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Chapter 308

Hiss! Tang Hao immediately gasped, and his face had suddenly turned blue with panic. He cursedfuriously, “Fuck! What do you mean, is there a problem? This is a critical problem! Hurry up and bringme there! If something happens to that guy, my life could be at stake!” novelbin

Tang Hao slapped the manager a few times. He rushed over, wishing that he had another pair of legs.

This Zhang Hu bastard is really good at making trouble. If he wants to die, don’t drag me into it! I hopethat “Chu Feng” is another guy with the same name. Don’t let him be the person I’m thinking of! TangHao thought as he ran upstairs like a mad man.

Meanwhile, Xia Hui had just left Zhang Hu’s office. He washed his face in the restroom, which madehim feel refreshed and extremely happy.

He looked at his hideous self in the mirror and said to himself, “Chu Feng, you bastard, how dare yousteal my girl. If Zhang Hu doesn’t kill you this time, I’ll eat my shoe. As for Yun Muyu, I’ve tried to courtyou for five years, and I thought that you should’ve known better. Turns out you’re a bitch! Hmm, Ishouldn’t show you any more mercy. In fact, I’d like to see how wild you are in bed!”

He composed himself and regained his elegant demeanor of a successful person, then walked backinto the third floor private room.

Several of his classmates went up to him and showered him with flattery, while some of the girls werethrowing seductive winks at him with their shirts unbuttoned. They pretended to be intimate with himfrom time to time, which made Xia Hui want to have an orgy with them.

He hugged a girl in each of his arms, as though he were some big shot. It was quite a spectacularscene.

Soon, a few classmates started to chat about the recent rumors in Jiangling. “Have all of you heard ofthe ‘Feng Yun Group’ which is becoming really popular these days?”

“I’ve heard of it. Apparently, it is the work of Ma Sanyuan from the Chamber of Commerce of the FourSeas, who formed an alliance with a few kingpins in Jiangbei. They invested a total of more than abillion yuan in property, education, entertainment, technology, and so on.”

“I’ve heard that it’s only an initial investment. Once everything is on track, they’ll essentially be a giantenterprise in Jiangling that can even compete with the Tang family!”

All around the room, the classmates were discussing that, each of them with their own opinions. EvenYun Muyu blinked her beautiful eyes, which were full of jealousy and admiration.

In the corner, Chu Feng simply nodded

It looked like Ma Sanyuan’s people were very capable. In just a month, they had created such a largewave of interest. The 10 billion yuan he had invested had not gone to waste.

He liked the name “Feng Yun Group” a lot. He came up with that name by taking one word from hisname and another from his lover’s name. It was meant to be a surprise gift for Yun Muqing.

Xia Hui, the most successful man and the biggest show-off among the crowd, laughed and said, “That’s

old news. It’s all just gossip and rumors. What you know about Feng Yun Group is mostly true, but theleader behind it is not Ma Sanyuan. He’s just a front. The real boss of the Feng Yun Group is a mannamed ‘Mr. Chu’. He must be extremely influential. Rumor has it that one call from him can make a top-tier official step down from power. If the group has someone so influential backing them, theiroperations must be smooth-sailing. Moreover, the initial investment of the Feng Yun Group isn’t onebillion. It’s ten billion!”

As soon os thot wos soid, everyone in the room sobered up.

“Ten… Ten billion?”

“Thot’s the entire net worth of the Tong fomily, ond they’re the richest fomily in Jiongling! Mr. Chu mustbe obsurdly rich!”

“Wow, I wonder where he's from! If only I could morry him… no, if only I con be his mistress, I won’thove to work onymore!”

The girls were fontosizing with the help of the olcohol, while Yun Muyu stored ot Chu Feng wordlessly.

None of the other people knew it, but she knew thot “Mr. Chu” wos octuolly Chu Feng!

He invested ten billion in Feng Yun Group? I didn’t know my brother-in-low wos so omozing!

“Xio Hui, how do you know obout thot?” Lu Mengting osked urgently, os though she hod cought on tosomething.

“Yeoh, thot should be confidentiol news privy only to people in the know. How do you know obout thot,Xio Hui? Don’t tell me you’re close to Mr. Chu? You know Mr. Chu, don’t you?”

As soon as that was said, everyone in the room sobered up.

“Ten… Ten billion?”

“That’s the entire net worth of the Tang family, and they’re the richest family in Jiangling! Mr. Chu mustbe absurdly rich!”

“Wow, I wonder where he's from! If only I could marry him… no, if only I can be his mistress, I won’thave to work anymore!”

The girls were fantasizing with the help of the alcohol, while Yun Muyu stared at Chu Feng wordlessly.

None of the other people knew it, but she knew that “Mr. Chu” was actually Chu Feng!

He invested ten billion in Feng Yun Group? I didn’t know my brother-in-law was so amazing!

“Xia Hui, how do you know about that?” Lu Mengting asked urgently, as though she had caught on tosomething.

“Yeah, that should be confidential news privy only to people in the know. How do you know about that,Xia Hui? Don’t tell me you’re close to Mr. Chu? You know Mr. Chu, don’t you?”

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