The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 315 Ink Devil Palm!
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Chapter 315 Ink Devil Palm!

Chapter 315 Ink Devil Palm!

"What happened?"

For the past month, Ebony Lord had been in the Southern District, cleaning up the internal issueswithin SHADOW as per Billy's instructions. A few days ago, he had spoken to Ebony Lord on thephone, during which Ebony Lord had informed Billy that there were indeed significant problems inthe Southern District, and he had already identified and dealt with about twenty to thirty SHADOWtraitors.

Before hanging up the call, Ebony Lord had mentioned that he would be heading to Earthford thenext day, as it was the headquarters of SHADOW's Southern District.

But now, just a few days later, something had gone wrong.

"I've been away on business for the past few days, and as soon as I received the news, I rushedback. I just arrived, and we're still investigating the specific reasons." Replied Frostblade.

"How is Ebony Lord's condition right now?" Billy asked with concern.

"He's seriously injured, and the person who attacked him seemed to be out for his life. He's beenunconscious ever since. We have SHADOW medical personnel trying to treat him, but their effortshave had limited success." Frostblade continued.

"Besides Ebony Lord, were there any other casualties?" Billy's brow slightly furrowed.

"Yes," came Frostblade's response. "Four Enforcement Hall brothers who were with Ebony Lordwere killed."

A cold shiver ran down Billy's spine. Attacking even SHADOW members was a reckless move.

"I'm on my way." Billy said decisively.

"OK!" Frostblade replied.

After hanging up, Billy sent a message to Harleen, letting her know that he would be away for a fewdays. He then informed his family and headed to the Ozin War Zone Airport.

Earthford was the core city of the Southern District, the economic center, and had a population ofnearly twenty million people.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Billy arrived at the airport.

"Commander!" Frostblade and Earthford's SHADOW Inspector, Wally Hammond, led ten SHADOWmembers to welcome him.

Billy had instructed Frostblade before his departure not to reveal his whereabouts until they weresure of what had happened.

"Boss, are we heading to headquarters?" Frostblade asked once they were in the car.

"No, find a quieter place," Billy replied. "And have Ebony Lord brought here as well."

"Understood!" Frostblade sent a couple of messages on his phone.

"Do you have a general idea of what happened?" Billy asked as they drove.

"Yes," Frostblade nodded. "Last night, there was a major violent incident in Earthford. The fourth-ranked family among the four powerful ones, the Dittman family was wiped out overnight. Dozens ofpeople in their compound were killed. The perpetrators were very professional, leaving no trace atthe scene. The Earthford authorities have requested SHADOW's assistance in solving the case.

Because Wally Hammond was busy with other matters yesterday, Ebony Lord and his team went tothe scene to assist and learned that there was a witness."

"After a night of investigation, they confirmed the identity of the witness and went to find him thismorning." Frostblade continued. "However, they were ambushed on the way. Ebony Lord wasseriously injured, and the four Enforcement Hall brothers with him were killed."

"Did you send anyone else to look for the witness after Ebony Lord's injuries?" Billy asked, his browslightly furrowing.

"Commander, as soon as I learned of Ebony Lord's situation, I went to the scene myself, and alsosent people to the witness's residence, but they found that the witness had already been silenced."Wally Hammond said.

"How many SHADOW members knew that Ebony Lord was going to find the witness?" Billy asked,his brow furrowing deeper.

Hearing Billy's question, Wally seemed slightly puzzled. "Commander, are you suspecting thatsomeone from SHADOW leaked Ebony Lord's whereabouts?"

"It's a possibility." Billy said with a slight nod.

"When Ebony Lord set out this morning, several branch leaders and deputy inspectors fromEarthford SHADOW were present." Wally Hammond replied.

"Have all their information checked, with a focus on those who have been with SHADOW for overtwo years." Billy added, "You personally oversee this investigation."

"Yes, Commander!" Wally Hammond nodded vigorously.

An hour later, the group arrived at the entrance of a moderately sized estate on the outskirts ofEarthford.

"Boss, this is a new reserve base that SHADOW found. It hasn't been officially put into use yet."Frostblade explained.

"Commander!" As they entered the estate, ten SHADOW members saluted Billy.

"Is Ebony Lord here?" Billy asked.

"Please follow me, Commander." One of the SHADOW members said with a respectful gesture.

Two minutes later, they entered the living room of a villa on the west side of the estate. Billy sawEbony Lord lying on the sofa, covered in injuries. He was still unconscious, and two SHADOWmedical personnel were standing by his side.

"Commander!" Both of them bowed when they saw Billy.

"Boss, Ebony Lord's injuries elsewhere aren't too severe, but the fatal one is the palm strike in thechest!" Frostblade walked up and lifted Ebony Lord's shirt.

Billy took a look and saw a pitch-black palm imprint on Ebony Lord's chest, surrounded by dark redskin.

"Hmm?" Billy furrowed his brow upon seeing this palm imprint.

"Boss, can you tell what this is..." Frostblade turned to Billy.

"Ink Devil Palm!" Billy interrupted with a solemn voice.novelbin

"What?" Frostblade exclaimed, "Do you mean Ebony Lord was injured by members of Ink Pavilion?"

Wally Hammond and the others nearby also wore shocked expressions.

Ink Devil Palm was one of the infamous secret techniques of Ink Pavilion. Its palm force wasextremely domineering, and those injured by its technique would suffer damage to their meridians atbest and could even die on the spot at worst!

"Hmm." Billy nodded, a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

Since the last time they had wiped out all of Ink Pavilion's external branches, Ink Pavilion had beensilent, showing no activity for some time. They thought that Ink Pavilion had become morerestrained, but this time it seemed they were even more ruthless. It was time to clear out thiscancerous growth known as Ink Pavilion.

"Boss, I'll immediately notify everyone below to search for Ink Pavilion members within our territory!"Frostblade took a deep breath and spoke. As she spoke, she took out her phone from her pocket.

"Not for now!" Billy waved his hand, "If members of Ink Pavilion want to hide their whereabouts, it'llbe hard for our brothers down below to find them, and it might even alert them!"

"These bastards!" Frostblade cursed in frustration. After a moment's pause, she continued, "Is thereany hope for Ebony Lord's injuries?"

"I'll take a look first," Billy said, then placed his hand on Ebony Lord's pulse.

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