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Chapter 1021

"Little Gary, don't exaggerate." Miss Holland did not know if she should cry or laugh at the situation. "| know that you both aresmart and good kids. You won't want to make your mommy and daddy upset, right? | know that the both of you are smart andcan make Maria a good girl.”

"No!" Gary shook her head. "! would rather eat dirt than see her."

"Little Gary, look, Maria just found her father and is in a good mood. You won't be pestered when you go back. She will pesterher dad. You can take the opportunity to have a good rest. In this way, your mommy won't worry about you, and your UncleZachary won't be embarrassed, right?"

Gary rolled his eyes when he heard that. He felt that what Miss Holland said made some sense.He turned to look at Emest.Ernest nodded his head and agreed that what Miss Holland said seemed to make sense.

They both looked at each other and without any argument, nodded their heads at the same time. Little Gary said, "Fine, MissHolland. We will follow them back. We wouldn't have agreed if it wasn't for you." "Haha, thank you." Looking at the lovelychildren, Miss Holland smiled and said, "Go back and have a good rest."

Miss Holland took them to the door. The two little boys looked helpless when they saw Grace.She was grateful to Miss Holland and said, "Thank you, Miss Holland!"

"Don't mention it."

Without Miss Holland's help, the two boys might not have even followed them back.

Very soon, they left the kindergarten.

Zachary carried Maria in his arms to the car. As they were about to enter the car, he walked towards the two boys and thenasked, "Little Gary, Ernest, why did you ignore me just now?"

Ernest immediately said, "Uncle, we didn't hear you just now. My brother and | didn't have a good rest last night. We were feelingtired and our ears were ringing. I'm sorry."

Zachary looked at the little boy. He did look like he had not slept well and he indeed looked tired.He then looked at Little Gary and asked, "Little Gary, what about you?"

"Uncle Zachary." He sighed and said, "We are all smart people. Why bother getting to the bottom of it? Isn't it better if | don't tellyou?"

Zachary was surprised by his answer. He looked at Gary's haughty look and chuckled, "Is that all you have to say?

"Uncle Zachary, you can say whatever you want now since you're able to handle it but just wait for what is about to happen."Little Gary looked at Zachary sympathetically and then at Maria. He thought to himself that anyone had to deal with Maria, thelittle devil, their life would certainly be fun.

Zachary was once again surprised by how Gary was looking at him. He then looked at Heinz and Grace. Both of them were alsolooking at him sympathetically.

"Why do you say that?" He asked Little Gary.

Little Gary replied, "Uncle Zachary, you are now so overprotective of Maria. If | told you, you wouldn't be able to accept it. Let'sjust go back home. Congratulations on reuniting with Maria."

After that, he glanced at Maria, who was held in Zachary's arms with a frustrated and sad gaze.

She glared at them and pouted. Then, she complained, "Gary, Ernest, you both are so weak that you can't stay up the wholenight. You're not as strong as me. If people were to know, they would laugh at you. You both are just too weak.

Next time, nobody would want to marry you both." "Ha!" Little Gary laughed and said, "If we find a wife like you, it would be betterto be single."

"That's right!" Ernest said as he nodded his head.

"Dad, look, they are bullying me." Maria immediately pointed to Little Gary and Ernest and complained to Zachary, "They dislike

me."Gary, Ernest!" Zachary said loudly. "Why are you both belittling your cousin so much?"

“Look, he's being overprotective again." Gary looked at his uncle without blinking his eyes, and said to his brother, "Ernest, let'sapologize to Uncle and Maria."

"Okay." Ernest naturally understood what he meant.

The two little boys immediately bowed apologetically to Zachary and Maria and said in unison, "Uncle, Maria, we were wrong.”Zachary was stunned. He had not expected them to apologize. He couldn't help but be amazed by how cunning they were.

It seemed that Maria had scared them.

He smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to apologize. In the future, Maria will often play with you. It's not bad to stay up allnight together. Maria is right. Men should have more strength and energy, otherwise, they can't find a wife."

He sort of indirectly reprimanded both the boys.Gary and Ernest were silent and they got in the car.Grace did not know whether to laugh or cry at the situation. She looked at Zachary and the children and said, "Let's go, Zachary."

"Grace? Where would Zachary go? Is he coming with us or will he tell his mother about the news?" Heinz asked.

Zachary glanced at Heinz and answered him, "Of course, I'm going to your house. It's livelier with more people. I'll tell my momafter | head back. | haven't thought of a good way to tell her and not surprise her."

Heinz bit his lips. Of course, he knew that Zachary did it on purpose.

He knew that Zachary wanted to head back with them so that Maria could stay with both the boys. In this way, Zachary couldpunish the boys in a way.

Heinz sighed and secretly felt sorryfor his sons. The two little boys werestill young and not sreattenengh"’pad shouldindt have offendedZachary and his daughter so openly.After all, Zachary was also anoverprotective father, and she was anaughty girl. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

It seemed that the future contained a lot of excitement forthem.

"Get in the car." Zachary carried Maria into the car and followed after.

Heinz also helped Grace to get in the car.

The car was filled with all of Grace's family members.

Gary couldn't help but roll his eyes at Heinz and complained, "Old Heinz, you are getting more and more useless."Heinz was not angry at all.

He completely understood why his son said this.

He smiled slightly and said, "! don'thave much use but aren't you boththe same? It seems like\We ada br!ths vanes aml) cre all useless. Wecan't compare with Zachary, who hasgiven birth to a daughter in silenceand in secret. He won, and shockedus all." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Gary was surprised and curled his lips. "We are children. It's normal for us, but you are different.”

"Don't try to be an adult and teach me. | won't fall for it." Heinz continued, "I just feel like everything is fine as long as I'm not theone suffering.”

"It's useless," Gary frowned. "You'reso useless. | don't know why Mommyhas taken a ebyets "| Ginkiitsfingy: Gracecspbk up for Heinz. "Yourdad treats me well and is aresponsible man who doesn't runaway from problems." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Mommy, what do you mean by that?" Gary sort of understood the double meaning in her words and what she meant. "You'resaying that we're running away from our uncle and his devil daughter, aren't you?"

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