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Chapter 1020

As Zachary heard his daughter's words, he, a man who had just become a father moments ago, felt sad for his daughter. Theurge and instinct to protect his daughter surged into his heart.

He picked up the little girl and said to her, "Gary and Ernest do not dislike you. I'll bring them home to play with you right now."Heinz and Grace almost choked.

He held Maria in his arms and went to the classroom. He stood by the classroom and looked at Gary and Ernest. Then, heraised his voice and called out, "Gary, Ernest.”

Gary and Ernest were just rejoicing about how they managed to escape from staying with Maria when they heard their UncleZachary calling out to them.

Instantly, Gary's heart filled with some impending bad feelings.

The little boy shuddered and lowered his head, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

Ernest was smart and caught on to what Gary was doing. In an instant, he followed him and ignoredtheir uncle.

Almost naturally, Ernest lowered his head as well and turned to look out the window. He did not spare a glance for his uncle atall.

Zachary waited for several minutes.

However, those two little boys continued to ignore him, and this made Zachary feel a little embarrassed and humiliated.

He was sad and worried about how they treated her daughter. He couldn't figure out why they were treating Maria this way.His heart ached. Holding his daughter in his arms, he knitted his brows tightly and shouted again, "Gary, Ernest!"

This time, it was louder.

However, they still paid no attention to him.

Seeing how her new cousins acted, Maria felt upset by it. She puckered her lips and said softly, "Dad, look, they dislike me. Theyare ignoring us and they are rude. They're bad."

"Yes, they are!" Zachary said, now being an overprotective father. Whatever his daughter said was all correct and reasonable.He then said, "Don't worry, Maria. I'll bring them back home to play with you." "Daddy, you're the best!" The little girl looked at

Zachary and said excitedly, "I believe in you."

With her father's promise, she immediately perked up and proudly looked at Gary and Ernest.

"Gary, Ernest, you two be careful," Maria threatened. "I'm going to be with you guys the whole night tonight."Gary and Ernest instantly lowered their heads and pretended that they didn't hear anything.

Having seen what happened, Zachary did not understand what made the two little boys stay away from Maria so badly. He feltfrustrated and upset at the same time.

He cast his gaze back to Heinz and Grace.

They were standing in the corridor and naturally saw everything that had happened.

Heinz shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he could do nothing to help.

Grace bit her lips in embarrassment and said to Zachary, "Zachary, don't worry, I'll call the two of them out.""They seem to not like being with Maria," said Zachary.

Heinz said, "Zachary, you should bring Maria back home, spend some time with her and maybe by then you'll figure out what'sgoing on."

Zachary frowned. He was still immersed in the joy of reuniting with his daughter and he did not want it to affect his good mood.

He glanced at the two little boys who were still inside the classroom. They were still not looking at him, completely ignoring boththe father and daughter pair.

Zachary glanced at Heinz again and said, "Of course I'll take Maria home. My daughter can't be stranded outside."The tone of his voice obviously showed his pride of being a father.

Heinz touched his nose. He understood Zachary's feelings very well as he had gone through the same thing before.Hopefully, this warmth and joy would be with him for a long, long time.

Zachary then walked out.

Grace then gave a sheepish look to Miss Holland and requested her, "Miss Holland, do you mind asking both the boys to comeout? | think it's best if | bring them back home. You've seen what is going on and | think that letting them get to know more abouttheir new cousin is important."

Miss Holland smiled and nodded, "Okay."

After Zachary took Maria away, Gary immediately lowered his voice and said to Ernest, "Oh no, it looks like we can't escapetoday."novelbin

Frustrated and defeated, Ernest said,"Gary, why do we even have relativeslike Maria? We thouglt Boe aos"teyid), nates turned out tobe a devil. Furthermore, UncleZachary now looks like he is veryprotective of her. Will our good dayscome to an end?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"I'm sure that Mommy will definitely come in later. She will definitely ask us to head back and accompany that devil." Gary's facewas filled with worry. "| was with her last night until my eyes turned red. I'm so tired."

"| don't want to either." Ernest nodded in agreement. "She also made me stay up with her yesterday. | was yawning the wholeday today that some of my tears flowed out."

"We have to think of a way," Gary said. "If we can't win against them by force, we'll have to fight them in another way.""Yeah." Ernest nodded his head.

The two little boys had their heads bent while they whispered and muttered to each other.

Miss Holland almost burst into laughter, seeing the two little boys in front of her looking serious while muttering.

She said, "Little Gary, Ernest, you'd better go back. Your mom is waiting for you at the door. If you go on like this, you'll disturbthe other students."

"Miss Holland, if so, tell our mommyto go back with Uncle Zachary andMaria. If they don't ther, theyll Gistvp corr Fees and | did notsleep at all yesterday. We can't go onlike this. | still want to nap later on. If |go back, | won't be able to nap."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“What happened last night? You didn't sleep well?" Miss Holland noticed their tired faces and asked the children.

"Don't mention it. Maria's mother didn't pick her up, and she stayed at our house. She didn't sleep at night and she made us stayup with her as well. Miss Holland, you wouldn't want us to come in tired everyday right?"

Ernest also nodded immediately,"Miss Holland, please tell ourmommy to go, heme aphGkly withtham.avé Feally don't want to gohome today. If possible, | would liketo stay in kindergarten for a week andnot go back at night." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"Is it that horrible?" Miss Holland found it funny. "Maria is your cousin and also your classmate. You all can grow and playtogether. It's a special fate!"

Gary and Ernest both scoffed when they heard this. Gary said, "If | had a choice, | would rather never see her again."

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