eat was a form of enjoyment.

Back home in the country.

After hanging up the phone, Maria began to wash up. Her family had yet to return because therewere some things to deal with in Southland. Her father was staying there, so her mother wouldnaturally not leave.

She was alone at home and slept to her heart's content. Of course, she stayed up all night.

After getting up to wash up, she changed her clothes and called Ernest.

"Ernest, have you read the contract I gave you before?"

"I've read it," Ernest replied, "It's very detailed. It seems that you're familiar with the laws of ourcountry." "Of course. I've been preparing for this for a long time," Maria chuckled, "Why don't youjoin me today?"

"Okay," Ernest smiled, "Do you want to see the author?"

"That's right."

"You want to buy the rights to her book?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Do you need me to dress better?" asked Ernest.

Maria blinked and laughed suddenly, "Ernest, don't tell me that you want to seduce the author withyour looks."

"Maybe she will sign the contract with you because of my good looks?" Ernest chuckled.

"Then you have to dress up handsomely," Maria immediately answered, "I must obtain thecopyrights to this book."

"Will you have enough to buy the copyright to the book?"

"If I don't have enough money, you have to lend me some," Maria was not courteous with Ernest.

Ernest was now much more appreciative towards Maria. It was probably because of the fact that itwas impossible for him to get together with Celeste. Therefore, he didn't want the relationshipbetween Maria and Liam to suffer the same outcome. Hence, he wanted to help Maria as much aspossible.

On the contrary, the relationship between them as cousins was even better because of this.

"Money is never a problem," Ernest laughed.

"Okay, thank you, Ernest. You can pick me up in half an hour."

"No problem."

Soon, Ernest arrived.

He drove here himself.

Maria was dressed in a more mature outfit paired with a delicate leather handbag. She wore abeautiful red dress and let her hair down, finishing off with a jewelry necklace around her slenderneck. The rose- gold fan- shaped pendant was inlaid with red jades and diamonds, which made herneck and collarbone appear more beautiful.

She was wearing high heels as she walked out of the Lowe Villa. She resembled a smart andsuccessful businesswoman.

Ernest couldn't help but laugh seeing her like this.

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