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Chapter 1389

There was no need for her to point out the obvious.

Gary's handsome face was cold and sullen. His expression was gloomy and dense, like a rainy daycovered with dark clouds. It looked like there would be a storm approaching at any moment.

Despite that expression on his face, he still looked very handsome. Maybe because of his habit ofworking out all year round, his body and the aura he radiated were both superior. The perfectcombination of his facial features and body shape formed a unique temperament.

It was completely different from the Gary Janice had seen back in Boston. When he was in Boston,he gave off calm, reserved, and intelligent vibes. At that point in time, he looked like a composedperson, and he rarely showed any emotions on his face.

However, right now, all of his emotions were plastered on his face. It seemed like someone herewas really affecting his mood.

Janice smiled, and the expression on her face also became more serious.

"You don't feel like talking about what has happened to you. Is it because it has something to dowith me?" Janice raised her eyebrows at him, "Did your girlfriend misunderstand something? If I'mnot wrong, was it because of me?"

Gary did not mention anything and retorted, "What does it have to do with you? Don't be so full ofyourself."

"That must be it," Janice walked in, grabbed a stool and sat down beside his bed, "Did yourgirlfriend misunderstand something because I came to London? Is she angry at you?"

"It's none of your business," Gary insisted, "Even if it wasn't about you, it would have been aboutsomeone else,"

In his opinion, when a person felt insecure, anyone could become an obstacle to their relationship.

He really didn't consider Janice as an obstacle. He felt from the bottom of his heart that Celeste wasbeing too sensitive.

There was nothing happening, but she made it sound like something was really going on betweenthem.

He did not like it when women were being petty, and he disliked it even more whenever women triedto make irrational guesses.

Janice did not speak. She just looked at Gary quietly and started to observe him. She could sensethat he was angry, but it was not a normal type of angry. Instead, he was furious.

He looked as if he refused to back down.

In other words, he probably refused to admit his wrongdoings unless he was absolutely convinced.

However, Janice could see that his thin lips were pursed together tightly. The lines on his face werevery tense, and a sharp chill was emanating from beneath his eyes. At the same time, he did notwant to show too many emotions because he was sitting face-to-face with her.

"It's none of your business," Gary growled. After looking up at her, he pushed the blanket out of hisway and got out of bed.

Janice scrunched her eyebrows when she realized that he was only wearing a pair of underpants.His strong physique and his abs were perfect and toned, making him look muscular and sexy.Everything about him was perfect.

Janice laughed and blew a flirtatious whistle at him.

She had been in the United States for many years, and her behavior was no different from that offoreigners. She was very lively, cheeky, and always liked to joke around. She looked like she wouldnever get angry.

At the sight of a perfect figure, she just blew a whistle as a sign of pure appreciation.

Gary turned his head and glared at her. Despite her admiring gaze, he put on his shirt and snapped,"What are you doing? Are you acting like a gangster?"

Janice was in a really good mood and snickered, "I'm just appreciating the view. Your figure is A-tierand I'm just admiring it, okay? Don't make me sound like a dirty-minded person."

Gary stared at her for a moment before returning to the window sill. He leaned on it and took out hisphone.

Not even a single phone call.

Celeste didn't call him at all. It looked like she was reluctant to contact him first.

In the end, he was expecting too much from her. He always thought that Celeste would take theinitiative to give him a call first. Whenever he thought about it, he realized that it was just wishfulthinking.

Celeste would never do that.

"Are you waiting for a call?" Janice asked with a smile.novelbin

Gary felt like Janice had just read his mind. He tilted his head and looked at her, demanding, "Canyou go back to your room?"

"I'm so bored," Janice complained, "I want to go out and have some fun."

"It's up to you," Gary's attitude was completely casual, "Nobody is stopping you here."

"But it's boring for me to go alone."

"Ask the butler to go with you," Gary suggested.

Janice was stunned for a moment. She quickly broke into a smile, "That's right! I've never thoughtabout it."

She stood up and chuckled, "I'm going to go and have fun with the butler then. Good luck."

After saying that, she left, looking really happy.

Gary turned around and saw her hopping and bouncing away happily. He was really puzzled. Howcould she feel happy all the time?

Furthermore, she never got angry.

He turned around and looked at the door, creasing his forehead.

