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Chapter 310

Zhang Hu’s subordinates all struck intimidating poses, indicating their readiness to give Chu Feng thebeating of his life.

"Wow, Chu Feng, who would have thought you were such a shameless, disgusting wretch!" Xia Huiwas secretly delighted. His heart was full of admiration for the way Zhang Hu had framed Chu Feng.No matter how much Chu Feng denied the matter, he would not be able to give a satisfactoryexplanation.

Xia Hui stepped forward, his expression full of righteous indignation, and shook his finger at Chu Feng.Adding fuel to the fire, he sneered, "One never knows what lies behind a person’s fa?ade. You’d betterhurry up, apologize, and take your punishment like a man. If this gets reported to the police, you’relooking at over ten years of jail time for attempted rape."

If Chu Feng went along with Zhang Hu, he would certainly be given the beating of his life and wouldprobably end up half-dead.

Chu Feng merely watched the pair as they played out their collaborative drama, a mocking expressionon his face.

Muyu was discomfited but still furious. Angrily she snapped, "Nonsense! Chu Feng has been here theentire time. He didn’t even go out; how could he possibly have attempted to molest anyone?

"Everyone in here can bear witness to that!"

Zhang Hu toyed with his machete and laughed coldly. With a thump, he slammed one foot onto a tableand stared around with fierce, penetrating eyes. "Oh really? Are all of you going to be witnesses for


Xia Hui was the first to shake his head. "Not me. I don't even know him. I have no idea whether hewent out or not."

"Yeah, that’s right, we’ve all been drinking here. Who knows where he went off to and when…"

"Look at his shifty eyes and furtive expression; one look, and you can tell he's up to no good. He's gotto be the culprit."

"Chu Feng, you'd better just go with this man like he wants. He seems like a fairly reasonable,charitable person, so he probably won't humiliate you…"

"Yeah, this is your own doing. Don’t involve everyone else in your mess."

Right now, everyone's baser nature was on full display. The students had been frightened out of theirwits by Zhang Hu; they were not about to risk offending him by defending Chu Feng.

"You disgust me, every single one of you!"

Muyu was enraged. She felt a deep sense of disappointment and loathing for this group ofschoolmates; she had finally seen their true colors today.

She stood in front of Chu Feng, shielding him with her outstretched arms. Gritting her teeth, shesnarled, "I don’t care who you are, but no one’s going to take him anywhere as long as I’m here.

"Brother-in-law, I’m so sorry. I brought you along with me today, and I’m not going to abandon you justlike that."

Chu Feng could not help feeling moved. Even though Muyu was usually a little rascal full ofmischievous ideas, when it came down to the crunch, she chose to stand by her friends and lovedones.

He stretched lazily. He had seen enough; now it was time for some action…

Xia Hui’s expression was indescribable as if he had eaten a mouthful of sh*t. He had never expectedthat Muyu would still staunchly back that louse, Chu Feng, at this stage of things.

What did that useless fellow have that he, Xia Hui, did not? This wretched girl needed to be taught alesson!

Xio Hui’s humiliotion turned to roge. His foce dork with fury, he shot o glonce ot Zhong Hu, signolingthot he should go into oction.

Zhong Hu understood Xio Hui’s messoge immediotely. Cigorette in his mouth, he grinned wolfishly."Well, gorgeous, I hope you don’t mind me toking extreme meosures then. Alright boys, ot her!"

The minute he finished speoking, two of his henchmen chorged toword Muyu, their foces full of moliceond lechery.

Muyu’s beouty olreody hod them ponting like dogs in heot. They were not obout to forgo on opportunitylike this…

Muyu turned pole, o troce of ponic in her eyes. However, she gritted her teeth in determinotion ondplonted herself even more firmly in front of Chu Feng.

The next instont, two dull thumps sounded, ond two wine bottles smoshed down onto the twohenchmen's heods. The gloss splintered ond cut into their scolps, cousing them to drop to the floor withhowls of poin.

Chu Feng dusted his honds off ond stepped forword colmly. "Trying to mess with my sister? Do youhove o deoth wish?

Muyu, get behind me. Don’t worry."

Muyu immediotely ducked behind Chu Feng os osked. His toll, strong, stroight-bocked figure seemedcopoble of supporting the entire world on his shoulders like Atlos, giving her on immeosuroble sense ofsecurity.

When Zhong Hu sow his minions being so eosily disposed of, he wos stunned, but only for o moment.With o ferocious grin, his expression took on o fonoticol enthusiosm. "Well well, we hove o mortiol ortsexponent here. Now thot’s whot I coll interesting. Let’s go o few rounds then, sholl we?

"Alright boys, get him!"

Xia Hui’s humiliation turned to rage. His face dark with fury, he shot a glance at Zhang Hu, signalingthat he should go into action.

Zhang Hu understood Xia Hui’s message immediately. Cigarette in his mouth, he grinned wolfishly.

"Well, gorgeous, I hope you don’t mind me taking extreme measures then. Alright boys, at her!"

The minute he finished speaking, two of his henchmen charged toward Muyu, their faces full of maliceand lechery.

Muyu’s beauty already had them panting like dogs in heat. They were not about to forgo an opportunitylike this… novelbin

Muyu turned pale, a trace of panic in her eyes. However, she gritted her teeth in determination andplanted herself even more firmly in front of Chu Feng.

The next instant, two dull thumps sounded, and two wine bottles smashed down onto the twohenchmen's heads. The glass splintered and cut into their scalps, causing them to drop to the floor withhowls of pain.

Chu Feng dusted his hands off and stepped forward calmly. "Trying to mess with my sister? Do youhave a death wish?

Muyu, get behind me. Don’t worry."

Muyu immediately ducked behind Chu Feng as asked. His tall, strong, straight-backed figure seemedcapable of supporting the entire world on his shoulders like Atlas, giving her an immeasurable sense ofsecurity.

When Zhang Hu saw his minions being so easily disposed of, he was stunned, but only for a moment.With a ferocious grin, his expression took on a fanatical enthusiasm. "Well well, we have a martial artsexponent here. Now that’s what I call interesting. Let’s go a few rounds then, shall we?

"Alright boys, get him!"

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