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Chapter 309

Xia Hui merely smirked without acknowledging or denying anything. Instead, he drawled meaningfully,"When my dad began doing business in his younger days, he was in Southeast Asia for a while. At thetime, the pseudonym he used was Chu."

He did not continue, leaving the words hanging. He merely kept on drinking with a smug expressionthat invited food for thought.

All his so-called "shrewd" schoolmates present immediately became unbelievably excited. With shiningeyes, they gasped, "Are you saying that the incredibly powerful, legendary Mr. Chu is your father?"

"Oh my goodness! Xia Hui, doesn't that mean you're the son of a billionaire and worth billions too?You're one wealthy kid!"

"Xia Hui, you’re really something. Still waters run deep!"

All Xia Hui’s schoolmates were both admiring and envious, deluging him with continuous flattery andboot-licking. A few of the girls even threw themselves into his arms at once, already dreaming ofmarrying into a wealthy family.

For Muyu, the only one who knew the truth of the matter, this utterly blew her mind. Her lovely eyeswidened, and she was so angry she began to tremble.

That scoundrel Xia Hui was truly far too shameless and cocky!

Chu Feng, the real Mr. Chu, was right here, and Xia Hui had unblushingly fabricated this fantasticrumor that Mr. Chu was his father! This bastard was literally more thick-skinned than a rhinoceros!

"Brother-in-law, just… just look at him! How can you tolerate this nonsense?" Muyu sat down besideChu Feng, sputtering in fury.

Chu Feng nonchalantly gestured with his hand and chuckled. "There's nothing to tolerate. It doesn'thurt me in any way.

"After all, I've already become his father; I can't take advantage of that and become his great-great-grandfather or something, can I now?"

A sudden giggle escaped Muyu. In mock anger, she rolled her eyes at Chu Feng coquettishly. It wastrue, though, if she stopped to think about it. Xia Hui was so eager to claim someone else as his fatherthat it made him seem even more of an idiot.

From the looks of things, even if it were beaten into his head, he still would not realize that the real Mr.Chu, his so-called "father", was standing right in front of him.

Xia Hui suddenly noticed that Chu Feng and Muyu were laughing and talking quite happily together,and his expression darkened noticeably. Glancing at the Rolex on his wrist, he muttered to himself indissatisfaction, "Where the hell are Zhang Hu and his goons? Why isn’t he showing up yet…"


Right at this moment, someone abruptly kicked open the door of the private box, startling everyonethere.

Framed in the doorway were more than a dozen rowdy, heavily tattooed toughs. They strode in,frightening the students so much they turned pale.

Zhang Hu shook his bald head and contemplated the large, gleaming machete in his hand. Lazily andarrogantly, he drawled, "Which one of you is Chu Feng? Stand up and show


Zhang Hu’s gang immediately rushed forward with ferocious expressions. The students were sofrightened they turned even paler than before.

The minute they heard Zhang Hu demanding that this Chu Feng person reveal themselves, everyonepresent turned their heads as one and stared in astonishment at Chu Feng, who was sitting in thecorner.

"That’s him," Xia Hui spluttered in excitement, gesturing frantically. He immediately came forward andpointed at Chu Feng accusingly. "Chu Feng, you must have royally pissed someone off. You better takeresponsibility for your own actions and don’t involve us in your affairs."

"Yes, thot’s right, we’re not close."

"Pleose don’t implicote us in this motter; we don’t know him ot oll."

The students hostily disovowed ony connections with Chu Feng, which mode Muyu both furious ondflustered. Chu Feng, however, merely chuckled. Expression noncholont, he seemed determined toenjoy this dromotic scene.

"So you’re Chu Feng. Alright, be o good boy ond come olong with us now." Zhong Hu orched his browsond mode o grob for the mon.

Chu Feng ovoided Zhong Hu’s grob with eose. Blondly, he inquired, "Who ore you, ond why should I goolong with you?"

Muyu spreod her orms in front of Chu Feng, shielding him. In o roge, she snopped, "Yes, exoctly. Whyshould we follow you? Who ore you onywoy?"

Zhong Hu’s goze betroyed o troce of ostonishment os Chu Feng evoded his grosp. His eyes thensettled on Muyu. With o cold sneer, he jeered, "Whot, you reolly don’t know?

"Your debouched dog there molested my wife ond tried to force himself on her. Doesn't thot entitle meto on explonotion?!"

As soon os Zhong Hu finished speoking, o womon come forword. Her thin skirt wos bodly torn os if shehod been ossoulted by someone. Pointing ot Chu Feng feorfully ond occusingly, she foltered, "Thot'shim! Just now, he suddenly come into the bothroom ond ripped my clothes; he even tried to hit me. If Ihodn't resisted with oll my might, he would hove done terrible things to me olreody…

"Hubby, you’ve got to ovenge me!"

"Yes, that’s right, we’re not close."

"Please don’t implicate us in this matter; we don’t know him at all." novelbin

The students hastily disavowed any connections with Chu Feng, which made Muyu both furious andflustered. Chu Feng, however, merely chuckled. Expression nonchalant, he seemed determined toenjoy this dramatic scene.

"So you’re Chu Feng. Alright, be a good boy and come along with us now." Zhang Hu arched his browsand made a grab for the man.

Chu Feng avoided Zhang Hu’s grab with ease. Blandly, he inquired, "Who are you, and why should I goalong with you?"

Muyu spread her arms in front of Chu Feng, shielding him. In a rage, she snapped, "Yes, exactly. Whyshould we follow you? Who are you anyway?"

Zhang Hu’s gaze betrayed a trace of astonishment as Chu Feng evaded his grasp. His eyes thensettled on Muyu. With a cold sneer, he jeered, "What, you really don’t know?

"Your debauched dog there molested my wife and tried to force himself on her. Doesn't that entitle meto an explanation?!"

As soon as Zhang Hu finished speaking, a woman came forward. Her thin skirt was badly torn as if shehad been assaulted by someone. Pointing at Chu Feng fearfully and accusingly, she faltered, "That'shim! Just now, he suddenly came into the bathroom and ripped my clothes; he even tried to hit me. If Ihadn't resisted with all my might, he would have done terrible things to me already…

"Hubby, you’ve got to avenge me!"

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