Suddenly, Janice came back again. She looked at him and sneered, "I forgot to close the door foryou just now. I'll close it for you now."

After that, she closed the door for real.

Gary took a deep breath and laid on the bed again.

He didn't sleep well the night before, so he went back to bed to get some rest.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, he woke up. The first thing he did was check his phone for anymessages.

He unlocked his phone to take a look, and realized that every single message he received was sentby Janice.

"Gary, I'm having fun with the butler outside. I found a fun place. Come on out, let's take a walk."

That was the first text.

The second text read, "Hello, are you still sleeping? Be careful, or you are going to turn into a pig.Sleeping in the daytime will shorten your life. It's really fun outside."

The only thing she knew was having fun.

The third text was a photo.

In the picture, Janice was holding a baby goat and smiling brightly. She looked very cute.

"Look at me. I'm at the farm. This place is really laid-back, and it can take away all the negativity inyour mind. Since you have so much negativity, why don't you come over and cleanse your soul? It'salready three o'clock in the afternoon, you can still make it."

The fourth message said, "If you don't come, we are heading back now."

There were only four messages, and they were all from Janice.

Celeste still didn't send him any messages, nor did she call him. Gary held his phone, and hecouldn't describe how upset he felt.

He got up, changed his clothes, and went downstairs to eat. Then, he left the house.

He drove back to Oxford.

This time, he did not go back to the home he shared with Celeste. Instead, he went to her school.

He had always wanted to go to the place where Celeste was studying.

He had already visited many places in the city.

Oxford was a famous landmark in England. It was renowned for its historical and cultural value, andwas called the 'English Athens' for its beauty.

Here, the city and the university were combined as one. The streets passed through the campus.The university did not have any school gates or walls, with not even a signboard introducing theuniversity. The unique scenery looked really special, and it made him want to take a walk around itwhenever he was feeling lonely.

He passed by the University Church of St Mary the

Virgin, visited some college campuses, and even went to the Bridge of Sighs and Radcliffe Square.A strong feeling of nostalgia surged in his heart, making him feel even more downcast than before.

Celeste had stayed here for four years.

He walked down the streets that she could've taken and gazed upon the scenery that she hadwatched for so long. He felt even more desolate.

Did he really do something wrong for the past four years?

He wanted her to come and study in England, but he couldn't be by her side. Celeste was probablyupset about this the night before, and that was why she yelled at him about it.

However, it was her own choice.

Gary took a stroll until it was dark. At nine in the evening, he drove over to the house he bought,parked his car at a distance, and walked over.

The lights were not on.

He was stunned. He opened the door and walked in.

The house was very clean with everything in order, but there was no sign of Celeste. She was nothere.

It was already so late. Where could she have gone?

Gary went upstairs and looked around, but he couldn't find anyone.

He waited for a while, but no one appeared.

With that, he drove his car into the garage and decided to stay there while waiting for Celeste. Hewaited until late at night, but he still did not get to see the person he was waiting for.

Celeste did not come home.

Early at dawn, Gary drove back to London.

When he entered, the butler had already fallen asleep. Gary didn't make any noise and headedstraight upstairs to Celeste's room on the second floor. He opened the door and walked in.

There was no one in the room either.

She was not there.

Did she spend the night at her hostel?

Gary's guts told him that Celeste had truly left. Now, she wasn't at home, nor was she at the placewhere they usually stayed together. Did she really want to break up with him?

Gary's heart throbbed at the anger he felt. It was an indescribable feeling of helplessness andsadness.

Once the morning sun appeared, Gary went downstairs. The butler was shocked to see him homeand asked, "Master Gary, did you come

home last night?"

Gary nodded and asked, "Did you give Celeste a call? Do you know where she is right now?"

The butler paused for a moment and immediately replied, "Miss Celeste? She said that she's verybusy lately, and she won't be coming back any time soon. I told her that you and Miss Simpsonwere at home, and asked her to come for a visit. She just told me that she'll make plans if she'sfree. I haven't heard from her since then."

"You told her that Janice and I are at home? What do you mean?" Gary's tone sounded reallyunhappy.

The butler was taken aback. He quickly explained, "I was just telling the truth. Miss Simpson isindeed here. You're all young people, so you should have some fun together. I was hoping thatCeleste could come back, and the lot of you can have a good time together."

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