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Chapter 1390

"D*mn it," Gary cursed.

The butler was shocked. He thought that Gary was being a little bit strange. Why did he startcursing out of nowhere?

The butler took a deep breath and said, "Well, I'm probably going to be d*mned in a few years."

Gary glanced at him and frowned. Then, he turned around and walked up the stairs without givingthe butler any further explanation.

The butler felt even more surprised. Gary's temper was really weird. He had come back with hisgirlfriend, but he was too embarrassed to admit it. His personality was so odd.

He sniffled, picked up the phone, and gave Celeste a call.

Celeste soon answered the call.

"Miss Celeste, why aren't you home yet?" The butler said, "I thought you would be coming backyesterday,"

Celeste still felt rather down after receiving a call from the butler. She was not in a very good mood,so she replied faintly in a calm voice, "I won't be going back any time soon." "Oh, you're very busy,aren't you?" The butler sighed regretfully, "It would have been great if you were home."

"Yes, I'm very busy," Celeste went with the butler's explanation, "What's wrong?"

"Master Gary is very strange. He has a weird temper. If you were here, you could keep MissSimpson company and hang out with her," The butler mentioned it in a low voice. He still thoughtthat it would be better if Celeste could come home. After all, the two girls could get along with eachother, and he did not need to accompany Janice to the farm anymore.

Speaking of which, Miss Simpson really had an impressive stamina. He could not keep up with herpace when he followed her that day. He felt really tired and breathless after that trip.

"I'm in Edinburgh," Celeste explained, "Unfortunately, I can't help you. I'm going to be in Edinburghfor quite a long time."

"Huh? Why did you go there?" The butler was very surprised, "It's so far away."

"I went together with my classmates because of some school matters," Celeste added.

"Oh, okay. Be careful then, Miss Celeste. Call me if you need anything."


After hanging up the phone, Celeste placed her phone in the bag. Her mood was much more stablenow.

When she attended classes this morning, her classmates asked if she wanted to join them on thetrip to Edinburgh. She did not sign up for the trip because Gary was in Oxford. However, shechanged her mind at the last minute because of the fight they were having. Hence, she packed herbags and headed to Edinburgh together with her friends.

Sitting on the train, she decided to take some time to calm down in Edinburgh. She also wanted togive Gary some time to cool down.

In the morning, both Gary and Janice went downstairs for breakfast.

The butler had prepared breakfast for both of them. He watched with a smile on his face as the twoof them ate.

"Gary, you are free today, right?" Janice glanced at Gary, who was still silent, "Should we hang outtogether?"

Gary still remained silent.

Janice commented, "I really want to go to Scotland. The scenery in Edinburgh looks very nice, and Iwould like to see it with my own eyes."

"Edinburgh?" The butler pitched in immediately, "Miss Celeste has gone to Edinburgh. This morningwhen I called her, she told me she was there."

Gary paused for a moment and felt his body tense up in an instant. After a few moments, he calmeddown and continued to eat his breakfast.

So she had gone to Edinburgh.

"Miss Celeste?" Janice blinked.

"Yes, I told her that you came to visit, but she said she was in Edinburgh so she couldn't come over.She said she was busy, and would not be back for quite some time."

"It's alright," Janice smiled while shooting a glimpse at Gary, "I might get a chance to meet MissCeleste if I go to Edinburgh."

Gary looked very calm on the outside. He did not say a word and continued to eat quietly, as thoughthe conversation had nothing to do with him.

"Indeed. If you go to Edinburgh, you might get to meet Miss Celeste," The butler thought aboutsomething and advised out of concern, "Miss Simpson, you shouldn't go to Edinburgh on your own.It's a long journey, so it might be unsafe."

"I studied the map, and it is about 400 kilometers away from here," Janice didn't seem to care at all.She looked at Gary again and asked, "Gary, is Miss

Celeste your sister?"

Gary's originally cold face froze even more. However, he still did not answer Janice's question.

The butler answered instead, "Yes, Miss Celeste is Master Gary's younger sister, but she wasadopted by Mrs. Smith. Although she's not her biological daughter, her relationship with Mrs. Smithis very close. Miss Celeste is amazing in her studies too. She goes to Oxford University andreceives a scholarship every year."

