The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 314 Trouble With Ebony Lord
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Chapter 314 Trouble With Ebony Lord

Chapter 314 Trouble with Ebony Lord

While Billy was making his phone call, everyone's attention turned to him, and their expressionsvaried.

"Mr Gardner, do you... do you know the Gater family's heiress?" Ava asked Billy, her voice filled withastonishment. "You're friends with her?"

"Can you guess?" Billy replied with a smile.

Thelma Perkins, on the other hand, was equally shocked. She wondered if Billy's call had beengenuine. Harleen, meanwhile, stared at Billy with a meaningful expression. Knowing him well, shewas sure that the phone call had been real, but she was curious about the extent of his connectionwith the Gater family heiress.

"Hahaha," Peter burst into laughter again. After a brief pause, he looked at Billy and said loudly,"You missed your calling as an actor, your performance is top-notch!"

It was clear that he didn't believe Billy's call to the heiress for a second. In his eyes, Billy was just anobody from Ozin.

The other Oshi company employees wore disdainful expressions as they watched Billy.

"Feel free to laugh as much as you want, or else you might not have the chance later." Billy saidcalmly.

"You..." Peter started to speak again.

Ring! Ring!

Just then, Peter's phone rang.

Peter frowned slightly, taking out his phone and checking the incoming number.

Upon seeing the number, he became panicked. His hand trembled, and the phone slipped from hisgrasp, crashing to the ground. Panic filled his heart.

The phone continued to ring.

"Aren't you the one who didn't believe I called your family's heiress? Why are you afraid to answerthe call?" Billy asked casually.

Peter glanced at Billy, then trembled as he bent down to pick up the phone, pressing the answerbutton.

After listening for just two minutes, he collapsed, shaking uncontrollably. His face turned pale, andfear filled his eyes. He knew he was done for, truly done for this time. He hadn't expected theperson in front of him to be the one his family's patriarch and the heiress owed their lives to. As amember of the Gater family, he was acutely aware of this person's importance to his family. Withouta second thought, Peter crawled over to Billy, kowtowing and trembling as he begged, "I'm sorry, I'msorry, please spare my wretched life..."

Seeing this, everyone present, including Ava, had their jaws drop in shock. Even Harleen couldn'tbelieve her eyes. Besides, it confirmed her suspicions that her husband had an extraordinaryrelationship with the heiress of the Gater family. Otherwise, this situation was inexplicable.

Richard Matthews and his two companions also fell to their knees, realizing that they were in deeptrouble.

"Now, do you believe?" Billy asked calmly. "But it's too late."

At this moment, footsteps approached. Judge and four SHADOW members hurried over.

"Ms Knight!" Judge greeted Harleen and then turned to Billy. "Boss, what happened?"

"He wanted my wife to accompany him to his room for a few drinks!" Billy explained the situationbriefly.

"Damn it, this is unbelievable!" Judge said while drawing a curved knife from his waist. "I'll take careof him!"

"Don't..." Peter cried out.

"Arrange for someone to supervise his departure and let him explain to Nina himself when he getsback." Billy instructed. He'd rather leave this guy to the Gater family's people since he had nointerest in dealing with such scum.

"Yes!" Judge signaled for two SHADOW members to take Peter away.novelbin

"Have mercy..." Peter cried out. He was well aware that if Billy didn't forgive him, there would beonly death expecting him when he went back to the house.

"What a racket!" one of the SHADOW men blurted out, raising his hand and delivering a swift blowto Peter's back, causing him to instantly pass out.

"Boss, how should we handle them?" Judge inquired, pointing at Richard Matthews and the twoburly men in black.

"So whatever you want!" Billy replied before putting his arm around Harleen. "Let's go. Weren't youplanning to buy some clothes? They probably have a store upstairs, right?"

"Yeah." Harleen nodded slightly and followed Billy towards the elevator.

From behind, cries for mercy came from Richard and the others.

Five minutes later, Billy and Harleen arrived on the third floor.

"Is there something you should tell me?" Harleen stared at Billy with a half-smile.

"What do you mean?" Billy feigned ignorance.

"You're still trying to deceive me!" Harleen pinched his waist. "Honestly, what's the relationshipbetween you and the heiress of the Gater family? Did she...?"

She suddenly seemed to recall something and turned to Billy. "I remember now. The necklace,Heart of the Earth, you gave me, is it from the Gater family's Jewelry Company? Is that necklace agift from her?"

As she said this, her face turned unnatural.

Giving away something worth nearly a billion as a gift was no small matter. This relationshipbetween Billy and the heiress must have been extraordinary. She felt a sudden pang of anxiety, as ifher most precious possession was about to be taken away by someone else.

"My dear wife, you're overthinking it!" Billy couldn't ignore Harleen's anxiety and he hugged herbefore kissing her forehead.

"I saved her and her grandfather's lives once, and the time when someone tried to kill her inEnssea. I had to step in to save her." Billy explained. "As for the necklace, I tried to pay her for it,but she insisted on giving it to me."

"Really?" Harleen looked at Billy.

"It's true. Judge knows about it too. If you don't believe me, you can ask him." Billy smiled.

"Well, for now, I'll believe you." Harleen sighed in relief.

"Trust me more, okay?" Billy said as he caressed Harleen's hair. "I've said it before, I'm content withjust you and Tasha in this lifetime."

"Who asked you to be so outstanding? I'd rather you be more ordinary." Harleen pouted. After amoment's pause, she continued, "I heard that the heiress is a super beauty. Is that true?"

Billy stammered to answer this question...

One morning, after Billy had dropped Tasha off at school and returned to the villa's gate, his phonerang. It was a call from Frostblade.

"Is there something?"

"Boss, something happened to Ebony Lord!" Frostblade's voice sounded urgent.

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