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Chapter 1256

"Gary Smith," Celeste called out anxiously, "Why have you come and find me at such a late hour?"

Gary sighed upon hearing her question. He then answered, "Celeste White, when you finallyunderstand everything, you're going to realize how dumb you are."

Celeste was taken aback; her face felt hot inexplicably. She retorted instinctively, "I know that I'mstupid, but don't you think that you were being too reckless today? We're only 16."

"So what?" He asked in an overbearing and domineering way, as if he wasn't afraid of anything inthe world. Why should age matter?

Age was nothing in front of love.

Celeste was startled by his tone, and she didn't know what to say anymore; she suddenly fell silent.

Neither of them spoke on the phone.

Gary lifted his head and looked in her direction. After a long time, he finally said, "Close yourwindow and go to bed." "A- Are you leaving now?" Celeste continued to


"It's time for me to head back," Gary said, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Celeste was startled again, "Then when will I meet you again?"

"Are you looking forward to meeting me?" Gary asked in return.

Celeste was taken aback. She questioned herself. After a long time, she nodded, "Yeah, I amlooking forward to seeing you."

"Anytime," Gary answered.

"You're lying," Celeste rebutted, "You're going to the United States. How could we meet anytime wewish to?"

Gary went silent for a while before saying, "We could have met each other anytime we wanted to,but you decided to go to England."

Celeste couldn't respond anymore; her heart tightened up.

"Just do according to your decision," Gary said in a deep voice, "I hope you don't regret it."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Celeste looked at the phone subconsciously. The end call beep sounded. Downstairs, that flash oflight went off in an instant as well.

When Celeste turned her head to look, she happened to catch the moment that light went out.novelbin

At that moment, it felt as though her heart had sunk to the bottom of a valley.

Then, she saw a tall and thin figure walking out from the shadows.

It was so familiar.

It was him.

She looked at the figure in a daze until he finally disappeared in the dark and could no longer beseen.

Celeste stood by the window and did not move for a long time.

She picked up the phone and made a phone call again.

The call was declined.

He had chosen not to answer her call.

Celeste's heart suddenly felt empty, and an inexplicable sense of panic welled up from the bottom ofher heart.

She closed the window and went back to her room; she couldn't sleep the entire night.

The next day, when she was about to go to school, Miss Yates blocked her in front of the door.

"Miss Yates?" Celeste was frightened.

Miss Yates pushed her into the room and closed the door before she began to speak.

"Miss Celeste, the paparazzi almost got a few shots of you when you tried to escape last night. Doyou know that your actions would bring a lot of trouble to Miss White?"

Celeste lowered her head and kept quiet.

How could she not know that she would have troubled Cindy?

However, she just couldn't force herself to follow Cindy's wishes.

Seeing how dejected Celeste looked, Miss Yates sighed and continued, "Miss White said that if youreally wish to go to England instead, you can go ahead. After all, you've grown up already, sothere's only so much that she can do about it. You just have to make sure that you're serious aboutit."

Celeste was shocked as she hadn't been expecting Cindy to compromise so easily this time.

However, for some reason, she realized that if Cindy continued, Celeste would probably be the oneto compromise instead.

She nodded to Miss Yates, "Then I'll go to school now." "I'll help you with the application procedure,"Miss

Yates, "That will be the plan then." "Alright."

Celeste quickly left for school.

Ernest was absent.

Gary's seat was empty, and so was Ernest's.

Neither of them were present.

In the afternoon, Celeste received a call from Maria.

"Celeste, I'm going to England with you. I've persuaded my parents to allow me to study abroad aswell."

"You're going too?" Celeste was shocked, "Why? I thought you said that you wouldn't be going."

"My idol has gone to England," Maria said, "He's studying there as well, so, of course, I have tofollow him. I heard that he's going to be there for a few years."

"I see," Upon hearing that, Celeste felt disoriented.

"Celeste, do accompany me to chase after him once we're in England," Maria was very excitedabout it, "By then, I'll be able to get closer to him."

Celeste didn't answer her as she was still feeling disoriented.

"Celeste, are you listening to me?" Maria asked directly since she didn't hear any response.

"Oh, I'm listening," Celeste regained her senses immediately.

"By the way, Gary has left," Maria said, "I'm at the airport now; I just sent him off. His flight hastaken off already."

With a "buzz" in her mind, Celeste felt her mind go empty.

He had left?

She was still thinking of the scene where his thin figure had appeared downstairs in the dark.

He looked so lonely.

He had left that day.

No wonder Ernest was absent. Turned out he went to send Gary off.

Celeste felt slightly more comforted upon hearing that Maria had decided to further her studiesabroad as well.

"He has left?" Celeste muttered, "He has really left."

"Of course he has left," Maria said, "Otherwise, could he have faked his departure?"

Celeste twitched her mouth and smiled, but she felt empty on the inside.

"Why aren't you talking?" Maria protested again, "I'm talking to you, but you haven't beenresponding at all."

"No," Celeste denied immediately, "I was just a little distracted."

"Why are you distracted?"

"I..." Celeste couldn't explain, "Maria, was Gary happy when he left?"

"Yeah, he was," Maria smiled immediately, "It was such a rare occurrence. He became so gentlethat he felt like a completely different person. He even smiled at me before he left. Don't you thinkhe's changed?"

"Has he?" Celeste didn't think so.

Gary's actions the day before were very different.

He had actually kissed her on the lips.

"Something that I have no idea about must have happened," Maria started talking on the phone,"That's why he's not as mean as before."

"I- Is that so?" Celeste couldn't help but feel nervous, which caused her to start stuttering.

"Why are you stuttering?" Maria caught it immediately and discovered how strangely Celeste wasbehaving, "Did something happen between you and Gary yesterday?"

Celeste panicked and said, "No, not at all. I'm going to class now, bye Maria."

After that, Celeste hung up the phone. She felt so nervous as if someone had caught her doingsomething.

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