The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 316 No Taste For The Mundane World
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Chapter 316 No Taste For The Mundane World

Chapter 316 No Taste for the Mundane World

"Boss, how is he?" Frostblade asked again after Billy removed his hand.

"He's hurt bad, it's a miracle he's still alive." Billy replied with a grim expression. "They intended tostrike through Ebony Lord's heart with a single palm, but luckily, he had his Chi to protect him, orhe'd be dead by now."

Having said that, Billy took out silver needles from his pocket and began to treat Ebony Lord. Afterplacing nine needles, he channeled his Chi into Ebony Lord's Dantian. After a while, Frostblade andthe others saw black blood seeping from the base of the needles near the palm imprint.

Around twenty minutes later, the palm imprint gradually turned dark red, and the surrounding skinreturned to normal. Billy then removed the needles one by one.

"Commander, is he going to be alright?" Wally Hammond asked.

"He won't wake up for a while," Billy responded before taking a piece of paper and pen from thecoffee table and writing a prescription for the medical hall personnel. "Get these ingredients andmake a poultice for Ebony Lord."

"Yes!" the two nodded and left.novelbin

"Help Ebony Lord to his room and have someone watch over him for twenty-four hours." Billyinstructed Wally Hammond.

"Yes, sir!" Wally Hammond responded and, along with two SHADOW members, assisted EbonyLord to his room.

"What's next?" Frostblade asked Billy.

"Tell me about the major families in Earthford." Billy said thoughtfully.

"Alright," Frostblade said after pouring a glass of water for Billy.

"The prominent families in Earthford are similar to those in Enssea. Apart from the four majorfamilies, there's another clan, one of Glavale's five Earth-ranked prominent clans, the Riley Clan."

"Hmm," Billy nodded slightly. He was well aware of the prominent clans within their territory.

"The number one ranked Lawson Clan and the fourth-ranked Dittman Clan have had conflicts withthe Riley Clan. Althou gh the Lawsons' strength doesn't compare to the Rileys', they're not farbehind."

"Have you investigated the backgrounds of the Lawson Clan and the Riley Clan?" Billy asked again.

"Yes," Frostblade nodded. "The Riley family has a fair share of issues, but the Lawson family isrelatively straightforward."

"And what about the Dittman family?" Billy asked with a slight nod.

"They are an old local family in Earthford, specializing in medicine." Frostblade replied. "Their familylineage dates back nearly as long as the Riley Clan's. It is said that their ancestors served as royalphysicians in the former dynasty, enjoying considerable prestige. In present times, despite a declinein their fortunes, they still hold a prominent position within Earthford, counted among the four majorfamilies."

"Is it possible that the Dittman clan was involved, perhaps by someone from the Riley clan?" Billyasked, lifting his teacup to take a sip.

"I think it's unlikely," Frostblade replied after a brief pause. "Although conflicts frequently arisebetween the two families, the Rileys wouldn't resort to such extreme measures unless there werespecial circumstances."

"But what if there were special circumstances?" Billy mused.

"Boss, although the Riley Clan is a suspect, I believe Ink Pavilion is more likely." Frostbladecontinued. "I don't know Ink Pavilion's motives, but based on the outcome, it resembles their style ofoperation."

"Hmm, it's possible," Billy nodded slightly. "Well, we don't have any leads at the moment. We'll askEbony Lord for information when he wakes up."

With that, he got up and headed to the door.

"Boss, where are you going?" Frostblade asked, slightly puzzled.

"Frostblade, do you always neglect worldly matters when you're not on a case or training?" Billychuckled. "I'm starving, and your hospitality as a host has been rather lacking!"

"Oh! It's almost two o'clock!" Frostblade glanced at the wall clock and blushed slightly. "I'm sorry,I've been preoccupied with Ebony Lord's condition and forgot about food."

"Ah..." Billy sighed. "With you like this, how will you take care of a household when you marry AzureFang?"

Frostblade's face turned slightly red.

"Work is important, but life matters too. You need to pay more attention to your personal life." Billysaid with another smile. "You should learn from Night Orchid. She balances work and life so well,gracefully managing both."

"Boss, I..." Frostblade began softly.

"Come on, what are you standing around for?" Billy interrupted her. "We finally came to yourterritory, so you should treat me to a good meal!"

Frostblade was extraordinary in many ways, but she tended to be aloof and reserved, especially infront of others. She rarely spoke in front of anyone except for Billy, and even then, herconversations were brief and to the point. Billy had to intervene occasionally to ensure thatFrostblade didn't end up alone and isolated.

"Alright!" Frostblade responded, slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly followed Billy.

"Boss, I know a place where you can try authentic Earthford cuisine." She said.

"Sounds good!"

An hour later, the two of them arrived at a restaurant. Based on the decor, it was clear that it was anupscale establishment, and it was quite rare that Frostblade had found such a place.

They found a table by the window.

"May I take your orders?" a waiter approached them.

"Boss, take a look at the menu and tell me what you'd like." Frostblade handed the menu to Billy.

"This is your territory, you decide!" Billy replied.

"I... I'm not very good at ordering..." Frostblade said timidly.

"You order, I'll eat whatever you choose."

"OK," Frostblade said, then handed the menu back to the waiter. "We'll have one serving of each ofyour top ten dishes, please."

Billy choked on his saliva.

"Miss, our portions are quite large. It might be a bit too much for just the two of you." The waiterhesitated before responding.

"In that case... Please help us make the selection." Frostblade said, pulling out 20 bills from herpocket and handing them to the waiter. "Just keep it within a budget of two thousand."

"I see." The waiter accepted the money, turned, and left.

"Is this how you usually order?" Billy asked as he sipped his tea.

"I... I rarely dine out. I usually eat at the base's cafeteria, and if I'm traveling alone, I go to smalleateries." Frostblade replied.

"Can't you treat yourself better?" Billy's lips twitched again.

"I think it's fine this way. Martial practitioners shouldn't indulge in worldly pleasures." Frostblade saidearnestly.

"Alright," Billy sighed.

At that moment, the sound of high heels approaching the entrance could be heard.

"Wow, look! Isn't that Earthford's number one beauty? She's dining here too!"

"Really? I'm so excited! It's my first time seeing her up close!"

"She's so stunning, even more beautiful than those movie stars!"


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