The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 480 The Dying Youth
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Chapter 480 The Dying Youth

“S-Send them home?”

Liang San was shocked.

“Didn't you hear what Mister said?”

Shen Wanshan snapped at him.

“Yes, yes, yes! I will do so right away. Right away, Mister!”

Liang San nodded his head fervently.

The group of girls turned toward Chen Hao and nodded their heads in appreciation. “Thank you, Mister!

Thank you, Mister!”

Chen Hao smiled and said, “Alright, you guys should head home now!”

Chen Hao was never an unreasonable person. Furthermore, he had experienced the feeling of being

forced away from home. Therefore, he could empathise with their grief and sadness in which an

ordinary person would not have been able to understand.

Not only that, they were bought to become servants and were even constantly tortured and bullied.

The group of girl servants then left.

However, there were two girls who stayed behind and stood at their spots. They were sobbing


Chen Hao asked, “Why are you two still here?”

One of the girls said softly, “M-My parents were murdered by the gangsters around here. I-I don't have

a home anymore, Mister!”

The other girl said, “Mister, please let us stay here. We will make sure to serve you well as long as you

feed us!”

Chen Hao gave them a warm smile. “Alright, since you are willing to stay behind, I won't chase you

away then. However, don't worry. From today onward, nobody will bully you guys!”

“Thank you, Mister!”

Both of them, Yu and Lan, expressed their gratitude.

Especially the girl called Yu, she lifted her head slightly and peeked at Chen Hao.

Looking at how handsome Chen Hao was, Yu’s heart could not help but throb.

Yu had seen far too many evil and creepy guys around here. However, this new master is different!

He's very different compared to the others.

He has a kind heart.

Just like that, Chen Hao settled down here.

He had used the remaining money and asked Shen Wanshan to recruit a hundred youths. They had to

have above average physical traits and were honest and loyal.

They were recruited to be the bodyguards of Tian Long Group.

At the beginning, Shen Wanshan was the one who coached them.

During the last two weeks, Chen Hao stepped in and personally trained them.

In less than a month, this bunch of youths had a massive improvement in their skills and qualities.

They were not far off from the standards of the Chen Family's team of bodyguards.

One day, inside the manor.

“Yu, why are you taking so long to pick the snow fungus? Aren't you tired?”

Lan was lying on the bed and could not help but smile bitterly at Yu, who was carefully picking out the

snow fungus.

Less than a month later, both Yu and Lan had a much better complexion than before.

Especially more so for Yu. Now that her complexion had become better, she bore quite a delicate look.

Anyone who looked at her would feel the urge to protect her.

Yu gave a sweet smile and said, “Not tired at all. These days, Mister spent a lot of time and energy

training those bodyguards. He also has to take care of the company and it must be tiring. I am going to

make him a snow fungus soup and send it over to him!”

Lan then laughed. “Yes, Mister is really a nice person. However, you being his personal servant is even

better! You thought of almost everything you could do and got it done for Mister! Hehe!”

During this whole period, Yu had constantly been by Chen Hao’s side.

She took care of everything well from his meals to his attire.

“Oh right, Yu!”

Suddenly, Lan thought of something and sat right up as she said, “I recalled that a month ago, Mister

said that he would let us go and give us a sum of money. I thought you have always wanted to return to

your county as well as your hometown. Even though uncle and auntie had passed away, you have

other relatives, right? Why didn't you leave?”

Lan covered her mouth and chuckled. “Could it be that you fell in love with Mister?”

Yu blushed and hurriedly said, “Lan, you are sprouting nonsense again! I-I don't have any other

relatives. It's just that I felt a sense of security when I saw Mister so I decided to stay behind. After all, I

am not qualified to love him!” After a pause, Yu also questioned, “How about you? You have always

wanted to return to your hometown more than I did? Why didn't you leave then?”

Lan happily and respectfully said, “Well, for me, there are two reasons. For starters, Mister is a nice

person and he wouldn't torture us like other masters. He respects us and I feel secure staying by his

side! As for the second reason, which is the most important reason, it was because Brother Hu had

promised me that he would come and pick me up in a month’s time. I don't want to leave as I am

waiting for Hu to pick me up. He would rescue his brother and he would bring me away so we could get


“But Lan, do you really believe these guys? Yes, Hu did rescue us before. However, I don't believe he

would actually come and pick you up! You have to be emotionally prepared for the worst! Of course, I

do believe in Brother Hu, who rescued us, but… ”

Yu wanted to remind Lan to not have such high hopes in order to avoid being hurt.

“Yu, I understand what you mean. However, I believe in Hu. Once he rescues his brother, he would

come for me. After all, we're already engaged. In short, if he doesn't appear, I will just keep waiting. It

doesn't matter if I have to wait a year or for the rest of my life. I will just wait for him!”

Lan placed both her hands under her cheek and smiled.

“Alright, it's rare to see you so deeply in love. Let’s go and make some soup so we could send it over to


Both of them left while laughing.

At that moment, at the Northern side of the Tian Long Group.

There was a huge mountain next to it.

There were a few groups of people wandering about within the jungle atop the mountain.

These hundred men were split into groups of five and were led by Shen Wanshan and his men.

Meanwhile, Yu and Lan walked over with thermos flasks.

From afar, they could see that Mister was sitting down on a chair and sipping on his tea.

Behind him were two bodyguards in stylish suits with sunglasses on.

One of them stood upright with his arms behind his back.

The other was holding onto an umbrella and providing shade for him.

“Mister, I made you some snow fungus! Please try it!”

“Oh, you don't have to trouble yourself next time!”

Chen Hao placed his tea down and smiled.

Yu gave a sweet smile as she stared at Chen Hao.

For some reason, Mister’s physique looked as if it was evolving on a daily basis.

A month ago, the muscles on his body were not that defined.

A few days ago however, his muscles suddenly bulked up in size.

But now, his physique had returned back to its normal state.

Yu had seen the very situation with her own eyes twice.

Just then, a bunch of rapid footsteps could be heard.

Shen Wanshan and his unit were running over toward Chen Hao.

The few men behind Shen Wanshan were carrying a guy.

Shen Wanshan said, “Mister, we found this man on top of the mountain. He looked as if he had been

unconscious for a few days. He suffered rather serious injuries and seemed to be dying so I carried him


As he said that, the few of his men carefully placed the dying youth on the ground.

Upon seeing the person, Chen Hao furrowed his eyebrows and his heart skipped a beat.


Lan, who was holding onto a tray, shuddered all over and the tray fell onto the ground.

“Di Hu?”


Chen Hao stood up instantly.

On the other hand, Lan ran over to him while crying.

The dying person was none other than Di Hu, the brother of Tian Long.

At this time, Chen Hao dashed over to Di Hu’s side...novelbin

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