The butler said this with an unconcealable sense of pride.

Janice exclaimed, "Really? She's that good?"

"You'll definitely get the chance to get to know each other," The butler added, "If Master Gary goesto Edinburgh with you, you'll get to meet Miss Celeste there."

"Who did she go with?" Gary finally lifted his gaze to look at the butler and asked him a question.

"Oh, her classmates," The butler hurriedly answered, "Master Gary, are you thinking of going toEdinburgh too?"

Gary did not answer.

"I want to go," Janice expressed her opinion again, "Let's go. We can drive there or take a train, it isup to you."

Gary still remained silent. He finished his meal and walked out, Janice tailing behind him.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Gary got into a car. It was the red car he bought for Celeste.

Celeste had never driven it before.

He got in the car and was going to leave immediately.

Janice blocked Gary's car and looked at him. He was already sitting inside, ready to go. She quicklywaved at him, "Hey, are you going to Edinburgh? Let's go together."

"Get out of my way," Gary snapped.

Seeing that he really had no intention of taking her there, Janice moved, giving way to Gary.

The car drove out at high speed almost immediately, leaving only a smell of soot and smoke in itstrail.

Janice stood alone in the yard of the villa. She pouted resentfully and complained, "He's so mean!He can't even take me to Edinburgh. What a selfish brat."

The butler followed them out, and he was very surprised and confused about the situation.

From his point of view, it looked like Master Gary seemed to be having an argument with Miss


They looked exactly like a quarreling couple. After all, they did not even bother to talk to each other.No wonder Master Gary was in a bad mood. They probably had a fight.

The butler's thoughts started to wander. If Master Gary did not care about Miss Simpson, he wouldnot have randomly brought a young girl like her back to London.

He drove her all the way from Boston to London. From this, it was quite obvious that they had aspecial relationship with each other. The butler still insisted on his beliefs.

He still assumed that Miss Simpson was Gary's girlfriend.

"Should I arrange a chauffeur to drive Miss Simpson to Edinburgh?" The butler muttered. He feltthat he should step in to play the middleman for Master Gary and Miss Simpson. It was also hisduty to help the young ones maintain their relationship.

The only thing he could do to repay Mr. and Mrs. Smith's kindness was to take care of their children.This was his ultimate responsibility.

"There's no need to," Janice grinned, "You've already helped me many times. I can take a train toEdinburgh myself, and contact Gary when I'm there. I can look for Miss Celeste too! I like makingfriends. You can give me Miss Celeste's contact, and I'll give her a call when I arrive."

"Are you sure this is okay?" The butler looked at Miss Simpson and thought that she was a verystraightforward person. The way she spoke was a bit too direct, but she understood her limits. Infact, she seemed like quite a nice person, and so he gave her Celeste's contact number.

"Yes, don't worry. I travel alone really often," Janice said happily, "I'll go upstairs to get my bag andbook a ticket. I'll go by myself."

"Okay, I'll ask the driver to send you to the station."

In the end, Janice went to Edinburgh by herself.

She wasn't sure if Gary had gone to Edinburgh. However, she had a gut feeling that he wanted togo there.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter. She always wanted to go to Edinburgh. If she hadn't lost her wallet,she would have gone there herself a long time ago.

Gary drove at high speed, and it took him only six hours to reach Edinburgh.

He found a hotel and soon settled down.

After checking into the hotel, he turned on the computer and got down to business.

Half an hour later, he found the hotel Celeste had checked into.

There were three girls and two boys who checked in together with her. After looking at theiridentification cards, he confirmed that they were from the same group.

There were actually boys going on the trip.

Fortunately, she came to Edinburgh with so many people.

After he found out, he was no longer anxious.

He went shopping and bought two sets of fresh clothes. After that, he went back to the hotel to takea shower and changed his clothes. After tidying up, he checked out and got ready to go to the hotelwhich Celeste stayed at.

Gary did not expect that someone would halt him halfway on the road.

After he stepped on the emergency brakes, he found Janice standing in front of him.

She stood in front of the car and laughed mischievously, "Haha, it's really fate. Gary, I didn't thinkwe'd meet again here."novelbin

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